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Chapter 7 Test
A. Multiple Choice: circle the correct letter
1. An increase in the number of factories in the mid-1800s led to
a. an increased dependence on products made in homes
b. an increase in urbanization
c. a decrease in levels of water and air pollution
d. a reduction in immigration from Europe
2. Which change occurred in Southern agriculture in the years following the Civil War?
a. Many freedmen became sharecroppers.
b. Subsistence farming became illegal.
c. Cotton production ended.
d. Most small farms were joined into large plantations.
3. Poll taxes, literacy tests, and the grandfather clause were all created during the late 1800s to
restrict the voting rights of
a. Native American Indians
b. women
c. immigrants
d. African Americans
4. The constitutional amendments (13th-15th) adopted during the Reconstruction period dealt
primarily with the
a. method of choosing United States senators
b. expansion of the rights of African Americans
c. prohibition of the sale of alcoholic beverages
d. extension of voting rights to women
5. During the Reconstruction Era, one reason for the formation of the Ku Klux Klan was to
a. prevent freedmen from exercising their rights
b. encourage immigration from southern and eastern Europe
c. support the South during the Civil War
d. eliminate sharecropping in the Southern States
6. What is the best title for a book chapter that includes the following topics:
-- River trade expanded by steamboats
-- Turnpikes and the National Road built
-- Erie Canal opened
-- First transcontinental railroad completed
Advances in Transportation
North-South Cooperation
America’s Waterways
New Inventions
This is a debate over Ratification of the United States Constitution between a Republican
and a Democrat. Use this to answer question number 7 and 8.
Speaker A: “Our liberty depends on guaranteed individual rights. Citizens with these rights will
be able to make decisions for the good of the whole nation.”
Speaker B: “I admire your optimism; however, only a well-educated group of elected officials
should be trusted to make decisions for the good of all.”
Speaker A: “We must not allow the rule of a few privileged officials to overpower the will of
average citizens.”
Speaker B: “A strong central government, composed of elected officials, will be acting in the best
interests of all citizens.”
Speaker A: “I fear you are ignoring the needs of the people. There must be a guarantee that the
freedoms of citizens will not be trampled over by a strong national government.”
7. In this debate between Speaker A and Speaker B, Speaker A would most likely agree that the
leaders of the nation should
a. increase rights of White Southerners
b. add a bill of rights to the Constitution
c. increase the power of the national government
d. limit the right to vote to property owners
8. Identify which speaker would be a Conservative-Democrat and which speaker would be a
a. Speaker A ____________________________
b. Speaker B ____________________________
9. After Reconstruction, white Southerners regained control of Southern state governments by
a. ending the Black Codes
b. limiting voting rights of African Americans
c. forcing most African Americans to move to the North
d. limiting the sharecropping system to whites, only
10. According to the Black Codes, African Americans
a. could testify in court
b. could own a gun with permission
c. could serve on a jury
d. could vote if given permission
B. Historical Analogies: Circle the relationship that is most similar to the given relationship
11. arm : body
a. amendment : constitution
b. finger : ear
c. carpetbagger : white southerner
d. freedmen: plantation
12. carpetbaggers: white northerners helping blacks
a. William Holden : Confederates
b. slaves : masters
c. scalawags : white southerners helping blacks
d. scalawags : white supremacists helping blacks
13. Republican party : Civil Rights
a. Republican party : slavery
b. Democratic Party : Black Codes
c. Democratic Party : Freedmen
d. Democratic Party : Impeach Andrew Johnson
C. Reading Response
The Myth of the Lost Cause
This selection reflects the pride of the confederacy that has been passed down for generations.
During the Civil War, Confederates believed the South was a new country, entirely
separate from the United States. After the Confederates lost the war, many southerners remained
proud that they had fought so long and hard. They believed a smaller country (the Confederacy)
had the right to protect itself from a larger one (the Union). This idea became known as the
“myth of the lost cause” because the Confederates lost the war.
For generations, many southerners honored the “lost cause.” In fact, some people still
believe it today. They celebrate former Confederate leaders and soldiers, and they role play Civil
War battles. Tourists travel to the South every year to watch these re-enactments.
At the end of the Civil War,
the South celebrated its victory over the Union army
the North completely ignored its Confederate brothers
many southerners remained proud that they had fought so long and hard
the Confederate states were defeated
15. The “myth of the lost cause” refers
a. to the idea of southerners that a small country, the confederacy, had the right to protect
itself from a larger country, the Union
b. to the South losing the Civil War
c. to the idea of northerners that they were more powerful than the southerners
d. to the fact that the South in actuality lost the war, but were proud of their soldiers
For generations, many Southerners have honored the “lost cause”
by celebrations of the Fourth of July
by celebrating former Confederate leaders and soldiers part in the war
by celebrating Confederate leaders and soldiers and re-enacting Civil War battles
by traveling to the South and enjoying celebrating the Confederacy
D. Use the words given to create a complete, true sentence about the topic
17. Topic: Rise of Populists, words (farmers – Populists Party – government)
18. Topic: Grandfather clause, words (man – vote—1867)
E. Short essay response
19. Families were often part of a farming system known as sharecropping. How did this system
often create a cycle of debt for the farm family?
20. How did the views of the Conservative-Democrats cause conflicts for Republicans and
F. 2 political cartoons. Put answers below
# 1 Political Cartoon:
#2 Political Cartoon: