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WWII Study Guide (Test: Feb. 9/10)
Key Terms
Benito Mussolini
Adolf Hitler
Joseph Stalin
Neville Chamberlain
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Winston Churchill
Harry Truman
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Douglas MacArthur
Chester Nimitz
Robert Oppenheimer
Treaty of Versailles Provisions
Stab in the Back Theory
Mein Kampf
Totalitarian Dictatorships
Weaknesses of League of Nations
Rhineland (occupation)
Spanish Civil War
Austrian Anschluss
Munich Conference/Appeasement
Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact
Invasion of Poland/Start of WWII
Axis Powers
The Allies
Miracle at Dunkirk
Battle of Britain
Nuremberg Laws
Concentration v. Extermination Camps
Wannsee Conference/Final Solution
Nuremberg Trials
Neutrality Acts of 1935, 1936, 1937
Cash & Carry
Neutrality Acts of 1939
Selective Training and Service Act
Destroyers for Bases
Lend Lease Act
Atlantic Charter
Japanese Imperialism
Oil Embargo on Japan
Dec. 7, 1941
Goal of Pearl Harbor attack
Pearl Harbor/Significance
Impact of WWII on Depression
Rationing/Victory Gardens
War Productions Board
Price Controls
Rosie the Riveter
Women in WWII
Executive Order 9066
Korematsu v. U.S.
Impact of War on Minorities and civil liberties
Double “V” Campaign
Executive Order 8802
Bracero Program
Zoot Suit Riot
Battle of Stalingrad
Operation Torch
“Soft Underbelly” of Europe
Battle of the Bulge
Dresden Firebombing
Yalta Conference
Potsdam Conference
Iron Curtain
United Nations
Bushido Code
Bataan Death March
Doolittle Raids
Battle of Midway
Island Hopping
Battle of Leyte Gulf
Iwo Jima
Firebombing of Japan
Manhattan Project
See Back Page for Short Answer Questions
1. Be able to place the following events in chronological order:
a. Treaty of Versailles, Great Depression; Hitler’s Rise to Power; Neutrality Act of 1935; Munich
Conference; Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact; Invasion of Poland; Destroyers for Bases Deal; Lend Lease
Act; Attack on Pearl Harbor; US Declaration of War; Battle of Anzio; D-Day; Battle of the Bulge; Battle of
Iwo Jima; VE-Day; Okinawa; Dropping of the Atomic Bomb; VJ-Day
2. For the terms listed above…be able to identify the significance!
3. Be able to discuss the long term impact of WWII…(UN, Cold War, Arms Race, etc.)
4. How did the economic turmoil of the Great Depression help pave the way for the rise of Fascists like Hitler and
the Nazi’s?
5. In what ways did the terms of the Treaty of Versailles help Hitler rise to power? Why?
6. What was the “Stab in the Back Theory?” Who did the Nazi’s blame for Germany’s defeat in WWI?
7. Discuss the effect of the League of Nations in the 1930s in Europe. Why was it so ineffective?
8. What motives did Japan have for acquiring an East Asian Empire?
9. Defend this statement: The lack of a response by the League of Nations to Japan’s invasion of Manchuria, set off
a wave of aggressive land grabs by Totalitarian leaders. Be specific/provide examples.
10. In his first two years in office, how did Hitler directly break the covenants of the Treaty of Versailles? Provide at
least 3 examples.
11. What was the significance of the Spanish Civil War?
12. Provide 5 examples of German, Italian, and Japanese aggression in the 1930s? What was the response of
countries like Britain and France as well as the rest of the League of Nations? Why?
13. How did the discrimination/attacks on Jews escalate from 1933-1945?
14. What role did Germany’s defeat in WWI play in growing anti-semitism in the country?
15. What factors prevented Jews from being able to escape persecution in Germany? (hint: discuss immigration
policies, etc.)
16. What was the Final Solution? What impact did it have on populations in Europe?
17. How did America’s involvement in foreign affairs/WWII shift from the mid 1930s to 1941?
18. Describe growing Japanese aggression in the 1930s, leading up to Pearl Harbor.
19. What were the possible motives for the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor?
20. What was the result of Pearl Harbor? Significance?
21. What measures did the government take to mobilize public support for the war effort? What contributions did
women, African Americans, and Native Americans make to the war effort?
22. What was the U.S. government’s policy toward Japanese Americans? What was the significance of the case
Korematsu v. U.S.? What civil liberties did this policy come in conflict with?
23. How did WWII impact the lives of women and minorities in the United States?
24. What was the significance of the D-Day invasion?
25. What was the U.S. strategy in the Pacific? What were the battles in the Pacific?
26. What was the Manhattan Project? What effects did it have on WWII and the post-WWII world?
27. What were the effects of WWII on the major powers?
28. What was the significance of the Yalta and Potsdam Conferences? How did these impact relations between the
US and Soviet Union after the war?
29. What factors contributed to Harry Truman’s decision to drop the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
30. What were the long term effects of dropping the atomic bombs?
31. What was the significance of the Nuremberg Trials following WWII?