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Date_________________________ Mods: ___________
AP Environmental Science
For each set of matching statements below place the letter that goes with the correct statement next to
each item. Use your textbook and any notes to help you find the correct answer.
_____ Rachel Carson
_____ John Muir
_____ Henry David Thoreau
_____ Aldo Leopold
_____ Ralph Waldo Emerson
_____ Robert Malthus
_____ Garrett Hardin
a. lifeboat ethic
b. conservationist, founder of the Sierra Club
c. game management, A Sand County Almanac
d. wrote Silent Spring, attention to pesticides
e. 19th century, critic of rampant economic development
f. Walden, truth & understanding found in nature
g. 19th century, animals tend to overpopulate
_____ N2
_____ NO3_____ NH4+
_____ NO2_____ NO
_____ HNO3
a. nitrous oxide gas in atmosphere
b. ammonium ion, breakdown of organic molecules
c. nitric acid, acid precipitation
d. molecular nitrogen 78% of atmosphere
e. nitrite ion, formed by soil bacteria
f. nitrate, nutrient for plants, formed by soil bacteria
_____ Endangered Species Act
_____ FIRFA
_____ CWA
_____ Superfund (CERCLA)
_____ CAA
_____ Bhopal, India
_____ Exxon Valdez
_____ Three Mile Island
_____ Chernobyl, Ukraine
_____ Donora, PA
_____ Love Canal, NY
a. first documented air pollution disaster in U.S., 1948
b. Union Carbide pesticide disaster, 1984
c. Alaskan oil spill, 1989
d. toxic waste leaking from old dump site, 1978
e. U.S. nuclear accident, 1979
f. greatest nuclear disaster, 1986
_____ Kyoto Summit
_____ Earth Summit – Rio
_____ Montreal Protocol
_____ CITES
_____ Cairo, Egypt
standards of water safety
preservation of species
cleanup of abandoned toxic waste sites
defines air quality standards
safe standards of pesticides
1992, Agenda 21, sustainable development
endangered species trade agreement
conference on population & development, 1994
1997, cut greenhouse gas emissions
cut ozone-depleting gases, 1987
_____ Troposphere
_____ Asthenosphere
_____ Hydrosphere
_____ Lithopshere
a. mantle layer of the solid earth
b. aquatic layer of the earth
c. lowest layer of the atmosphere
d. crust and outer mantle, plate tectonic layer
e. layer where ozone is found
f. above the stratosphere
_____ SOx
_____ NOx
_____ VOC’s
_____ PM10
_____ CO
_____ CO2
a. smoke particles
b. volatile organics, from cars
c. methane, greenhouse gas
d. from cars, forms nitric acid
e. from coal burning power plants, sulfuric acid
f. from burning fossil fuels, greenhouse gas
g. poisonous gas, from cars
_____ Igneous
_____ Sedimentary
_____ Metamorphic
_____ Mineral
_____ Loam
_____ Silt
a. rocks formed from volcanic action
b. mid-sized soil particles
c. pure substances, gold, quartz
d. mixture of sand, silt, clay
e. layered rocks
f. rocks formed with heat and pressure
_____ EPA
_____ FDA
_____ OSHA
_____ DOE
a. oversees food and drug safety standards
b. oversees federal safety standards
c. issues with energy
d. federal agency to implement environmental laws
_____ Anthropogenic
_____ Synergistic
_____Intrinsic value
a. measure of oxygen consumed
b. combined effect greater than sum of parts
c. using organisms to clean up the environment
d. value for its own sake
e. taking care of the environment (Lorax)
f. caused by humans