* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Copy and Paste Exercise-Timeline Using CUT and PASTE with a Timeline. Use CUT and PASTE to arrange a timeline in chronological order and COLOUR to distinguish between different types of events. Use CUT and PASTE to arrange the events in the correct chronological order. The Industrial Revolution - Timeline. LUDDITE RIOTS 1811-1812 Workers who were losing their jobs to new machines in factories broke machines and burnt down factories. If caught, they were sent to prison or hanged. FIRST CHOLERA OUTBREAK 1831 A very infectious disease spread by poor living conditions. Thousands of people died from catching cholera. FIRST IRON BRIDGE BUILT 1779 Abraham Darby built the world's first iron bridge across the River Severn at Coalbrookdale. GREAT EXHIBITION 1851 The Crystal Palace was built in London to show off Britain's wealth and power. Many new inventions were on show. BULL AND BEAR BAITING 1750's People thought it very entertaining to watch dogs attack and kill bulls or bears. FIRST FACTORY ACT 1833 Parliament finally began to control hours and working conditions in the factories. It applied only to children. POOR LAW AMENDMENT ACT 1834 Changed the law so that if poor people wanted help from the rich, they had to go into a workhouse to get it. JAMES WATT'S STEAM ENGINE 1769 Improved steam power and made it more efficient. Soon after it was used to power machines. FIRST COTTON FACTORY BUILT 1771 Richard Arkwright opened a water-powered cotton mill at Cromford, in Derbyshire. FIRST PUBLIC HEALTH ACT 1848 At last Parliament tried to do something about the poor living conditions in the factory areas. Cities could now improve conditions if they wanted to. LIVERPOOL AND MANCHESTER RAILWAY OPENED 1830 This joined Manchester, a major cotton town, with Liverpool, a major port. People all wanted to travel by train. Investors became rich, and many railways were built. FIRST REFORM ACT 1832 Gave middle class men the vote. About 10% of the population could now vote for the government. DAY TRIPS TO THE SEASIDE BECAME POPULAR 1850's The railways allowed people to have cheap days out. Many took advantage, especially as there were no paid holidays yet. ENCLOSURE WAS MADE EASIER 1773 Parliament made it easier for farmers to enclose the open fields and use the new ways of growing crops, so that more food could be produced. FOOTBALL LEAGUE FORMED 1882 Professional football began. Eton beat Blackburn Rovers in the Cup Final