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Fall Anatomy & Physiology Final Review
(Orientation, Histology, Integumentary, Skeletal, Muscular, Endocrine & Lymphatic Systems)
True / False
____1. The pituitary gland is known as the "master gland" because it produces hormones to regulate other glands?
____2. The zygomatic bones are the cheekbones of the face.
____3. Iodine is important for the pituitary gland to function properly.
____4. Smooth muscle cells possess central nuclei but lack striations.
____5. Squamous cells are normally considered to be flattened, scale-like cells.
____6. Ribs numbered 11 & 12 are true ribs because they have no anterior attachments.
____7. Cuboidal shape glandular cells are usually associated with secretion while simple columnar shaped cells are associated with absorption.
____8. The lateral forearm bone that articulates with most of the carpals is the radius.
____9. The atlas is a circle of bone that articulates superiorly with the occipital condyles.
____10. The squamosal suture is between the parietal & temporal bones.
____11. The layer of skin containing translucent cells is the papillary layer.
____12. The layer of skin containing scale-like dead cells, that slough off is the stratum corneum.
____13. The major function of serous membranes would be to reduce friction.
____14. The Saggital suture is between the occipital & parietal bones.
____15. The stratum germinativum is the site of melanin formation.
___16. The epidermis is the vascular region of the skin.
Identify: correctly identify the following major tissue types.
__ 17. Cells of this tissue may absorb & or secrete substances.
__ 18. Transmits electrochemical impulses.
__ 19. Characterized by having large amounts of nonliving matrix.
__ 20. The major function of the cells of this tissue type is to shorten.
Vocabulary: use the correct vocabulary term that best answers these questions.
__ 21. What is another name for a secondary mover or a muscle that helps the primary mover?
__ 22. What endocrine gland produce hormones that work with the sympathetic nervous system and cause the "fight or flight" response?
__ 23. Another name for a primary mover?
__ 24. What gland produces a hormone that stimulates cells in the immune system?
__ 25. The attachment site of a muscle where motion can occur is what site?
__ 26. What gland produces a hormone that is believed to affect the sleep cycle?
__ 27. What gland produces a hormone that maintains the balance of calcium and phosphorus in the blood?
__ 28. What is the control center of cell.
__ 29. When you bend you knee or decrease the angle of the joint it is called what motion?
__ 30. Where are insulin and glucagon produced?
Identify the structure involved by choosing the appropriate vocabulary term.
__ 31. bone cells that can reabsorb bone
__ 32. Site of osteocytes
__33. Longitudinal canal carrying blood vessels, lymphatics, & nerves
_ 34. Nonliving, structural part of bone.
_ 35. bone cells that secrete matrix during ossification
Vocabulary: Use directional terms & regions to identify these areas of the body.
___ 36. The umbilicus is *** to the sternum
___ 37. Brain
___ 38. Spinal cord
___ 39. Spleen
___ 40. Lungs
___ 41. Liver
___ 42. The upper arm is *** to the forearm
___ 43. The fingers are *** to the wrist.
__ 44. The heart is *** to the liver.
___45. The stomach is *** to the spine.
Identify the structure involved by choosing the appropriate vocabulary term.
__ 46. Site of spongy bone in the adult
__ 47. Site of compact bone in the adult
__ 48. Site of hemopoiesis in the adult
__ 49. Delicate lining of the medullary cavity.
__ 50. Fibrous membrane
__ 51. Site of fat storage in the adult
__ 52. Site of longitudinal growth in the child.
Identify the Body systems.
____ 53. Rids body of nitrogen-containing waste.
____ 54. Bed sores due to a lack of blood supply to the skin.
____ 55. Delivers oxygen & nutrients to the tissues.
____ 56. Is damaged when you cut your finger or get a sunburn.
____ 57. Breaks down ingested food.
____ 58. Controls body with hormones.
____59. The membrane that lines the closed ventral cavities of the body.
___ 60. Bones fail to calcify due to a lack of vitamin D.
___ 61. Testis, vas deferens, urethra.
__ 62. Lines blood vessels & the heart.
Name the major muscles described by the function.
63. Used in smiling
64. The “kissing” muscle
65. The prayer muscle, primary head flexion, a 2-headed neck muscle.
66. Used in winking
67. Allows blowing, sucking in your cheeks.
68. Frowning or pouting muscle
69. Abdominal muscle that is the major spine/trunk flexor.
70. Flexes & rotates the trunk, “love handles”
71. Chest muscle that elevates the ribs during breathing.
72. A muscle that allows you to shrug your shoulders or extend your head.
73. Primary muscles that extends the upper arm posteriorly originating from the
lumbodorsal fascia.
74. Abducts upper arm, assists in flexion & extension of upper arm, is an antagonist
to the muscle in #11.
75. Muscle runs the length of the spine & extends the back & head while maintaining
erect posture of the trunk.
76. A synergist of the trapezius in scapular elevation; act to flex the head to the same
77. Small rectangular muscles that act together to square the shoulders. (major &
78. Muscles that allow you to grip a horse’s back w/your legs.
79. The primary muscle group that extends the knee.
80. “Toe dancers’ muscles”, made of 2 muscles.
81. A superficial muscle of the lateral leg; plantar flexes & everts the foot.
82. Primary elbow flexor & supinates the forearm & hand.
83. Agonist to the muscle for # 20.(extends elbow)
84. Supinates the forearm.
85. Long part of the muscle that extends the thumb
86. Long part of the muscle that extends the big toe
87. Chest muscles that flexes & adducts the humerus. (major & minor)
88. The upper calf muscle; flexes lower leg & plantar flexes foot.
89. The lower calf muscle, plantarflexes the foot.
90. Used to extend the hip when climbing stairs, forms buttock.
91.Lymph fluid may also be called
A. plasma
B. blood
C. interstitial fluid
D. serum
92.The function of the lymph nodes is to
A. filter the blood
B. filter the lymph
D. return the lymph to the blood
E. produce blood cells
Questions 93-97 Use the choices below
A. Bone Marrow
B. spleen
C. thymus
E. hemolymph
C. filter the plasma
D. tonsils E. Peyer's patches
93. serves as blood reservoir and filters blood
94. produces lymphocytes
95. small masses of lymphatic tissue in the throat
96. location of the maturation of T-cells
97. small masses of lymphatic tissue in the intestines
98. All of the following are involved in nonspecific defenses EXCEPT
A. tears B. phagocytes C. fever D. physical barriers E. antibodies
99. The Lymphatic System
A. absorbs and returns excess fluid to the blood stream
B. is involved in the absorption of fat in the villi of the small intestine
C. has a role in immune function
D. both A and B
E. A, B and C
100. A cell containing a virus is directly attacked and lysed by a non-antibody producing lymphocyte.
This is an example of
A. humoral immunity
B. nonspecific defense
C. cell mediated immunity
D. passive immunity
E. lymphatic immunity
Questions 101-104 Use the choices below.
A. B-Cells
B. T-Cells
C. Cytokines
D. Antibodies
E. Antigen
101. Cells which are produced in the bone marrow, mature in the thymus and oversee cell-mediated
102. Molecules recognized as foreign by the body.
103. Cells which are produced and mature in the bone marrow.
104. Produced by B-cells in response to foreign molecules found in the body
105. Memory cells are produced by: A. macrophages
C. activated B - cells
D. A and B
B. activated T- cells
E. B and C
106. Immunity that is passed from mother to baby through the placenta or breast milk is called
A. passive
B. active
C. inert
D. sedentary
E. dynamic
Part VIII. Labeling