Download AP WORLD HISTORY The Americas and Central and East Asia

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The Americas and Central and East Asia
Directions: as a group, read through your assigned pages and take notes. Next block, you will present the
information to your peers. It would be very wise of you to know all the information on this page and
accurately explain your section to the rest of the class… hint nudge wink.
MESOAMERICA (p 182 – 189)
Classical Mesoamerica was between ________________________ and consisted of the ____________
and ________ civilizations, while post-classical Mesoamerica was between ________________ and
consisted of the _________________ and _________________ civilizations.
Who were the predecessors to the Maya? When did they die out?
Where did the Maya settle and why?
What type of agriculture did the Mayans develop? What happened as a result?
What were characteristics of Mayan culture?
What were some similarities between the Maya and Teotihuacan?
Why do we know little about the Teotihuacan?
How did the Aztecs and Toltecs come to power?
Explain the social hierarchy in the Aztec civilization.
What were characteristics of the Moche civilization?
How did the Moche and Inca adapt to life in the mountains?
What is the mit’a system?
What was the significance of the khipu?
Describe the social classes in the Incan society.
How did religion affect daily life in the Incan civilization and government?
What developments made the Incan society more advanced?
How was life in North America different from life in Mesoamerica during the Middle Ages?
What two factors characterized life in North America? (What two things did all tribes practice?)
TANG DYNASTY (p 196 – 202)
What events led to the rise of the Tang Dynasty?
How was China reunified?
What were factors that influenced the Tang society?
How did Li Huang stabilize the Tang Dynasty?
How was the government organized in the Tang Dynasty?
Explain the term “Middle Kingdom.”
How did the government change the agriculture system during the Tang Dynasty? What were some
What was the significance of the Grand Canal?
What factors allowed the arts – such as paintings, poetry, and architecture – to flourish?
Why did Emperor Wuzong destroy Buddhist monasteries? What happened as a result?
Why did the Tang fall? (Big surprise, here…)
SONG DYNASTY (p 202 – 206)
What three warlords competed to replace the Tang? What were their ethnicities?
To whom did the Song pay tribute and why?
Why did the Song intentionally weaken its military?
How and why did the bureaucracy expand during the Song Dynasty?
What developments saved the Song Dynasty?
How did the Song revolutionize commerce and agriculture?
How did neo-Confucianism change society in the Song Dynasty?
Why did the Song change its views on women over time?
Why was foot binding developed?
By the 600s, what did society look like in Korea?
What was the relationship between the Silla and Tang Dynasties?
How were politics and religion different in Korea as compared to China?
How did the Chinese influence the development of Vietnam?
Explain the Japanese religion.
How did the geography of Japan impact its development? Compare to another civilization.
Why did the ruling Japanese dynasty never change?
Explain the society in Japan before 1150. Why did it change in the late 1100s?
What is the significance of a shogun and how does it relate to bakufu?
Compare and contrast feudalism in Japan to feudalism in the Middle Ages in Europe.