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Chapter 8: From a World War to a Cold War (Contains Cuban Missile Crisis for SBQ)
Why did Cold War break out?
 This portion of the content deals with the reasons for the outbreak of the Cold War
between the USA and the USSR
Competing Ideologies:
 The Cold War confrontation between the USA and the USSR was a clash between the
opposing ideologies of Communism (USSR) and Democracy (USA)
 Supporters of Democracy felt that Communism was akin to slavery and that only
Democracy could offer freedom. On the other hand, supporters of Communism felt that
workers in Democratic societies were the slaves of the Capitalists
Feelings of Mistrust:
 Feelings of mistrust between Communism and the West began in 1917 when the
Communists first came to power after the 17 October revolution in Russia. This is
because the Communists called for a world revolution which the USA feared would
cause an end to Capitalism and Democracy
 Poor relations with the West continued when Britain, France, Japan and the USA sent
funds and troops to prevent the spread of Communism during the Russian Civil War,
fighting on the sides of the anti-Bolshevik White Armies
 After World War II, the USA and the USSR emerged as the world’s only two
superpowers, both believing in different ideologies. They also had the power to spread
their ideologies to other countries
Wartime Alliances Broke Down:
 After 1945, there was no common enemy (Germany) to keep the USA and the USSR
working together so they both returned to the old relationship of mistrust and suspicion
 While the relationship was still alright, the West and the USSR agreed at the Yalta
conference to temporarily divide Germany and its capital, Berlin, into four zones of
occupation. When the war ended, the leaders of the Allied countries met again in
Potsdam to finalise the discussion started in Yalta
 Tensions began when the issue of who should be in charge of Poland was discussed. The
Allies wanted free elections while the USSR wanted more land as it feared being
attacked through Poland
 The poor relations between the USSR and the West at the Potsdam Conference were a
sign that their wartime alliance had come to an end and that the Cold War had begun
How did the Cold War affect Europe?
 This portion of the content deals with how the outbreak of the Cold War affected Europe
Europe was divided:
 Between 1945 and 1948, Europe was divided into 2 sides – the Eastern European
Communist countries and in the Western European Democratic countries
 The USSR expanded its control over the Eastern European countries by occupying them
with Soviet troops so that the USSR could not be attacked through these countries.
Stalin also set up Communist governments in these countries so that he could influence
them to follow pro-USSR policies. These countries were known as satellite states
The West viewed this policy as hostile and aggressive and criticised the USSR for not
holding democratic elections and oppressing democracy in the satellite states
Churchill described Europe as being divided into two spheres of influence by an “Iron
Curtain” (an imaginary line between the Soviet satellite states in the East and the
Democratic states in the West
Germany was divided:
 Conflicts on how to administer Germany led to a crisis among Britain, France, the USA
and the USSR in 1948
 Despite making agreements at Yalta and Potsdam, in 1948, Britain, France and the USA
joined their separate zones in Germany and created a new currency for their sphere of
influence. This action helped West Germany recover faster from the damage caused by
WW2. The West also had democratic elections for West Germany. However, East
Germany did not have all this as it was under a Communist party under Soviet control
 Seeing the progress made by West Germany, Stalin was afraid that Germany would grow
strong again and be a threat to the USSR. He planned to seize control of West Berlin by
blocking all road, rail and canal links between West and East Germany in 1948. The crisis
became known as the Berlin Blockade. Stalin believed that he could force the British,
French and Americans to leave the city by blocking all supplies of food to West Berlin
 For the USA, it was important to support West Berlin because it represented the
democratic system. The USA was also concerned that if it pulled out of West Berlin, the
Soviets may have invaded West Germany
 Knowing that retaliation by troops would result in a full-scale war, Harry Truman
(President of the USA) deployed a fleet of planes to fly over the blockade and bring food
and supplies to the West Berliners. The USSR could not do anything about the planes as
shooting them down would be a declaration of war
 After 10 months, the USSR realised that it had not succeeded and ended the blockade in
1949. Following the blockade, Germany was separated into two countries – West
Germany and East Germany
The Truman Doctrine (1947):
 In order to prevent Communism from spreading, President Truman announced the plans
for the Truman Doctrine. According to the doctrine, the USA would help other
democratic countries when they were threatened by Communism
 The Truman Doctrine (or Containment Policy) was to force Communism to remain within
its borders by giving money, weapons, fuel and other incentives to countries in danger
of being taken over by Communists
Marshall Plan (1947):
 The Marshall Plan offered financial help to Europe to help it recover from World War II
and to build a prosperous and successful Western Europe which would resist
Communism by giving loans, aid and goods
 The USA believed that with the Marshall Plan, the people of Western Europe would be
more prosperous and less likely to support Communism
 Stalin forbade the Soviet satellites to accept the Marshall Plan
As a result of the Marshall Plan, Western Europe recovered faster from the effects of
WW2 than Eastern Europe. The Marshall Plan also heightened Cold War tensions as the
USSR saw the Marshall Plan as an attempt to spread Democracy and Capitalism through
the use of money
The USSR set up COMECON (Council for Mutual Economic Co-operation) in response to
the Marshall Plan and to encourage trade and co-ordinate the economic policies among
the Communist countries
NATO (1949) and Warsaw Pact (1955) were set up:
 The division of Europe into two spheres of influence and forced the USSR and the USA to
seek allies through military alliances
 The USA built up their forces in Europe through NATO (North Atlantic Treaty
Organisation) in 1949 to defend Europe from Soviet attack
 The USSR and all the Communist countries of Eastern Europe joined the Warsaw Pact in
How did the Cold War affect the rest of the world?
 This portion of the content deals with how the outbreak of the Cold War affected the rest
of the world
China joined the Cold War:
 Having defeated the Nationalists, the Chinese Communist Party took control of China
and proclaimed the creation of the Peoples’ Republic of China in October 1949
 The USA then saw the Communist alliance between the USSR and China as a single,
united enemy determined to control the world
 The USA was also afraid that the USSR would give China nuclear weapon technology as
the USSR had recently tested its own nuclear weapons
Japan became the USA’s main-Communist ally:
 Faced with the threat of Communism, the USA strengthened Japan’s economy and
introduced democratic reforms in order to turn Japan into its main ally in the region. It
also provided Japan with economic aid, new technology, new industrial equipment and
lifted trade restrictions on the country. It also supported Japan’s entry into several world
bodies (IMF, UN, World Bank)
 The USA and Japan also signed the 1952 US-Japan Mutual Security Treaty where the USA
promised to come to Japan’s aid if Japan was attacked. The treaty also allowed the USA
to station troops in Japan
USA’s One China Policy:
 Due to their unfriendly relations, the USA adopted a One China Policy from 1945 to 1972
and refused to recognise the Peoples’ Republic of China (PRC). Instead, it recognised
Taiwan (Republic of China – ROC) as the legitimate government of China
Increased US Support for anti-Communists in Asia:
 Communism in China also led the USA to search for other allies in Asia. In addition to
forming alliances with Taiwan, the USA also sent troops to support anti-Communist
governments in South Korea (1950) and South Vietnam (after 1954)
An anti-Communist alliance to oppose Communist gains in Southeast Asian was formed.
It was called the Southeast Asian Treaty Organisation (SEATO)
The USA also competed with the USSR in search for allies in the Middle East (Israel and
other Arab States) and in Africa (Congo, Angola, etc)
Case Study 1: The Korean War (Can be used to study SS)
 This portion of the content deals with how the Cold War became a “Hot War” with the
Korean War
Circumstances leading to the Korean War:
 Korea was divided at the 38th parallel when Soviet troops took control of the North and
American troops took control of the South upon the surrender of the Japanese in 1945.
Free elections were supposed to have been carried out to reunite the two Koreas under
one elected government
 The USA and the USSR set up governments in both Koreas which supported their
ideology. The USSR gave power to Kim Il Sung while the USA gave power to Syngman
Rhee. North Korea became known as the Democratic Peoples’ Republic of Korea (DPRK)
while South Korea became known as the Republic of Korea (RK)
 In 1949 both parties pulled out their troops but the USSR left behind a well-trained
North Korean Army while the USA left behind a poorly trained and poorly equipped
South Korean Army as it did not want the South to launch an invasion of the North.
However, both Kim Il Sung and Syngman Rhee claimed the right to rule over both Koreas
and there were border raids and conflicts between North and South Korean soldiers
 Kim Il Sung thought that he stood a good chance of unifying the two Koreas under
Communist rule. Emboldened by an announcement that South Korea was not
mentioned in the US defence perimeter, Kim persuaded the Chinese and the USSR to
allow him to invade the South. The USSR and the Chinese provided weapons and
advisors to the North Koreans
Course of the War:
 In 1950, the North Koreans cross the 38th parallel and invade South Korea to reunite it
under Communist rule. The UN called for an immediate ceasefire but was ignored by
North Korea
 A UN force was assembled out of 16 countries and half the soldiers were from the USA.
This force was sent to fight the North Koreans
 The UN forces pushed back the North Koreans to the Yalu River (border with China).
Chinese troops joined in the fight and the UN forces were forced to retreat South. The
fighting continued for two years without a clear winner although peace talks were
 In 1953, both sides stopped fighting but no peace treaty was signed.
Impact of the War:
 Korea:
o 2.5 million deaths (85% civilian)
o 80% damage (Korean factories, transport networks of rails, roads and bridges)
o The 38th parallel remained a division between the two Koreas with the exception
of a demilitarised zone (DMZ) set up at the 38th parallel as a buffer between the
two Koreas. This DMZ is filled with soldiers, barbed wire, land mines and is one of
the most heavily armed places in the world. Korean families are still separated
although from time to time reunions are allowed when relations between the
two Koreas are cordial
o Its entry into the Korean War showed that it was a major military power and
could match a world power like the USA. It grew increasingly confident of its
position in the world and demanded a UN seat which it obtained in 1971
o Felt that the Korean War was successful in containing Communism
o Negotiated alliances with other countries in addition to NATO:
 ANZUS (Australia and New Zealand) – 1951
 SEATO (SE Asian equivalent of NATO) – 1954
o Built up the size of its troops in the Asia-Pacific by stationing troops in South
Korea and Japan
o Became a key US ally in Asia and a model of American democracy for Asian
o It was also turned into a production and supply base for US troops in Korea
during the war. In fact, the Japanese economy boomed because it supplied US
troops with uniforms, equipment and supplies during the Korean War and
recovered from the damage it suffered during WW2
Taiwan (ROC):
o Taiwan was protected by American warships during the Korean War as the US
was afraid that China might use the Korean War to launch an attack on Taiwan
o Military conflicts between Taiwan and China would occur 3 more times in the
Taiwan Straits. There have been artillery attacks on Taiwanese offshore islands
(Quemoy and Matsu) and trade blockades have been imposed on Taiwan
Global Impact:
o The Korean War brought the Cold War into Asia and made it a global war
o The Korean War also showed that smaller countries could use superpowers to
fight their aims (e.g. North Korea drawing USSR and China to try and reunite it
with South Korea)
Iron and Bamboo Curtains:
o Bamboo Curtain was the Asian equivalent of the Iron Curtain
o It consisted of divisions on the Korean Peninsula and between mainland China
and Taiwan