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Unit 7 Assignments for US History: World War II (Chapters 20 and 21)
* exam on week’s assignments and class notes on Wednesday 2/15
Friday 1/27: pages 682-685
1. Benito Mussolini 2. fascism
3. Joseph Stalin
4. Adolf Hitler
5. Manchuria
Questions: 1. Describe the similar ways that Mussolini and Hitler build their fascist states:
2. Describe Stalin's efforts to modernize the USSR
3. Describe Mein Kampf and what it lays out:
4. How did the depression impact Japanese politics?
Monday 1/30: pages 686-691 (up to “The Miracle at Dunkirk”)
1. "appeasement" 2. Poland
3. blitzkrieg
4. France
Questions: 1. Describe the Neutrality Act of 1935 and what it prohibited:
2. Describe the Axis Powers:
3. Where did FDR stand on the "isolationism" vs "internationalism” debate?
4. Describe the Anschluss:
5. How is the Munich Conference an example of appeasement:
6. Who signed the Non-Aggression Pact in 1939, and why?
Tuesday 1/31: pages 691-696 (up to “Jewish Refugees Try to Flee”)
1. Dunkirk
2. Winston Churchill
3. Battle of Britain
4. The Holocaust
5. Nuremberg Laws
Questions: 1. What new tool helped the British to survive the Battle of Britain?
2. Describe “Kristallnacht”:
Wednesday 2/1: pages 696-701
1. "Final Solution" 2. concentration camps 5. Auschwitz
Questions: 1. Describe the plight of Anne Frank, and of the SS St. Louis:
2. Looking at the map / chart on pg 698, describe where the largest
number of Jews were killed - any theories as to why?
3. Describe the debate over why the Holocaust happened:
4. After reviewing the primary sources on pages 700-701, describe
theories as to why average German soldiers could participate in such
atrocities, and how people who saw and experienced such things could
possibly find a way to move on with their lives after the war:
Thursday 2/2: pages 702-707
1. Neutrality Act
2. Election of 1940
3. Lend-Lease Act
4. Atlantic Charter 5. Pearl Harbor
Questions: 1. Describe the America First Committee, and why it butts heads with FDR:
2. Describe the gist of Roosevelt’s “Four Freedoms” speech:
2. Describe increasing US / German clashes in the Atlantic:
3. Describe the motive for and the effects of the US embargo on Japan:
Friday 2/3: pages 714-721 (up to “Women Join the Armed Forces”)
1. War Production Board
2. Selective Service and Training Act
3. "Double V" campaign
4. Tuskegee Airmen
5. 442nd Regiment
Questions: 1. Describe the impact of US industry on the war - why is the US
nicknamed the “Arsenal of Democracy”?
2. Describe segregation in the US armed forces; what motivated
blacks to serve?
Monday 2/6: pages 721-726 (up to “The Battle of the Atlantic”)
1. Women's Army Corps 2. Douglas MacArthur 3. Bataan Death March
4. Battle of Midway
5. North Africa
Questions: 1. Describe the roles of women in the war effort:
1. Describe the Doolittle raid, and how it impacts Japanese plans:
Tuesday 2/7: pages 726-731 (up to “The Housing Crisis”)
1. Battle of the Atlantic
2. Stalingrad
3. "Rosie the Riveter"
4. A Philip Randolph 5. Bracero Program
6. Sunbelt
Questions: 1. Describe the degree to which the government regulates the US
economy during the war, compared to peacetime:
Wednesday 2/8: pages 731-737 (up to Striking the Soft Underbelly”)
1. "Zoot Suit Riot" 2. Japanese internment
3. Korematsu v. US 1944
4. rationing
Questions: 1. Describe the continuing “Great Migration" and its effects:
2. Describe the Casablanca Conference and what is agreed to there:
3. Describe the bombing campaign over Germany:
Thursday 2/9: pages 738-743
1. Dwight Eisenhower 2. Cassino / Anzio 3. D-Day 4. "Island Hopping"
5. Guadalcanal
6. kamikaze attacks
Questions: 1. Describe the motives behind and effects of an Allied invasion of Italy:
2. Describe the Tehran Conference and what is agreed to there:
Friday 2/10: pages 746-751 (up to “Hiroshima and Nagasaki”)
1. Battle of the Bulge
2. Harry Truman
3. Iwo Jima
4. Curtis LeMay
5. napalm
6. Manhattan Project
Questions: 1. Describe how General Patton helped to stave off disaster at the
Battle of the Bulge:
2. Describe the questions involved with a Japanese surrender before
the dropping of the atomic bomb:
Monday 2/13: pages 751-753
1. Hiroshima 2. Nagasaki
3. United Nations
Questions: 1. Describe the decision to drop the bomb - what were the Yes and No
2. Describe the Nuremberg Trials:
3. Why did the Allies win the war?
Tuesday 2/14 : prep for exam on unit 7 on Wednesday 2/15