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Essay Requirements-Ms. Mercante- English II
A Multi paragraph essay must have a minimum of 5 paragraphs: an introduction, three body
paragraphs , and a conclusion.
Introduction Paragraphs:
 Must be at least 3 sentences long,
 contain the title and author of literature if discussing literature (towards the
 A thesis as the last sentence.
o (Thesis must contain the main idea of the essay in one sentence using key words
that will be seen again in the body paragraphs)
Body Paragraph(s):
 Must begin with a topic sentence that states the main idea of the body paragraph.
 It must have three supporting details and three specific examples to give proof for
the supporting details.
 The paragraph must end with a concluding sentence that restates the topic and sums
 Structure should be: TS, SD 1, E1, SD2, E2, SD3, E3, CS.
Be sure to use transitional words like: for example, following, demonstrated by, and etc. in
your paragraph to create clear movement from one idea to the next. Make sure your
paragraph follows a clear logical/chronological order.
Concluding Paragraph: This paragraph should sum up your ideas and must restate (not
repeat) the thesis.
 Use I, me, we, etc. in a paper that is not a personal narrative (your life story)
 Refer to the essay or what you will be doing in the essay.
Do use descriptive words, quotes, and internal citation.
Remember quotes must be embedded into your sentence. A quote by itself isn’t a sentence
without your words attached. Introduce it at the beginning or explain it after the quote,
but work the quote into your sentence.
“Voices of the Holocaust”
Directions: Choose one prompt from the choices below to write a muli-paragraph essay. You MUST use
evidence and examples from the video “Voices of the Holocaust”. You may use quotes and examples from
Night. Use the requirements on the back of this sheet to guide your writing. This is a formal writing
assignment. Give it your all.
Golly D., Frank S., and Joseph K. tell us about Brown Shirts marching and the activities of the
Hitler Youth. Robert S. speaks of being a member of the Hitler Youth at the age of ten. What
do you think might have attracted young people to join the Party? Do you think that you could
have been persuaded?
What is propaganda? How did Hitler and the Nazi’s use propaganda to turn the Germans
against the Jews? Do we have propaganda here in the U.S.? Give examples of propaganda
and how to distinguish it from the truth.
What is racism? What types of racism did the Jews experience during WWII? Do we
experience racism today? How or why not?
Edith P. said, "Had we known enough, I think we would have done more." Why didn't the Jews
leave their homelands after the first signs of persecution and restrictions?
Helen K. said, "We didn't believe what Hitler said or what he was going to do." How do you
think disbelief played a part in decision making for the Jews? Has denial ever played a role in
your decision making, or that of someone you know?
Hanna F. and Martin S. tell us about music and orchestras in the camps. Hanna F., regarding
Auschwitz, says, "We marched to music every morning." Discuss why you think the Nazis used
Discuss what you think Hanna F. means when she says about being tattooed, "They should be
ashamed, not me."
In spite of seemingly insurmountable obstacles, Helen K. tells us about women's role in the
revolt of the crematorium workers in Auschwitz. What does this illustrate about the element of
courage? What do you think courage is?
Joseph K. tells us of how the Nazis killed babies. Define what you think he means when he
says, "Cultured people did this."