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Four Wars in One
1. WW1 resumed - Germany v Britain v. French for
continental hegemony
2. Ideological war - germany v SU, US v Germany.
Democracy and communsim vs. Nazism/Fascism
3. The Pacific War - Japanese-Chinese War, Anglo-AmericanJapanese War
4. War for German or Japanese Succession - war between
Resistance and collaborators or between communists and
non-communist resistance and collaborators
Versailles treaty
o Disarmament, territorial cessions, reparations
o Dilemmas - Germany neither reconciled nor weakened
Maginot Line
o French commitment to defensive military strategy
o Annexation of Austria
Neville Chamberlain
o English Prime Minister who appeased Hitler
o Allowed Czech - Munich Agreement
Battle Of Britain
o Battle proper vs. subsequent blitz
o Parity of fighters
o Germans go from anti-RAF to city-bombing strategy
o British victors
o Rape of
ABCD talks
Icebreaker charges
Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact
o Buying time
o 39 USSR and Hitler
Invasion of SU, 3.3m German troops
Commissar decree
o Shooting of communist officers and Jews
o German command for genocide
o Shooting units - holocaust
o Killing squads 41
o Turning point of war - Zhukov counterattack - Operation
Uranus - Encircles Paulus' 6th Army
o African theatre
o German General
o Told to commit suicide for supposed involvement in
attempted Hitler assassination
British intelligence resulting from decryption of German
MAGIC American
Radar British
o German subs used to disrupt shipment of supplies across
Atlantic to England
o US codename for intelligence derived from cryptanalysis of
PURPLE, a Japanese foreign office cipher
o Only indication of cutting off of diplomatic relations, no
signs of Pearl Harbor
Firebombing city – compared to hirochima Nagasaki german city
Hossbach Memorandum - 1937
Some say it is indication of Hitler intentions
Talks about possibilities for action
Munich Agreement - 1938
o Self-determination for all Sudeten Germans in Czech
o appeasement
Hitler responds to Roosevelt - 1939
o All lies basically
Hitler reveals decision to Commanders of Wermact - Aug
o Deal with Poland - destroy it
Night of the Long Knives - 34
o H had100-200 SA leaders killed
Nazis Soviet Pact - 1939
o Agreed partition of Poland
Maginot line - 1939
o French thought Germans would attack there
Look up four different wars
Atlantic Charter – American British pact – soverengty of all
people 41
o Public statement of democratic solidarity
Battle of Midway - 1942
o Americans defeat Japanese - sink their aircraft carriers
Pearl Harbor - Dec '41
Modus Videndi – attempted peace aggreement
o Peace in pacific
o Japanese withdrawing troops
Hull Memorandum Hull Note
o Declared end to Modus Vivendi
o For peace, Japan would have to go back to geo-political
situation of 1920s
o Last possible agreement before war
o Zhukov in charge of defense
collateral damage war costs Rosie the Riveter – represented women that worked during war in manufacturing plants
Gold Star mothers – for mothers who lost sons during war
Morgenthau Plan- plan to completely disemember germany and bring it back agrarian
state – never passes
Office of War Information – office created – consolidated info and did overseas
Colin Kelly, The Fighting Sullivans – mythic American heros
Dollar a Year Men – volunteered to work for a dollar for US government during war
Marshall Plan – Rebuilding Europe post WWII – George Marshal Dr. Spock's, Conant – raising children
McArthur – vehement anti communist
Ostmark - austria
Alsace-Lorraine – region in France
Italian Social Republic – Mussolini’s gov
New Order – anti-semetic, vichy, united Europe, moral rehab, japan
Doriot – communist turned collaborator – fascist
SS – german Hitler polic force
Jewish Councils (forced collaborators) – inside camps and in ghettos
Petain – head of vichy, WWI celebrated general
Armistice – French giving – free south of france
III Republic – government of france
Popular Front – Leon Blum
Laval – 2nd in command of Vichy
Jewish roundups summer l942 (Vel d'Hiver; Drancy) – French roundups (orchestrated by
Milice – French Gestapo – Vichy police – fought against resistance
Badoglio armistice – south of italy surrendered
Greater East Asia Conference in Tokyo, Nov. 1943 – reps from Thailand, Burma ,
Philipines, Manchuria and Wang Chingwei of China. Japan promises independence
The German Resistance: 20th of July plot: General Beck, Kreisau Circle, von
Moscow – conference – Russia wants US Britain to commit to second front Harriman – American to Russia
Teheran Conference – BIG 3 – 1943 – bad for Americans
Yalta – 1945 – big 3 – all countries will have elections, final german defeat, post war
plans, entrance of USSR in Japan
Potsdam declaration– 1945 unconditional surrender of Japan except the emperor will stay
in power
Potsdam agreement – policy of occupation and reconstruction of Germany – they split it
Warsaw uprising – russians don’t help poles because of conflicting politics
Doenitz – next german ruler
Final Solution – to kill all jews – after 41 – under cloud of war
Auschwitz trials – tried former staff of nazi at auschwitz
Tokyo Tribunal – tries leaders of Japan, crime against peace, war crimes, and crimes against humanity – Hirohito not tried
EPURATION – PURGES IN FRANCE AFTER/LIBERATION Quisling – head of Norway collaborator
Chunking - Capital of Free China – government of Chiang Kai-shek – Chinese
Leyte Gulf - largest naval battle in history – serious defeat
Manhattan Project – atomic bomb
Nanking massacre – rape of nanking Chinese crushed by Japanese - 1937
Labour Party – british who kicked out Churchill after the war
Argentia Bay – US military bay
Coral Sea – Battle Japanese and US – no clear victor
Leyte Gulf – US Japanese battle – Americans
December 7th, 1941 – Pearl Harbor
June 6, 1944 – D-Day
June 22nd, 1944 – Barbarrosa
Hiwi – collaborations Eastern Europe – jew killer
Quisling – nowergean collarborator
Ba Maw – Burmese – collaborationist
Chiang Kai-shek – independent Chinese
Suhas Chandra bose – Indian collabo
Kursk – Tank battle Soviet victory in Russia
Maidanek – concentration camp
Treblinka – concentration camp
Liberator – bomber
Spitfire – fighter plane
Zero – fighter plane
Anzio – allied landing in italy
Dieppe – allied landing in France
The Bulge – Hitler tried last counterattack
Beveridge – british economist – welfare state
Bymes –
Speer – architect of their rech
Hiroshima – atomic bomb
Kyoto – fire bomb
Toykyo – fire bomb
Guadalcanal – campaign between Japanese + Americans - naval
Iwo Jima – Land battle
Midway – water battle
Yamamoto – Japanese naval commander
Nimitz – American general
MacArthur – American general
Dieppe – landing in france failed landing 1944
Dunkirk – English curshed in france 1940
March 23 1939 – Czech invasion
September 1st – 1939 – invasion of Poland
June 22nd, 1941 – barbarosa
B-17 - american bomber
Me 109 – german fighter plance
P 51 – American fighter
Dachau- in germany
Treblinka in Poland
U-235 – uranium
U – 505 german U boat
U-238 uranium isotope
Enugma – encrypting machine German
MAGIC- US intelligence of Japanese
Torch- operation Torch, north African 1942
Home Army – polish underground army
Milice – French Gestapo
Combat – French resistance
Rommel- German Commander
Slim- Australian field marshal
Wavell – British field marshal
Ho-Chi Minh- Vietnamese communist
General government – named given by Germany to Poland
“a day that will live in infamy” FDR
“their finest hour” Churchill
“blood, toil, tears” Churchill
“we shall fight on the beaches” Churchill
“lost battle, not a war…”
Beveridge Plan – social plan british ‘42
Five- year plan – Stalin plan for socialist econmy ‘28
Four-year plan – Nazi party ‘36
Robert Oppenheimer – A Bomb maker
Wernher von Braum –
Wener Heisenberg – Physicist A Bomb
“G.I. Joe” - WWII America propo
“Uncle Joe” – FDR’s call him (stalin)
Bretton Woods- UN monetary and financlial – IMF/World Bank
San Fransico – peace treaty with japan
Pakistan – established in 1947 (with Israel after war)
Patton – American general pacific
Wainright – US general pacific
Katyn – polish massacre by soviets
Kritallnacht – night of broken glass – first holocaust thing
Wannsee – decision to go through with final solution and kill jews
FUBAR/SNAFU all fucked up acronyms