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Comparing European Economies: United Kingdom, Germany, & Russia Directions: After reviewing the PowerPoint on European Economies, fill in the chart below with information that you have learned. Economic System What to produce? Business United Kingdom How to produce? Business and Limited Government Natural Resources Coal, petroleum, natural gas, iron ore, lead, zinc, gold, tin Arable Land 24.88% 33.25% Literacy Rate 99% Unemployment Rate 7.2% Live in Poverty 16.2% GDP Per Capita Economic Problems $37,500 -unemployment -depletion of natural resources -improving public services (which means that the country will have to raise taxes.) 99% 5.3% 15.5% $39,500 -modernizing the former East German economy (annual transfers from west to east of $80 billion) -unemployment -over depletion of natural resources -pollution -improving public service (which means that the country will have to raise taxes.) -24.88% arable land to use for farming Who to produce for? Consumers Economy MIXED ECON What to produce? Business Germany How to produce? Business & limited gov’t Who to produce for? Consumers Economy MIXED Coal, lignite, natural gas, iron ore, copper, nickel, uranium, potash, salt, construction materials, timber 33.25% arable land Russia What to produce? Business Oil, natural gas, coal, minerals, timber How to produce? Business and limited government 7.11% arable land Who to produce for? Consumers Economy MIXED ECONOMY 7.11% 99.7% 5.8% 11% $18,100 -natural resources are difficult to use because of the harsh climate, size and few navigable rivers. -moving away from the former command economy of the Soviet Union and letting the public have a greater influence on the economy -unemployment