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Genetics Practice Problems - Simple Worksheet
For each genotype below, indicate whether it is Homozygous (Ho) / Dominant (D) or Recessive (r) /
Heterozygous (He) / Purebred (P) / Hybrid (Hy)
DD Ho / D / P
cc Ho / R/ P
Bb He / Hy
Yy He / Hy
TT Ho / D / P
rr Ho / R / P
NN Ho / D / P
Jj He / Hy
2. For each of the genotypes below determine what phenotypes would be possible.
Purple flowers are dominant to
Brown eyes are dominant to blue
white flowers.
PP Purple flowers
BB Brown eyes
Pp Purple flowers
Bb Brown eyes
pp White flowers
bb Blue eyes
Round seeds are dominant to
wrinkled seeds.
Bobtails in cats are recessive.
Round seeds
Rr Round seeds
rr Wrinkled seeds
TT Long Tails
Tt Long Tails
tt Bobtails
3. For each phenotype below, list the genotypes (Use the letter of the dominant trait)
Straight hair is dominant to curly. Pointed heads are dominant to round heads
SS straight
PP pointed
Ss straight
Pp pointed
ss curly
pp round
4. On the back of this handout, set up and complete Punnett Squares, then determine
the 3 Genotype percentages and 2 Phenotype percentages for each of the crosses listed
Round seeds are dominant to wrinkled seeds.
What percentage of the offspring will be
Rr x rr
round? _______________
What percentage of the offspring will be
RR x rr
round? _______________
What percentage of the offspring will be
RR x Rr
round? _______________
What percentage of the offspring will be
Rr x Rr
round? _______________
Genetics Notes Review (Fill in the Blanks)
1. _________________________ refers to physical or visible characteristics that are studied in genetics.
2. _________________________ refers to the genetic makeup of an organism.
3. Factors that control traits are called ____________________________
4 The different forms of a gene are called _________________________
5. Scientists call an organism that has two different alleles for a trait _________________ or ______________.
6. Scientists call an organism that had two similar alleles for a trait _________________ or _______________.
7. To a geneticist, the notation rr means two __________________________ alleles
8. To a geneticist, the notation Rr means one ____________________ and one ____________ allele
9. __________________________is the likelihood that a particular event will occur.
10. An organism that has two identical alleles for a trait is ____________________________.
12. A heterozygous organism has two ______________________________ alleles for a trait.
13. Codominance or ________________ Dominance means the alleles are _______________________ dominant nor
14. An example of Codominance between a red carnation and white carnation would result in a _____________
15. Any change in a gene or chromosome results in a ______________________________.
16. A mutation may be _________________ , _____________________ or _____________________ to an organism.
If a homozygous Red Feathered Cardinal (RR) is crossed with a homozygous Brown Feathered Cardinal (rr),
what is the probability that an offspring will be a Red Feathered Cardinal? __________%
1. AA Ho/P/D
Bb He/Hb
Cc He/Hb
2. PP purple
Pp purple
Pp white
3. SS
Ee He / Hb
ff Ho / P / R
Gg he / Hb
HH Ho / P / D
BB Brown
Bb Brown
bb blue
Ii He / Hb Mm He / Hb
Jj He / Hb nn Ho / P / R
kk Ho / P /R
oo Ho / P / R
LL Ho / P / D Pp He / Hb