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Young-suk You
Prof. Silverman
AMM103 Principle of Management
March 14, 2007
Review Questions;
1. Communication is the act of transmitting information.
2. Interpersonal communication is an interactive process between individuals that
involves sending and receiving verbal and nonverbal messages.
3. Misunderstanding can occur when a speaker thinks he or she was being
understood. The problems can arise from conflicting or inappropriate
assumption, such as questions that go unanswered, points that are
misunderstood, and meaning that are misinterpreted, as well.
4. Semantics is the science or study of the meanings of words and symbols. The
problems involved in semantics are of two general types; some words and
phrases invite multiple interpretations and the groups of people in specific
situations often develop their own technical language, which outsiders may or
may not understand.
5. Perception deals with the mental and sensory processes an individual uses in
interpreting information she or he receives. Different people perceive the same
information differently because each individual’s perception is unique.
Since emotions affect our disposition to send and receive the communication,
just as perception does, we should try to manage the emotional as well as the
physical communication environment.
Feedback is the flow of information from the receiver to the sender. It informs
the sender whether the receiver has received the correct message.
Active listening involves absorbing what another person is saying and
responding to the person’s concerns.
Nonverbal communication is an important supplement to verbal communication
and sometimes can even change the meaning of verbal communication.
Nonverbal communication is an effective way to communicate emotions.
10. a. E-mail → provides for high-speed exchange of written messages through the
use of computerized text processing and computer-oriented
communication network.
b. Grapevine → consists of the informal channels of communication that
develop within the organization as a result of common
hobbies, home towns, lunch breaks, family ties, and social
relationships among employees.