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Allen Namoca
Pd. 7 U.S. Government
May 15, 2012
Final Assessment
Research Based Outline
Title: United States in the World Economy
I. Topic: The United States started off as the first Thirteen Colonies, where it later began
to grow from western expansionism to foreign territories. It’s economic growth
increased by a large amount over the past years ever since America was founded.
II. Thesis: The United States was impacted by many assets, nationally and
internationally, where it was affected economically by the Louisiana Purchase,
Spanish-American War, and Reciprocity Treaty of 1875.
III. Body:
A. Louisiana Purchase
In 1803, the Louisiana Purchase was considered as the most significant
and great event towards westward expansion in the United States.
"It was the beginning of the meeting of multi-cultural frontiers. The
Louisiana Purchase changed what the United States had been and had a
profound effect on what the United States would become".
It served as vital role for President Thomas Jefferson's presidency and
mainly to obtain the Mississippi River and use New Orleans as a port;
this river was and still is used as a trade and transportation route.
The amount of territory that the country owned began to display the
United States’ power and wealth as it continues to expand and grow.
B. Spanish-American War
The war was sparked due to an accident with the American ship called
the Maine where its engines malfunctioned and exploded, American
then blamed Spain for causing such 'sabotage'.
The treaty proposes where Spain "relinquishes all claim of sovereignty
over and title to Cuba. And as the island is, upon its evacuation by
Spain, to be occupied by the United States, the United States will, so
long as such occupation shall last, assume and discharge the obligations
that may under international law result from the fact of its occupation,
for the protection of life and property", as mentioned in the Article 1 of
the peace treaty.
The main point derived from this situation was the result of the war,
where the Treaty of Paris of 1898 was signed to resolve the issues of
distribution of land and to put an end to such pointless 'accidental'
This most likely gave America an advantage, especially economicwise. It is considered a good advantage because of the fact that the
more territory America obtains, the more power it displays; America
relies on foreign countries for certain goods that could not be produced
in its own country.
C. Reciprocity Treaty of 1875
According to the Reciprocity Treaty of 1875 between Hawaii and the
United States, this treaty served a purpose to 'strengthen' ties between
these two. This treaty served as a great economic advantage where it
gave the United States the privilege of marketing sugar and other goods
that came directly from Hawaii.
The first two articles regard about this treaty's purpose stating, "For and
in consideration of the right and privilege granted by the United States
of America in the preceding article of this Convention, and as an
equivalent therefor, His Majesty the King of the Hawaiian Islands
hereby agrees to admit all the articles named in the following schedule,
the same being the growth, manufacture, or produce of the United
States of America, into all the ports of the Hawaiian Islands free of
The purpose to why America annexed Hawaii as a state was because it
served a purpose as a perfect trading port and naval base. Goods
directly from Hawaii were worthwhile as well to the United States.
Hawaii was proven to be a great asset towards the United States. This
treaty served as a great economic advantage where it gave the United
States the privilege of marketing sugar and other goods that came
directly from Hawaii.
IV. Conclusion: America’s westward expansion had already foreshadowed the future of its
country, where it will begin to expand even across seas, like to Cuba. As the
economy flourishes, the country expands as well.