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Write a short note about the Restoration in Literature.?
1- First period – ends with the death of Dryden in (1700):
a. A new refinement based on the sound perusable of what is right and wrong was brought to
England Literature.
b. Poetry and Prose came to be characterized by an easy social style, while in the theaters comedy
was triumphant.
2- Second period – ends with the death of Alexander Pope and Jonathan Swift in (1744, 1745):
a. It reached out to a wider settle of readers with special satirical attention to what is a fitting and
b. The works of this brilliant generation of writers were conservation (not modern) and playful.
c. They cast a strong light on modern times by viewing them through the screen of classical myths
and forms.
3- Third period – ends with the death of John Smith in (1784):
a. It confronted all principles with revolutionary ideas that would come to the floor in the romantic
b. Many typical literary forms of the modern world including the novel, biography, history, travel
writing, and journalism began to develop with sureness during the restoration period, when new
scientific discoveries and philosophic concepts as well as new social and economic conditions
came into play. A lot of Pamphlet Literature based on political and religious views very much
2- Write a short note on about the features of the new classical age?
Literature in that period was called Neo-classical Literature. People believed that all issues should
be discussed by reason. The 18th century writers believed that ancient (old) works of Greece and
Rome were the best works, therefore the term Neo-classical meant imitation (copy) of Greek and
Roman models in a new way. The leader of Neo-classical movement was John Dryden. The theme
of Neo-classical appeal to the mind on intellect rather than emotions. The imagery that used was
control restricted and sober. Images were taken from Greek methodology or drawn from life. The
form of poetry called sonnets was completely died out. They insisted on a set poetic style which
was based on the heroic couplet.
3- Write a short note on Pope's concept of a happy man (who according to him is a happy
In his poem Ode to Solitude, Alexander Pope expresses the concept of a happy man, how a man
can be happy and what he should be. The poet says that, a man if he wishes to be a happy, he has
to inherit a land from his father and works in that land, satisfied to breath the air of countryside in
his own earth, with cows, gives milk. And care about the fields and the harvest, because it is his
food in this place. However, a happy man, who finds time to do his works in an easy way and with
his full health and lives in peace of mind. Also, he is concerned on study in easy way and have
recreation and entertainments. Happy is the man who is innocence and he has the time to imitate
on life
4- Write a short note of mock-epic.
It is a form of satire that appeals to the sophisticated audience. It ridicules contemporary morals,
manners, or social institution. Trivial events and common place, absurd or affected characters are
described in a night lofty style to mock theme. The poet adopts the same ways the classics wrote
their epics. He uses heroic couplets, high language and classic allusions while choosing a funny
subject. This contrast between the subject and the technique arouses laughter. An example is
Pope's The Rope of the Lock.
5- write a short notes in heroic couplet ?
A meter consisting of two lines of 10 syllables each iambic meter rhyming together. It is called
heroic for it was the typical measure used since ancient times in epic or heroic poetry to narrate
the expiate of the heroes.
6- write a short notes about the mock heroic motifs that run through the scene of
Belinda's toilet ?
The scene is giving a religious touch in which Belinda herself is a priestess and her image in
the mirror is the goddess she serves. This parody of the religious rites before a battle gives way
than to another kind of mock-epic scene that of the ritualized arming of the hero, comps, pints,
and cosmetics take the place of weapons as "awful beauty puts on all its arms".
7- Write a short notes on historical perspective ?
There were two great event took place in the world:
1\ achievement of American Independence./2\ the French Revolution.
Both of them had far reaching influence in the social and economic-structure of the world and
mans way of thinking completely changed.
8- Write a short note about the French Revolution.?
Soon after the American Revolution, there was a revolution in France. French society, during this
time, was divided into three classes or ‘estates’- the clergy, the nobility and the commoners. The
king and the royal family, along with the clergy and the nobility, lived in great luxury. All
political power was concentrated in their hands. They owned vast quantities of land and paid no
taxes. The entire tax burden was borne by the common people comprising of the merchants, the
artisans and the peasants. The merchants, despite being tax-payers, were denied political rights.
The peasants too were extremely unhappy as they were always on the brink of starvation.
French was ruled by the aristocratic and monarch. The French revolution involved not merely the
abolition of French monarchy, but a wiping out of the whole aristocratic system and on attempt to
reconstruct a society and state based on Liberty, Equality and fraternity.
9- Write a short note on the differences between the classical school and the romantic school.
 Wordsworth chose language of the common people on the vehicle of his poetry to express
the deepest and rarest passions and feelings. This was the first point of attack on the
artificial and formal style of classical poetry.
 Another attack was that the classical school insisted on the town and artificial way of life.
Wordsworth wanted the poet to breathe fresh air of the hills and beautiful natural scenes
and become interested in rural life and simple folk living in the lap of nature.
 Wordsworth attacked the supremacy of the heroic couplet and substituted it by simple and
natural diction.
 Diverted the attention of the poet from the artificial town life to the life in woods.
 Asserted the inevitable role o imagination and emotions in poetry as against dry
 He emancipated the poet from the tyranny of literary rules and conventions which
circumscribed his freedom of expression.
 His revolt against the classical school was in keeping with the political and social
revolutions of the time as the French Revolution and the American war of Independence.
 Just as the liberty of the individual was the watchword of the time in the some way liberty
of the poet from the tyranny of literary rules and conventions was the watchword of new
literary movement called the Romantic Revival.
 In the poems which were contributed in the lyrical Ballads Wordsworth dealt with everyday
events in Layman's language. To the share of Coleridge fell subjects as were supernatural.
Wordsworth's naturalism and Coleridge's supernaturalism thus became the two important
spearheads of the Romantic Movement. Scott's love for the past was another characteristic
of the Romantic Revival.
10- Write a short note on a features of Romantic poetry.?
1. It is the poetry of nature: nature became an essential part of poetry, in the case of
Wordsworth it became almost religion ''pantheism'' (it means a theory or ideology). It is a
believe that a divine spirit pervades each and every object of nature.
2. It is the poetry of man: Alexander Pope said that the proper study of mankind is man that
romantic poets carried this theory to its greatest development.
3. It is the poetry of revolt: Revolt in subject and in form. There were no rules to write
poetry, if these rules meant bonds and confinement every poet was accustomed to write as
the spirit moves him.
4. It is the poetry of simplicity: Incidents were chosen from everyday life and described in a
language rarely used by men. This was a challenge to a classical school with the theory of
correct style.
11- Write a short note in the theme of Melancholy in the Solitary? ?
is singing, her song is sad and sorrowful enough to make us curious as to it's subject. Is she
regretting the passing of happier times in her youth, or childhood? perhaps she is thinking of a
deceased sweetheart whom she will never see again. Wordsworth is both transfixed by the
haunting melody of the song, and intrigued by its singer. Because she sings in Scots Gaelic we
will never know, and so may feel a pang of regret, like the poet as he treads unwillingly away with
the melody still tinkling in his memory
12 - Write a short note about Keats negative capability.?
Negative capability: negative capability is a theory of the poet John Keats, expressed in his
letter to George and Thomas Keats dated Sunday, 22 December 1817."I had not a dispute but a
disquisition with Dilke, on various subjects; several things dovetailed in my mind & at once it
struck me, what quality went to form a Man of Achievement especially in literature & which
Shakespeare possessed so enormously - I mean Negative Capability, that is when man is capable
of being in uncertainties, Mysteries, doubts without any irritable reaching after fact & reason".
Negative Capability= to cut yourself from something. Keats says the negative capability of poet
should be so strong. It means to negate yourself from your inner being and become another thing
e.g. a bird. Imagine that you saw a bird, and this bird eats something. If u want to know his feeling
u have to take our soul from our body and put it in the bird's body.
13- Write a short notes Salient features of Victorian literature ? (Final )
1- Isolation – was the theme in the poetry./2- Pessimism – Hardy and Dickens
3- A moral purpose – A- Talked about the repression of a women. B- Corruption of those in
authority. B- Plight of the poor. C- Literature for children written with moralistic tone. E.g
((Kiplings , Jungle Books , Carolls, Alice in wonderland)).
4- Idealism : believe in truth , love and justice. (A realistic adheren ce to daily life :-- life of lower
classes .- their miserable plight and lacks of social mobility - A mixture of the Romanticism and
Gothic : Brontë sisters novels .)
5- Colonialism and imperialism: Rudyard Kipling's Kim - Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad.
14- Write a short notes in Dramatic monolog ?
A monologue is when a character speaks his or her thoughts aloud, directly addressing
another character, or speaking to the audience. And in this monologue, there is a drama moving.
The characters react to the speaker without speaking.
A dramatic monologue is a form invented by Robert Browning and other Victorians.
Everyone agrees that to be a dramatic monologue a poem must have a speaker and an implied
auditor, and that the reader often perceives a gap between what that speaker says and what he or
she actually reveals. Furthermore, Dramatic monologue refers to a type of poetry. These poems
are dramatic in the sense that they have a theatrical quality; that is, the poem is meant to be read to
an audience. To say that the poem is a monologue means that these are the words of one solitary
speaker with no dialogue coming from any other characters. Think of one person standing alone
on a stage speaking to an audience. Certainly, you are part of that audience, but the poem usually
implies that the speaker is mainly talking to a specific person(s). Dramatic monologue has three
1. The reader takes the part of the silent listener.
2. The speaker uses a case-making, argumentative tone.
3. We complete the dramatic scene from within, by means of inference and imagination.
15- Write an essay on romanticism ?
Romanticism is mainly anti-neoclassicism. It rejects the idea of morals and embraces
emotions and a sense of free spirit; and reason has no place in the romantic period. It is dominated
by feelings—not logic. A very popular author of this time is Jane Austen, whose works depict a
life full of drama: “balls attended, letters and conversations… visits to relatives, and unexpected
social breakdowns such as an elopement, a betrayed confidence, and a broken engagement.” As
you can see, Neoclassical and romantic literature are the exact antithesis of each other
16- Write an essay on the literary characteristics of the romanticism movement. (what was
happened in that time).
Literary Characteristics of the age:
1. Abundant Output:
They surpassed the Elizabethans in their output.
The development of new ideas served as fresh inspiration for poetry.
As far as prose is concerned the yield of the novel was fruitful.
The essay was rejuvenated .
Lot of critical activity.
Most fertile period of English literature.
2. Great range of subjects:
 The classical writers drawn anew by the genius of Keats and Shelley.
 The Middle Ages inspire the novels of Scott.
 Modern times are analyzed in the work of the novelists and the satires of Byron.
3. Treatment of nature:
 Deep and sincere love for nature.
 Wordsworth is the greatest nature poet in English literature. He gave to nature a high status
and made it an independent subject for poetry and developed a fully fledged philosophy
regarding nature.
 Coleridge , Shelley , Byron and Keats are ardent lovers of nature though they can be
distinguished from one another in their attitude to nature.
4. Poetical and Periodical writings:
 The number of periodicals was greatly augmented.
 They produced the best work of Hazlitt, Lamb, Southey and other writers.
5. The influence of Germany:
 Due to the increasing bitterness of the long war between France and England, the French
language lost its hold on English literature.
 In the place of French, the study of German literature gained favor.
 The influence of German literature could be seen in Scott, Coleridge, Shelley , Byron and
many mere.
 By the middle of 19th century German became the most dominating foreign language.
6. American Literature:
Fenimoure Cooper and Washington Irving largely imitated the more nature English products.
17- write an essay about the influence of Germany ?
 Due to the increasing bitterness of the long war between France and England, the French
language lost its hold on English literature.
 In the place of French, the study of German literature gained favor.
 The influence of German literature could be seen in Scott, Coleridge, Shelley , Byron and
many mere.
 By the middle of 19th century German became the most dominating foreign language.
18- essay on who does wordsworth see into the heart of things and reveals the soul that lies
 First stage : his love to nature was simply, a healthy, boy's delighted in freedom and open air.
Second stage : then followed a period of seasons love of nature. He loved nature for has
sensuous beauty.
Third stage : the stage of " dizzy joys " and " aching ruptures "come to an end with his
experiences of human sorrow . He humanized his love of nature .
Furth stage : the spiritual stage – PANTHEISM- the last stage is the stage of spiritual and
mystical interpretation of nature .
19- Write an essay on how does Keats achieve fulfillment through the three symphonies in
his ode to autumn?
Ode To Autumn is known as the subtlest and most beautiful of all Keats odes. It seems generally
agreed that Ode To Autumn is a rich and vivid description of nature.
The first stanza describes the natural process and the remaining two stanzas are sensuous
observations of the consequences of that process: first sights of the harvest in its final stages; then,
post-harvest sounds, heralding the coming of Winter. These three stanzas represent the seasonal
sequence of events: pre-harvest ripeness, late-harvest repletion and post-harvest natural music.
The Autumn of the first stanza is a process and a beneficent agricultural conspiracy,
plotting secretly with the sun to bring ripeness to all. The stanza is aureate. The fullness of nature's
own grace, her free and overwhelming gift of herself, unfailing, is the burden of this ripe stanza,
evoked primarily through the bees and their honey. There is only a slight, but vital premonitory
shading: the later flowers deceive the bees.
As the second stanza opens, we see Autumn already "amid" her score. The promised
overabundance of the first stanza has been fulfilled; the harvest plot has been successful, the
blessing so overflowing that nature's grace abounds.
Autumn is now no longer an active process, but a female overcome by the fragrance and
soft exhaustion of her own labor. She is passive, an embodiment of the earthly paradise, the place
of repose, after the sexual and productive activity hinted at by her having been "close bosomfriend of the maturing sun." However, she is also the peasant girl drunk with the odors and efforts
of gathering, winnowing ,reaping and gleaning.
In the last stanza, Keats praises the red-breasted robin and Winter's other singers and finds
in the pre-departure twittering of the gathering swallows an emblem of natural completion. Winter
descends here as a man might hope to die: with natural sweetness. Whereas Ode To A Nightingale
leaves us with contraries, Ode To Autumn lets warm love in and resolves contraries because there
is no further need for progression.
In this poem Keats presents a beautiful phenomena of the autumn season in a sensuous and
at the same time sensitive language.
First stanza .. - fulfillment- the season of autumn is the season of mists (fogy) and mellow
fruitfulness. the first line itself express the theme it is fruitful and complete life. Autumn comes
after Spring. Autumn you conspire with the sun. As if Autumn is the close friend of the sun. Sun
becomes mature and very bright. Autumn u and the sun decide how to load and bless pure vines.
Keats says u have compilation with the sun and decide how to make the vines loaded and blessed
with fruits . Also to bend the apple trees with heavy and many apples. He chose the apple tree
since it is common in England almost in every house . Also, all fruits should be ripe to the core
(center). Autumn you council the sun to swell the gourd and to make it bigger and bigger. It will
make The hazel nuts become fill of sweet kernel and open their buds. The flowers are going to
bloom for the bees . Bees will suck the nectar until they think that summer will not fade away
because summer make their cells full of honey.
Part 1 is a continuous process which is a sign of fulfillment .He knows that he is going to
die so he is earning for that fulfillment in his life as autumn.
Second stanza .. -stillness = quiet - personified. There is a quality of stillness in this stanza.
He says he is person fine Autumn to a woman. Keats says Autumn u are to be found everywhere
everybody see u setting in a granary floor (where they keep the grains) carelessly .. Like a woman
who sits carelessly on a granary floor her hair soft left to wino by wind or she may be seen laying
asleep in a field that is not yet ripe. It could be because of the poppies smell that's why she feels
dizzy and asleep.
R.C. Moreover , you autumn look like one of the gleaners who put the ripen grains on their
heads and walk through fields staidly and crossing river. Or I can imagine you setting by the apple
juice machines watching the oozing of the juice.
* The last line enhance the poet end is approaching.
Third stanza .. -symphony- The stanza begins with a question. There is no answer to this q
he is just asking. If you (autumn) could not hear the spring music and human activity anymore
since spring is gone, you have your own music .When the sun is about set it becomes red or
orange. And every thing becomes reddish coz clouds reflect the sun red rays. Keats says to
Autumn do not worry u have music like Spring. At evening you can hear the sound of insects
mourning as a willful choir (as a good music band)at the sides of the river. It is the music of river.
You can hear the sheep bleating "maaa maaa" . Also, you can hear the crickets sound . a kind of
bird which is called the red-breast is sitting at a craft and whistling too.
R.C. -Another group of small birds are going back to their homes twittering in the sky. So
Autumn have his own music. It suggests that the music of Autumn is the music of living and
dying . It is a symphony of the season . The songs of the Autumn are considered to be a funeral
dirge of the dying year. The poet seems to suggest that life in all its stages has a certain identity
and beauty which man can appreciate by disengaging his own ego (negative capability).
*You negate yourself from your own ego then you become as another thing.
20- How do the dramatic monologue of Robert explore the soul of characters ? (Final )