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The Exam: 70 multiple choice questions, 3 Free Response Questions. This exam is structured to be
very similar to the AP Exam you will take in the spring (except you will have more time on that one).
This final exam is cumulative. All readings assigned from semester are fair game.
Unit 1 (Chapter 1)
- Historical roles of government
- Freedom, Order, Equality: Old dilemma and modern dilemma (notes)
- Purpose of government
- Procedural view of Democracy vs. Substantive
- Majoritarian vs. Pluralist Model
- Direct democracy and representative democracy (republic)
- 4 ideological types & where they fit on freedom, order, equality
- Power, Authority, Legitimacy
- Readings: Kammen, Putnam
- Elite theory
Unit 2 (Chap. 2 & 3)
- Influences on American Revolution / Enlightenment thinkers: Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau,
Montesquieu, Voltaire
- Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation
- Virginia Plan & New Jersey Plan / Great Compromise
- Judicial Review
- Process of amending the Constitution / informal & formal
- Federalist Papers: #10, #51, #39, #46
- Federalists / Anti-Federalists
- Types of Federalism
- Evolution of Federalism thru history
- McCulloch v. Maryland
- Gibbons v. Ogden
- United States v. Lopez
- Readings: Hoffstader
- Types of grants
Unit 3 (Chap. 4, 7, 8, 12)
- Public Opinion & how it is measured
- Political socialization
- Agents of early socialization & continuing socialization
- Political efficacy
- Trends in American political culture & public opinion
- Different types of media and its development / current trends
- How is the media regulated?
- Functions of the Media in politics
- Media trends in politics today
- Types of political participation
- Voting rights history (How did we get the right to vote?)
- Readings: Lippmann, VO Key, Sabato
- Voter qualifications
Unit 4 (Chap.9, 10, 11)
- Functions / roles of political parties
- The evolution of political parties in U.S. history
- Role of 3rd parties
- Structure of political parties
- Why do we have a 2 party system?
- How does the Electoral College work?
- Types of primaries
- Process of nominating a Presidential candidate
- Campaign Finance Reforms (2002)
- Electoral System: How it works, arguments for and against
- What is an interest group? What are the different types?
- Roles of interest groups
- Types of lobbying
- Readings: Black, Lowi
- Bias of interest groups
Unit 5 (Chap.13)
- Congressional characteristics
- Incumbency advantage
- Gerrymandering
- Shaw v. Reno
- Qualifications for House / Senate
- Pork Spending (What is it? Why good? Why bad?)
- Congressional representation style: trustee / delegate
- Steps in lawmaking process
- Leaders of Congress & their roles in lawmaking process (Speaker of House, Majority &
Minority leaders, President Pro-Tempore, Whips)
- Purpose of committees
- Seniority System
- Congressional Research Office
- Government Accountability Office
- Types of vetoes
- Filibuster
- Readings: In Praise of Pork, Difference Women Make
- Cloture
Unit 6 (Chap. 14 & 15)
- Neustadt Article: power to persuade
Formal & Informal Powers of Presidency
- Roles of a President
- Qualifications & Perks
- White House Office & Executive Office
- Line of Succession
- Independent & Executive Agencies
- Impeachment
- 22nd Amendment
- 25th Amendment
- Iron Triangle
- Issue Network
Unit 7 (Chap. 16, 5 & 6)
- Judicial Review
- Major Supreme Court Periods (Marshall, Nine Old Men, Warren, Burger, Rehnquist)
- How a case gets to the Supreme Court
- Difference between civil liberties & civil rights
- Major Supreme Court Cases involving civil liberties & civil rights
o Schenck v. United States
o Brandenburg v. Ohio
o Gitlow v. New York
o Texas v. Johnson
o Roe v. Wade
o University of California Regents v. Bakke
o Mapp v. Ohio
o New Jersey v. TLO
o Lemon v. Kurtzman
o Baker v. Carr
o Miranda v. Arizona
o Gideon v. Wainwright
o Korematsu v. United States
o Engel v. Vitale
o Brown v. Board of Education
o Plessy v. Ferguson