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Download Plate Tectonics Theory and Boundary Tree Map
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Plate Tectonics Theory and Boundary Tree Map Plate Tectonicstheory that states the Earth’s Lithosphere is divided into tectonic plates that are able to move on top of the liquid-like rock making up the Asthenosphere. Plate Boundarylocation where tectonic plates touch. Boundary Convergent -where 2 plates collide Continental-Continental When collision occurs, they buckle and thicken and are pushed upward Divergent Transform - where plates - where plates separate slide past each -new sea-floor other (horizontal) Forms - as they have - most often into irregular edges mid-ocean ridges they grind and jerk causing earthquakes Continental-Oceanic When collision occurs, denseroceanic crust sinks into Asthenosphere and is re-melted and recycled. The location is called the Subduction zone Oceanic-Oceanic When collision occurs, one of the plates will subduct or sink under the other