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You must do three speller’s choice activities and
your spelling practice test
each week in order to prepare for your spelling
test on Friday. There are
pages in your homework packet for you to
complete these activities. Be sure
to write the name of the activity at the top of each
You may choose any three of the following
**Please choose three different activities!**
1. ABC Order – Write your words in alphabetical
2. Rainbow Words – Use three different colors to
write your words.
3. Vowels and Consonants – Write your words in
crayon or pen. Write each consonant letter
in red and each vowel in blue.
4. Pyramid Words – Write your words adding one
letter at a time. The result will be a
pyramid shape of words! Example: star
5. Spelling City – Go to the website, click on “Find a List”, and
type in
my name – Ginny Shaddix. Then select the week
that we are working on. You can do two
different activities each week from Spelling City.
Write this on your sheet as your choice
and have an adult sign it to say you did your words
on Spelling City! If you choose to do
your practice test on Spelling City, please print it
out and attach it to your homework
6. Computer Fun – Use your computer to type your
words. Use different fonts and make it
look really fun! Be sure you print it out and attach it
to your homework packet.
7. Making Words - Write each spelling word. Next
to each word, write two additional words
of at least three letters that can be spelled using
the letters in the word.
Example – The word pickle can be used to make
the words lick, pick, like, and lip.
8. Secret Code – Write your spelling words in
secret code using the “Secret Code Key” below.
Challenge a parent or sibling to use the code to
decode each word. Correct their work.
Example: glad = 7 – 12 - 1 - 4
9. Spelling Math – Use your secret code to find a
numeric value for each letter and add
these up. Which spelling word has the highest
value? Which word has the lowest value? Do
any words have an equal value?
10. Spelling Sentences – Use all of your words in 10
sentences. Best handwriting please!
11. Word Search – Make and complete a word
search of all your spelling words using Attach it to your
homework packet.
12. Alphabet Pasta – Write your words by arranging
the letters in alphabet pasta or
Alphabits. Glue them on paper or have a parent
write a note in your homework packet
that you did it at home.
13. Ransom Spelling – Cut out letters from
headlines or ads in newspapers or magazines.
Use the letters to spell your spelling words. Paste
the letters in your homework packet.
14. Scrabble Spelling Word Addition – Use the
scrabble letters to find a numeric value for
each letter. Add these numbers up to find a total.
Example; bake: 3 + 1 + 5 + 1 = 10.
Which spelling word has the highest value? Which
word has the lowest value?
15. Memory Match – Write your spelling words on
cards (make two sets) and play “Memory
Match” with them against a sibling or parent. Be
sure to have your parent sign your
homework packet.
Secret Code Spelling
a=1 b=2 c=3 d=4
e=5 f=6 g=7 h=8
i=9 j=10 k=11 l=12
m=13 n=14 o=15 p=16
q=17 r=18 s=19 t=20
u=21 v=22 w=23 x=24
y=25 z=26