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Interpersonal Communication (COM 204TEAM LEARNING)
Spring 2016 Syllabus & Semester Schedule
Communication Studies Department
Dr. Melissa Bekelja Wanzer, Ed. D., Professor Communication Studies Department
Lyons Hall 320
Office Hours:
MW 11:00-12:30 and 2:30-4:30 and by appointment
[email protected]
Eichhorn, C., Thomas-Maddox, C. & Wanzer, M. B. (IN PRESS, 2nd Ed). Interpersonal Communication:
Building Rewarding Relationships. Kendall Hunt Publishers. (Electronic versions of all 12 chapters
covered in this class will be available on D2L)
Course Overview
This three credit team learning course falls under Area V (Social Sciences) in the Canisius College Core
Curriculum, is required for all Communication Studies majors and fulfills a requirement for the Child, Family,
and Community Studies Minor. This course focuses on theoretical and pragmatic aspects of interpersonal
communication in all types of relationships. During the semester we examine interpersonal theories, concepts,
research, and skills anchored in the field of communication. One of my primary objectives is to get you thinking
about how you can enhance your communication skills to improve the quality of all of your interpersonal
College Goals and Objectives for Field Five
Goal1: Students will demonstrate knowledge of human behavior from the perspective of a social science
Objectives: Students will:
 Demonstrate knowledge of the basic concepts and theories of a social science discipline. (A)
 Demonstrate knowledge of research methodologies used in a social science discipline.(B)
Goal2: Students will utilize a social science discipline to critically evaluate social claims.
Objectives: Students will:
 Apply social science concepts and theories to concrete problems of human society.(A)
 Apply qualitative or quantitative analysis to situations in the world.(B)
Department Learning Outcomes
This course will address all primary student learning objectives in the Communication Studies curriculum.
Students will demonstrate advanced skills in analyzing research; application of targeted communication
theories and constructs to specific projects or situations; understanding of the audience; appropriate means of
communication; and the ability to design and deliver effective messages using appropriate channels.
Course Learning Outcomes
By the end of the semester students should be able to:
1) Explain the basics of interpersonal communication (IPC) which includes, among other topics: the
history of IPC, IPC theory, development of the self, verbal and nonverbal messages, perceptual
processes and listening effectiveness.
2) Explain how IPC affects identity formation and self-esteem.
3) Understand the significance of verbal and nonverbal forms of communication.
4) Understand how to communicate more effectively and appropriately using verbal and nonverbal
5) Understand the basic model of communication competence.
6) Identify examples of communication-based personality traits that impact IPC and relationships.
7) Provide detailed explanations of the processes of initiating, maintaining and terminating different types
of relationships and the factors that affect these processes.
8) Comprehend and apply different IPC theories and constructs associated with relationship development
9) Discuss the “dark” side of IPC with special emphasis on power, jealousy, deception, aggression and
control in interpersonal relationships.
10) Explain the significance of IPC in organizational and health contexts.
11) Understand the impact of culture on IPC and relationship development processes.
12) Improve your ability to send and receive interpersonal messages effectively and appropriately in a wide
range of communication situations.
13) Possess an understanding of how IPC research is conducted. Distinguish between different types of
quantitative and qualitative research methods used to conduct IPC research.
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy is quite simple—make it [course material and assignments] interesting and relevant! I
promise that I will do my best to provide you with the most current and interesting IPC scholarship. I ask that
you come to class ready to learn, answer questions, and provide me with examples which best illustrate the
concepts and theories discussed in class. To get the most out of this class, I strongly encourage you to
participate regularly in class discussions. Finally, I always welcome new and different perspectives on the
theories, concepts and research covered in this course.
Course Structure/Unit Objectives
The format for this course is collaborative/team-based learning. For each class session students are expected
to do the following: 1) read the chapter covered for that session, 2) answer the learning objectives for the
chapter (and all learning objectives are listed on D2L), 3) discuss the answers to the learning objectives during
class time, and 4) check for mastery of content by having a team learning facilitator quiz members on the
learning objectives. Please remember to bring your completed unit objectives to each class session. At
the beginning of each class proctors will check to make sure your UO are complete. Once all members
feel confident that they have mastered the learning objectives, the group is ready to take the unit test. Each
group will have two or more full class periods to learn the material. Unless there are extenuating circumstances
which prevent members from taking the unit quiz, all class members will take their unit tests during the
scheduled test day (see the attached schedule).
Attendance, Punctuality and Professionalism
There is a documented positive correlation between regular class attendance and grades. Students who come
to class regularly receive the highest grades. Just like the workforce, this is your job. If you want to receive a
positive evaluation from your proctors and group members you will attend class regularly and participate in
class or group discussions. For the team learning section of COM 204 participation and preparation are
factored into your final grade. There are no excused absences only exceptions—e.g., College-approved
activities, illness, family illness or death in the family, and so I expect to see your smiling faces for almost every
Please show up for class on time. Punctuality is important in both instructional and professional settings.
Individuals who wander in late disrupt the instructor AND other students. Persons who are habitually late will
be sanctioned. If you tend to run late often, you may want to consider enrolling in another course.
Students who habitually send and receive text messages during class time will be asked to leave. Texting
during class time is a distracting and unprofessional behavior that negatively affects the classroom learning
Special Problems
If you have any special problems (such as a physical or learning disability) that may impact your learning and
are in need of assistance and/or accommodations, please let me know immediately. Accessibility Support
(716-888-2170), which is located in the Griff Center for Academic Engagement (OM 013), is responsible for
arranging appropriate academic accommodations for students with documented disabilities. If anyone in this
course falls into this category, please contact Accessibility Support so that an appropriate course of action may
be determined.
Your grade is based on 12 Unit Tests, 3 Papers, and Preparation/Participation Points.
Students will be tested on a portion of the learning objectives for each chapter. All tests are ESSAY-TYPE and
require narrative responses. Each test will include 5-7 questions derived from the list of chapter learning
objectives. Students will be strongly encouraged to provide complete responses and, if possible, include
examples to illustrate course material.
All Unit Tests are graded as either a “Pass” or a “Fail”. To pass the Unit Test students must master the
majority (80%) of the Unit material. If the student does not master the majority of the material and does not
include complete narrative-type responses, the student will receive a “Fail” grade. If the student fails he/she
may retake the Unit Test during the group facilitators’ scheduled office hours. Please note that all retakes must
be completed within a one week time period from the last Unit Test and that the retake test will be different
from the original test.
There will be three papers handed in during the semester. Paper 1 will identify a specific trait-based
communication challenge (i.e. communication apprehension, willingness to communicate, argumentativeness,
verbal aggression, assertiveness, humor orientation, etc). Paper 2 will include an analysis of research on the
specific communication-based challenge. Paper 3 will include an action plan for improving communicationrelated to the challenge (i.e. increasing assertiveness or argumentativeness, increasing expression of
emotions, etc). Each paper is worth 20 points and can be rewritten one time. Papers 1 and 2 will need to be
submitted to D2L for assessment purposes. All identifying information will be removed from the papers.
Detailed instructions for each paper will be distributed in class and posted on D2L. Late papers will be
penalized one letter grade for each day late.
[Paper 1 will assess--Content Goal1, Objective A and Skills Goal 2, Objective A and B and Paper 2 will
assess Content Goal1, Objective B, Skills Goal2, Objective A and B]
Academic Integrity
You are responsible for reading and understanding the Canisius College Code of Academic Integrity
( ). Violations of the Code may result in instructor and/or college level
sanctions ranging from failure on the assignment/course through dismissal from the college.
Special note on Plagiarism: When you turn in assignments or exams to satisfy the requirements for this
course, you are indicating it is your work. The failure to properly acknowledge your use of another work is
plagiarism. All references must be cited according to the current APA guidelines. Plagiarism of any kind will
result in a failing grade for the assignment and a report of the violation as per the notification procedures
outlined in the Code.
Assignments and Point Distributions
Final grades are computed based on the following point distributions:
Tests (12 @ 20 PTS each)
240 points (55%)
Research Papers
(3 @ 40 PTS each)
120 points (27%)
Preparation (12 Units @ 5 points each, 60) & Participation (20)
80 points (18%)
440 total points
The plus minus grading system is used within each letter range. For example, final letter grades are computed
as follows:
100-95% of 440 (points) = “A” Grade
94-90% of 440 = “A-“ Grade
89-87% of 440 = “B+” Grade
86-84% of 440 = “B” Grade
83-80% of 440 =”B-“ Grade
79-77% of 440 = “C+” Grade
76-74% of 440 = “C” Grade
73-70% of 440 = “C-“ Grade
69-60% of 440 = “D” Grade
59% and below = F Grade
SPRING 2016 COM 204 TL Semester Schedule
Assignments and Material Covered
Review syllabus and discuss team learning pedagogy
Read chapter 1—What is interpersonal communication (IPC) and how is it different from
other forms of communication? What is the textbook author’s definition of IPC? What are
the key elements of this definition? What are the four approaches to defining IPC? What
is a theory? What are the four goals of a theory? Explain how IPC research is
conducted—what is quantitative and qualitative research and how are these methods
different? What are some examples of qualitative and quantitative methods? What types
of concepts and problems do IPC researchers study (i.e. communication processes that
occur during initiating, maintaining and terminating phases of relationship development).
[Content Goal1, Objective A and B, Skills Goal 2, Objective B]
Chapter 1 Unit test
Read chapter 2— What is the self? What is self-complexity and how is it beneficial (2)?
What is the theory of objective self-awareness? State the three components of the selfsystem and explain how each one affects IPC. Discuss the development of the self and
groups/individuals who are an essential part of this process. What is attachment theory?
What are the three attachment styles and how do they affect the ways that individuals
see themselves and others? What are direct definitions and identity scripts? Give an
example of each explain how they affect how individuals view themselves and relate to
others. What is the self-fulfilling prophecy?
[Content Goal1, Objective A]
Chapter 2 Unit test
Reach chapter 3—Why do researchers study traits? What is the difference between trait
and state research? What are the four categories for classifying communication-based
personality traits? How do researchers study these traits? Discuss the term emotion and
why researchers study the relationship between emotion and IPC. Explain messagedesign logic theory. Explain the concept of emotion work and discuss the two types of
emotion work people engage in during social interaction. Provide examples of when you
might apply evocation and suppression during interactions.
[Content Goal1, Objective A and B, Skill Goal2 Objective A and B]
Chapter 3 Unit test
Read chapter 4—What is perception? What are the three perception processes? What
are the three selectivity processes and factors related to each process? Describe the
four schemata that we use to interpret communication events and provide an example of
each. Explain how each one affects the way that we approach interactions with others.
What is attribution theory? What is the fundamental attribution error (FAE) and the selfserving bias (SSB)? How do these processes (FAE and SSB) affect our IPC? What are
listening styles? What are the four different types of listening styles? Explain the six
listening misbehaviors.
[Content Goal1, Objective A, Skill Goal2 Objective A]
Chapter 4 Unit test
SPRING 2016 COM 204 TL Semester Schedule
Assignments and Material Covered
Read chapter 5—What is verbal communication? What are the four characteristics of
verbal communication? Explain relational and content levels of word meanings and
generate an example to illustrate the difference. What are constitutive and regulative
rules? Provide an example of each type of rule. What are the four functions of verbal
communication? Provide an example of each function. What is the Sapir-Whorf
hypothesis? What is Uncertainty Reduction theory? What is source credibility—explain
all three components. What can a source do to increase her/his credibility?
[Content Goal1, Objective A, Skill Goal2, Objective A]
Chapter 5 Unit test—Paper #1 due [Assess Content Goal1, Objective A, Skills
Goal2, Objective A and B]
Read chapter 6—What is nonverbal communication? Provide four examples of NVC.
Explain two ways that verbal and nonverbal communication are different. What is
nonverbal expectancy violations theory? What are the eight types of NVC? How does
each type affect IPC? What are the five categories of touch? What are the five
categories of kinesics and the four types of space? Be sure to generate examples of the
different categories of kinesics and space. What is immediacy? What are some potential
outcomes (2) of nonverbal immediacy behaviors? Offer four suggestions for improving
our NVC.
[Content Goal1, Objective A, Skill Goal2, Objective A]
Chapter 6 Unit test
Read chapter 7—What is a relationship? What are the three descriptors people use to
categorize different types of relationships? Explain the four reasons why people form
relationships. What are the three different types of attraction? What is flirtatious
communication? Discuss the research on flirtatious communication and identify the
motives for this behavior. What is self-disclosure? Explain reciprocal disclosures and
describe the role of self-disclosure in relationship development. Explain Knapp’s Model
of relationship development and provide an example of typical communication that
occurs in each stage. What are some (2) criticisms of this model?
[Content Goal1, Objective A]
Chapter 7 Unit test
Read chapter 8—What is relationship maintenance (RM)? What are the four goals of
relationship maintenance? What are the four essential components of successful
relationships? What is equity theory and how does it relate to RM? Explain the skill
similarity model and apply it to the process of RM. What are the five most common RM
strategies? What are some individual differences related to how couples engage in RM?
What is conflict and what are the five key components of conflict episodes? What are
conflict management styles? Identify pros and cons linked to each style. What are the
four most common conflict responses? Discuss the research by Keener et al that
explores gender differences in managing conflict. Identify 3 productive and 3
unproductive types of communication to use during conflict episodes.
[Content Goal1, Objective A, Skills Goal2, Objective A]
Chapter 8 Unit test
Read Chapter 9—What is the dark side of communication? Provide 3-4 examples of
dark communication practices. What is deception? Explain the basic elements of
interpersonal deception theory.
[Content Goal1, Objective A]
SPRING 2016 COM 204 TL Semester Schedule
Assignments and Material Covered
Spring Break
Finish Chapter 9 State the three reasons we lie to others. What is embarrassment?
What are the three roles associated with embarrassing situations? What are three most
common responses to embarrassing situations? What is jealousy and what are the six
different types of jealousy? What is the difference between argumentative and
aggressive communication? Explain the impact of verbal aggression in family, romantic,
and platonic relationships.
[Content Goal1, Objective A]
Chapter 9 Unit Test and Paper Two due [Assess Content Goal1, Objective B, Skills
Goal2, Objective A and B]
Read chapter 10—Identify three signs that indicate a relationship problem is serious and
should be addressed. Describe the investment model and explain how it relates to
relationship termination. Identify the four most common reasons that romantic
relationships end. Describe Duck’s model of decision making during relationship
dissolution. Explain Knapp’s model of coming apart and identify typical communication
that takes place during each stage. Explain ERA and how it can be applied to
relationship dissolution. What are strategies used to remain friends with ex-romantic
partners. What are some (2) strategies used to cope with relationship dissolution.
[Content Goal1, Objective A, Skills Goal2, Objective A]
Chapter 10 Unit Test
Read Chapter 14-How are work relationships different from other types of relationships?
Distinguish among the five types of work relationships and discuss communication
issues experienced in each type. What are the three approaches to communication in
organizations and identify how each addresses interpersonal communication. What is
Leader-Member Exchange theory? Explain the three factors influencing leader-member
relationships. Discuss the research on how employees maintain their relationships at
work and how these RM strategies differ from those used in romantic, platonic
relationships. What is organizational assimilation? What are the three stages of
organizational socialization?
[Content Goal1, Objective A, Skills Goal2, Objective A]
Chapter 14 Unit Test
Read Chapter 15—What is the definition of stress, stressors and coping? Explain
emotion and problem-focused coping and describe how they are different. Give an
example of each type of coping. Describe the research by Chao on how college students
cope with stress. What is social support? Why do first generation college students
receive less social support than non-first generation students? What is helicopter
parenting and how is it problematic for college students? What is health communication
and why study it? What is CHIILE (discuss the research by Wanzer et al—describe
methods used/quantitative surveys) and how can these behaviors improve health care
provider (HCP) and patient interactions? What are the five stages of death and dying?
What is comforting communication? Give an example of effective and ineffective
comforting communication to use in a death and dying situation.
[Content Goal1, Objective A, Skills Goal2, Objective A, Objective B]
Chapter 15 Unit Test
SPRING 2016 COM 204 TL Semester Schedule
Assignments and Material Covered
Review drafts of paper 3, complete peer evaluations
FINAL EXAM WEEK Chapter 15 Unit test Retake and Final Paper (3) Due
*** This schedule is subject to change at the instructor’s discretion. PLEASE NOTE that this schedule
is a TENTATIVE one and also might change based on students’ progress in the class.