Download UNIT 2 NUTRITION Circulatory and Excretory

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NAME:_________________________________________ DATE:__________ 2º ESO___ (Bilingual)
The circulatory system consists of:
Blood: It is an internal circulatory fluid. Blood carries oxygen and nutrients through out the body and carries
waste products away.
Blood vessels: They are ducts which carry blood. Arteries carry blood away from the heart and through out
the body and veins carry blood from the body back to the heart.
Heart: It is an organ like a pump which helps blood to circulate through the blood vessels and through out
entire body.
FUNCTIONS OF THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM: It has two basic functions:
It carries nutrients and oxygen to the cells.
It removes carbon dioxide and waste products discarded by the metabolism.
TYPES OF CIRCULATORY SYSTEMS: There are two types of circulatory systems:
Open circulatory system: the circulating fluid is pumped by the heart, from there, the blood flows through
the body cavity, directly to the internal organs.
Closed circulatory system: The blood always circulates inside blood vessels pumped by the heart. The vessels
deliver blood to body cells and return it to the heart. There are two types of closed circulatory systems:
Simple: the blood passes through the heart once, completing one loop.
Double: The blood passes through the heart twice, completing two loops.
1.- Copy the types of circulatory systems:
2.- Translate these words:
Blood vessels:
Open circulatory system:
Closed circulatory system:
3.- Label the pictures:
4.- a) Label the pictures correctly with: “Open circulatory system” or “Closed circulatory system”
Explain your answer:
5.- What are the functions of the circulatory system?:
6.- What are the three important parts of the circulatory system?
7.- What is the blood?
8.- What are the differences between arteries and veins?:
9.- What are the differences between the “open circulatory system” and the “closed circulatory system”?:
10.- What are the differences between the “simple closed circulatory system” and the “double closed circulatory
It is the process of collecting waste products and expelling them outside the body.
Carbon dioxide is expelled by the circulatory and respiratory system, but others substances are eliminated by
the excretory system.
The excretory system consists of various organs:
Kidneys filter the blood and produce urine.
Ureters are thin tubes through which the urine leaves the kidneys.
The bladder is the place where the urine is stored.
Urethra: The urine is expelled from the body through the urethra.
1.- Copy this information:
2.- Translate these words:
Circulatory system:
Respiratory system:
Excretory system:
3.- Write the name of each organ in excretory system.
4.- Complete:
The human excretory system is comprised of:
- ____________ produces urine.
____________ tubes from kidney to bladder.
____________ urine storage organ.
- ____________ organ from bladder to exterior.
5.- Correct the mistakes:
The bladder is the place where the blood is stored.
Ureters are thin tubes through which the blood leaves bladder.
Urethra: The urine is expelled from the body through the ureters.
Kidneys filter the urine and produce blood.
6.- Draw the human excretory system in the body figure:
7.- Match the two columns with arrows
place where the urine is stored.
filter the blood.
tubes through which the urine leaves the kidneys.
urine is expelled from the body to exterior.
8.- Write “T” for true or “F” for false.
a) Kidney filter the blood.
b) Kidney produces urine.
c) Ureters store the urine.
d) Ureters are between kidneys and bladder.
e) In bladder is stored the urine.
f) Bladder is between kidneys and urethra.
g) Urethra is between bladder and exterior.
h) Excretory system is similar in men and women.
9.- Write the organ names of excretory system in the dog figure (paint with colour the figure):
Plants are autotrophs. They produce organic matter from inorganic matter, such carbon dioxide, water and
mineral salts. Plant nutrition involves five processes:
Absorption: water and mineral salts are absorbed by the roots. These inorganic nutrients are called raw sap.
Transport of raw sap: The raw sap travels up the stem to the leaves through the xylem vessels.
Gas exchange: It takes place in the leaves. Carbon dioxide enters the plant through the stomata. Oxygen and
water evaporates through the stomata too, in the leaves of the plant. Water evaporation is called
Photosynthesis: It takes place in the chloroplast where chlorophyll is found. Chlorophyll absorbs sunlight to
produce energy. Raw sap and carbon dioxide transform into elaborated sap.
1.- Copy this information:
2.- Complete the coloured rectangles with these words: sunlight, water and mineral salts, carbon dioxide,
4.- Correct the mistakes:
a) Plants are heterotrophy. They produce organic matter from inorganic matter.
b) Water and mineral salts are absorbed by the leaf.
c) The elaborated sap travels up the stem to the leaves through the xylem vessels.
d) Sunlight enters the plant through the stomata.
5.- Match the two columns with arrows
Transport of raw sap
Gas exchange
xylem vessels
raw sap
6.- What is the difference between chloroplast and chlorophyll?
7.- Complete with vowels:
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__n__rg__n__c n__tr__ __nts
__bs__rb__d by
c__ll__d r__w
8.- Put in the correct order these statements:
a) mineral salts Water the roots. and are absorbed by
b) takes place in the leaves. Gas exchange
c) evaporation Water is transpiration. called
d) the stomata. through Carbon dioxide the plant enters
r__ __ts.