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Unit 3 Lesson 1 Notes 2 Guided Notes
Name: ____________________
Date: _____________________
Directions: Complete these notes as you watch the video on Imperialism
and conflict. You may need to pause the video.
A. What you will learn…
1. Why ___________________helped to convince the United States to
get involved in the Spanish-American War
2. How the United States became a major world power as a result the
3. How US___________________ ___________________ began to
change towards other countries like Cuba, the Philippines, and
Hawaii under Imperialism.
B. Let’s Review…
1. ___________________ is the idea that one country can control
another country through diplomacy to gain power and authority.
2. Imperialist countries can be like a ___________________ to the
countries they rule.
C. The Spanish-American War
1. In 1898, ___________________was still under the control of Spain.
2. Many Cubans were___________________at the hands of Spanish
soldiers stationed in Cuba.
3. The ___________________-___________________
___________________was fought against Spain to help Cuba
become an independent country. In only 3 months, the United States
had defeated Spain.
D. Effects of the Spanish-American War
1. After the war was over, the US continued to keep its
___________________ in Cuba.
2. The US continued to have two___________________bases in Cuba.
Also, Cuba’s new constitution stated the US could get involved in
Cuba’s ___________________whenever necessary.
3. Also as a result of the Spanish-American War, the US gained the
territories of ___________________ ___________________,
___________________, and the ___________________
Unit 3 Lesson 1 Notes 2 Guided Notes
E. Why the Spanish-American War Was Important
1. Prior to the Spanish-American War, the US had practiced
2. Isolationism is a government’s policy to avoid ___________________
or ___________________ agreements with other countries so the
country stays “isolated” from other countries.
3. Since the US had fought against Spain to help Cuba win its freedom,
this meant that Isolationism for the US was ___________________.
4. By keeping its influence in Cuba and other territories it gained from
the Spanish-American War, it showed the world that the US was
beginning to practice ___________________.
5. This helped to make the US a world ___________________.
F. China
1. Many powerful Imperialist countries (including Austria, France,
Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Japan, and Russia) had claimed
exclusive ___________________ ___________________ to certain
parts of China.
2. Since the US had gained territories near Asia after the SpanishAmerican War, the US wanted to also spread its
___________________ in China as well.
G. Open Door Policy
1. John Hay, Secretary of State, sent letters to all major Imperialist
countries and suggested an “___________________
___________________” policy in China.
2. An “Open Door” policy is when there are ___________________
trading rights between nations.
3. The major Imperialist countries responded by saying that they liked
the idea, but were not sure if they could ___________________ or
___________________ it.
4. Even though the responses of other Imperialist countries had not
clearly supported an “Open Door” policy in China, Hay thought since
all the powers had liked the idea, the United States could begin to
___________________ it.
5. The “Open Door” policy became the ___________________ US
policy in ___________________ until the mid 1900’s.
H. Hawaii
Unit 3 Lesson 1 Notes 2 Guided Notes
1. Americans began to dominate Hawaii’s ___________________.
2. The US government even created and controlled Hawaii’s
___________________ and cabinet and limited the power of their
3. Many Hawaiian’s wanted to get rid of
4. Hawaii’s ruler Queen Liliuokalani renounced her claim to the thrown
and the US ___________________Hawaii.
I. Alaska
1. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, also expanded the United
States by purchasing ___________________ from Russia for $7.2
2. Purchasing Alaska was known as “___________________
___________________” since many people did not see the value
Alaska would bring to the US.
3. However, when ___________________ was discovered in the
1890’s, public attitudes about Alaska changed.
J. New Types of Diplomacy
1. Even after beginning trade with China and expanding its territory, the
United States still considered other ways to spread its
2. Several different forms of ___________________ formed during this
time as a way for the United States to expand their influence.
3. “Big Stick Diplomacy”
a. President ___________________ ___________________
believed in using the threat of force in order to advance American
foreign policy.
b. “Big Stick Diplomacy” meant two things:
c. The US would not hesitate to use ___________________ to
protect its interests in the western hemisphere.
d. The US had a right to intervene in a region if a nation had
trouble paying its ___________________ to a foreign country.
4. “Dollar Diplomacy”
a. President ___________________ created “Dollar Diplomacy”
which said that the US could gain the most influence by increasing
US foreign investments.
Unit 3 Lesson 1 Notes 2 Guided Notes
b. This policy would give America an excuse to step in to the
affairs of a neighboring country when it was in the best
___________________of the US.
5. “Moral Diplomacy”
a. President ___________________
___________________believed that it should be the goal of
foreign policy to promote democracy or moral progress in a region.
K. Lesson Review
1. Fighting in the Spanish-American War helped the US become a world
2. The United States expanded its influence through
___________________by gaining territories such as the Philippines,
Guam, Puerto Rico, Hawaii, and Alaska.
3. The United States spread its influence through new types of
___________________such as “Big Stick” diplomacy, “Dollar
Diplomacy”, and “Moral Diplomacy.”