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Key Terms #3.3: A New Plan of Government
1. Enlightenment: 1700’s movement that spread the idea that knowledge,
reason, and science could improve society
2. Montesquieu- French writer who stated that the powers of
government should be separated and balanced.
3. John Locke: English philosopher who believed that all people had
natural rights, including, the rights to life, liberty, and property.
These ideals are reflected in the Declaration of Independence.
4. Federalism: principle of government that divides power between state
governments and a central government
5. article: a part of a document, such as the Constitution, that deals with
a single subject
6. legislative branch: the branch of government that makes the laws
7. executive branch: the branch of government, led by the president,
that enforces the laws
8. judicial branch: the branch of government that interprets, or explains
the laws
9. checks and balances: system in which each branch of government has
some way to limit the power of the others, so that no one branch
becomes too powerful
10. Federalists: people who supported the Constitution
11. Anti-federalists: people who opposed the Constitution, because they
feared that it created a central government that was too powerful
12. Federalist Papers- series of widely read essays written by Madison
and Hamilton that called for ratification of the Constitution.
Key Terms 3.3: A New Plan of Government
1. Enlightenment: 1700’s
movement that spread the
idea that knowledge, reason,
and science could improve
2. John Locke: English
philosopher who believed
that all people had natural
rights, including, the rights
to life, liberty, and
property. These ideals are
reflected in the Declaration
of Independence.
3. Federalism: principle of
government that divides
power between state
governments and a central
4. article: a part of a
document, such as the
Constitution, that deals with
a single subject
5. legislative branch: the
branch of government that
makes the laws
Right to Life,
Liberty, and
6. executive branch: the
branch of government, led
by the president, that
enforces the laws
7. judicial branch: the branch
of government that
interprets, or explains the
8. checks and balances:
system in which each branch
of government has some way
of limiting the power of the
others, so that no one
branch becomes too
9. Federalists: people who
supported the Constitution
10. Anti-federalists: people
who opposed the Constitution,
because they feared that it
created a central government
that was too powerful