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Name: ______________________________________ Date: ________________ Hour: ____________
China Test Review Sheet:
1. Where did most people in Ancient China live? Why?
Inner China, it had milder climate and less dangerous topography. Inner china was
warm enough to farm, rich soil and water for irrigation. Outer china was very
dangerous—extreme climates.
2. Describe what life was like on the Tibet-Qinghai Plateau. Give at least three details.
-cold and dry—no crops
-rocky and cold difficult to travel over into inner china
-grasses did provide food for yaks and other livestock
-ppl living there were nomads- herded yaks.
3. What made the Taklimakan Desert dangerous?
-sandstorms could come up quickly, high speed winds, sand could suffocate and
bury travelers.
-easy to get lost here
4. How was the Gobi desert different than the Taklimakan desert?
gobi desert is much larger, less dunes and less sandstorms, less sandstorms because
there are pebbles
5. Describe what the climate and topography was like on the Northeastern Plain. Give
at least three details.
too cold to grow crops, dry during the winter, short warm summers, rivers froze
during the winter, near to inner china—north china plain. Invaders from
northeastern plain went into inner china
6. In Inner China, what was the benefit of flooding rivers?
When rivers flood they deposit minerals and nutrients into the earth. This makes
the ground around the rivers fertile and good for growing crops.
7. Why did most ancient people live in the North China Plain?
Good for growing crops, warm weather, silt from the limestone got into water which
helped make land more fertile but also spread disease.
8. Why is the North China Plain called “Land of the Yellow Earth”?
Covered by yellow limestone silt. Silt comes from Gobi Desert
Name: ______________________________________ Date: ________________ Hour: ____________
9. Where did the Chinese start growing rice? Why?
The Chang Jiang basin, because it has a warm wet climate. Flooded a lot to make the land
10. Describe the general climate and topography of China.
Inconsistent, diverse, extreme, varied
11. Why were people living in Inner China isolated?
-extreme climates made in outer china made it difficult to go into inner china,
-outer china was a natural barrier that surrounded inner china
12. How/why did the three Chinese philosophies come about? (towards the end of the
Zhou Dynasty)?
They came about during the warring states period because lords were fighting over land.
The lords/rulers wanted a new way to rule because Feudalism wasn’t working. So they
hired philosophers to help them.
13. What is the Warring States period?
The Warring States period was when the different lords who own land were fighting to
gain more land and power (got greedy). Lords had land through feudalism. This came
about at the end of the Zhou dynasty
14. What are the three Chinese philosophies?
Confucianism, Daoism, Legalism
15. What is feudalism?
Feudalism is when kings, or those in power, pick loyal supporters to give land. In
ancient China, these land owners were called Lords. They ruled over their land and
would make the peasants who lived on their land give them a portion of their crops.
In return, Lords would protect their peasants.
16. Draw a “social pyramid” that shows how feudalism works. You should have three
levels. In your levels you should have: peasants, kings, and lords. Order is: King,
Lord, Peasant
Name: ______________________________________ Date: ________________ Hour: ____________
17. Give three important details about Confucianism:
-respect your elders
-earn your power
-respect the people above you
-people in power must set a good example
-rulers should wise, kind, honest, and faithful
-founded by Confucius
-way of life!
18. Give three important details about Daoism:
-yin and yang
-not sure if Laozi was a real person or not
-harmony in nature
-rule less, leave people alone. Hands-off policy
-based of the Dao De Jing (collection of writings)
-become a religion still used today in China
19. Give three important details about Legalism:
-founder was Hanfeizi
-believed all people were naturally selfish
-used to have complete control over people
-strict rules and harsh punishment
-rewards to people who followed rules
-don’t trust your family! 
20. What was traded on the Silk Road? List at least 3 things, and where they came from.
-silk from china
-gold from Rome
-glass from Rome
-carpets from Persia
-salt from China
Name: ______________________________________ Date: ________________ Hour: ____________
-camels to go into the desert
-china from China
21. What was dangerous about the Silk Road?
-sandstorms in the desert (Taklimakan)
-snowstorms, narrow passages, steep cliffs, lack of oxygen in the Pamir mountains
22. Write about two accomplishments of the Han Dynasty. For each accomplishment, give
two facts about it.
1. ART-make paper, used calligraphy
2. SCIENCE-magnetic compass; seismograph
3. MEDICINE-acupuncture; anesthetic
4. Government-bureacracy; tests for peoples to get jobs in governments
More answers possible!
23. How are the Han Dynasty and Gupta Empire similar?
Both the Han Dynasty and Gupta Empire experienced a Golden Age. That means they had a
time of peace and stability during which they had the luxury of being able to sit, think, and
create, and invent!