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Call For Papers
First Global Summit on Sustainable Development and Biodiversity 2008
(Gloss 2008)
Dear colleagues,
Greetings from International Organizing Committee, Gloss 2008
On behalf of the International Organizing committee, I would like to invite you to submit
abstracts for papers to be presented in the following technical sessions:
1. Sustainable Development and Globalization of Industrialization”, chaired by me
2. Sustainable Development and Population Explosion, chaired by Prof. Dr. Sylvaine
Trinh, University Dauphine Paris, France, and me
3. Regional Sustainable Development: Promising Practice, chaired by Prof. Dr.
Sylvaine Trinh, University Dauphine Paris, France
3. You will find further details about these sessions below.
Furthermore, you will find some other sessions with issues which might also be
interesting for you or your colleagues for handing in an abstract for presentation and
discussion in the conference.
The deadline for abstract submission is the 15th May 2008, which is approaching fast.
You are also invited to contribute your presentation on preferred themes of other
technical sessions of the Global Summit. Scientists, media experts, academicians,
industrialists and activists working on Sustainable Development, Industrialization and
Population Explosion in different regions of the world have expressed their interest and
their commitment to be part of this summit. Gloss 2008 will summarise for the first time
on a global base the practical approaches of sustainable development and biodiversity
conservation to implement the resolutions of the Millennium Development Goals
(MDGs) and the First Knowledge Conference at Toronto (1997) across the world.
IK Foundation of India in association with VRM Foundation, University of Washington
and other partner agencies has supported the hosting of this important Global Summit at
Raipur, capital of Chhattisgarh, the nascent herbal state of India. The papers accepted for
discussion in work groups would be published in three volumes of sustainable
development books and released at inaugural ceremony of the Global Summit.
Oral presentations and posters of our Global Summit will be published in reviewed
proceedings in February 2009 for dissemination among registered delegates. You are
requested to send your abstract to me at email [email protected]. endorsing
copy to conference coordinator at email [email protected] and gloss
secretariat [email protected].
The major themes of the following three technical sessions, chaired by Prof.Dr. Sylvaine
Trinh and me, are issues of Sustainable Development in connection with population
explosion as well as economic, social, ecological and technological challenges due to the
Globalization of industrialization as well as:
Chairman: Dr. Odile Schwarz-Herion, MBA, Sustainable Development Consultant,
The globalization of industrialization and the need for a legal framework on a
global base: Critical Analysis
Threats and challenges of globalization in labour law and environmental law: An
Sustainability Management in Corporate culture and corporate practice: An
Economic, ecological and social challenges concerning the implementation of
Sustainable Development on a global scale
The economic and ecological effects of emission trade in industrial enterprises
Sustainable Strategies’ in Supply Chain Management
Sustainable development and globalization of industrialization and its inclusion
in the Syllabus of schools and universities
Globalization of industrialization and the rights of indigenous people
Globalization of industrialization and the role of banks: Promotion of viable
The impact of Sustainability and Environmental Management on the global job
The globalization of industrialization and sustainable generation of energy
Implementation of RohS and IMDS in global enterprises
The role of information technology by exploring Sustainable solutions on a
global scale
Technology and Sustainable Development: Complementation or contradiction
Technological and commercial challenges of the fuel cell
Technological and commercial challenges of the electric drive
Prof. Dr. Sylvaine Trinh, University Dauphine Paris, France
Dr. Odile Schwarz-Herion, MBA, Sustainable Development Consultant, Germany
Challenges of population explosion as correlated with sustainable Development
Population explosion, food security and the availability of resources: challenges
of globalisation.
Population explosion and Sustainable livelihood for a sustainable future
Ensuring the balance between preservation of endangered indigenous peoples and
population reduction on a global base
Possible expansion of living space and resources by exploring possibilities in the
outer space: An assessment
Ethical and religious problems in combating population explosion in favour of a
Sustainable Future
Population explosion and the future of Sustainable Development based on the
models of Raskin et al.
Ethical problems of birth control and euthanasia with view to population
Biodiversity and population explosion: A critical Review
Population explosion and the global job market; An assessment
Ethical and cultural issues of birth control measures: case study of abortion, infant
foeticide and skewed sex ratio.
Ethical problems of population reduction by gender-specific abortion: An
Ecological, social and economic consequences of population explosion: An
The impact of population explosion on global warming: A review
Population explosion and social security issues of aged people: A critical review
Population explosion and environmental destruction : An empirical assessment
Chairwoman: Prof.Dr. Sylvaine Trinh, University Dauphine Paris, France
Promising practices of sustainable development : case study analysis
Best practices in Sustainable enterprenuership : local experience
Conservation and development opportunities for sustainable use of biological
diversity in forest regions : Critical Assessment
Promising practices of community based natural resource management : An
Role of NGO in experimenting micro level projects on suscessful biodiversity
conservation : Promising practices
Alternatively, you might also be interested to hand in abstracts for one of the following
sessions, chaired by renowned experts from different sectors of Sustainable
Development :
Chairman : Professor Dr. Amitabh Kundu
Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India
Cultural creativity and sustainable developement : critical appraisal
The philosophical and sociological approach to understanding of sustainable
development : Empirical assessment
Community based management of sustainable use of natural resources :
Promising practices
Cultural determinants of sustainable development : Critical Review
Associate Professor Abdul Aziz Hussin, AMN
School of Housing, Building and Planning University Sains Malaysia
Robert Stüssi, Portugal
The promising practices of eco tourism in moutain regions : case study
Biodiversity conservation and eco tourism : Critical Appraisal
Empowerment of local communities thorugh eco tourism : An appraisal
Success stories of sustainable tourism : Case study assessment
Public and Private partenrship in promoting sustainable tourism : Promising
The following sessions might be of special interest if your field of work is in the sector of
ecological mobility or in the energy sector:
Chairman: Brian Wynne
President Electric Drive Transportation Association (EDTA), Washington, USA
Implementations of Electric Drive and their contribution to sustainability
Cooperation of industry and government to advance the electric drive
The role of trade associations in the promotion of electric drive technologies
The impact of the electric drive on job creation
Electric Drive and its impact on energy security
Reducing emissions using Electric Drive
Electric vehicles and their role in public transit
The necessity of education in the field of the electric drive
Industry networking and international conferences as efficient means to promote
the electric drive
The necessity of public policy advocacy to advance the electric drive
Electric vehicles and their eco-balance: A benchmark
Chairman: Matt Christensen, MBA
Director Eurosif, Paris, France
Limited resources and the role of renewable energies
The role of the government in the promotion of renewable energy sources: An
Management of Solar energy, wind energy, biomass for a sustainable future
Renewable energies and their potential for the reduction of greenhouse gazes
Nuclear energy: a “clean” solution for a sustainable future?
Renewable Energies and their impact on the national/ international job market
Ecological and commercial challenges of solar energy
Wind energy: How to minimize unpleasant side effects?
The commercialization of bioenergy and its importance for developing and takeoff countries
Energy providers: an ecological benchmark in your home town
You are invited to visit our website for more details about
submission of abstracts and the full range of issues among which you can select the most
interesting one according to your priorities.
On behalf of our International Organizing Committee – the Chairman , Prof. Dr. Michael
von Hauff, Professor of Economics and Economic Policy, Technical University of
Kaiserslautern, Germany, Conference Coordinator, Professor Dr. R.N.Pati,
Foundation of India, Orissa, India and Co-Chairman, Prof. Dr. Harald Hagemann
Universität Hohenheim , Germany, Executive Secretaries, Dr. Kanta Kochhar-Lindgren,
Associate Professor, University of Washington and Dr. Abdelnaser Omran Al-Amroni,
University of Science Malaysia - we look forward to greet you with red carpet welcome
in natural beauty enriched city of Raipur, India.
We are looking forward to your cooperation in our Mission focused on combating Global
Warming and sharing your intellectual inputs towards sustainable use of biodiversity.
With regards
Yours Sincerely
Dr. Odile Schwarz-Herion, MBA
Convener, Gloss-2008
Sustainability Management Consultant
Schwarzwaldring 39
76275 Ettlingen, Germany
Tel.: 07243/219576 or 0163/5170292 (Mobile)
Fax: 07243/219577
[email protected]
International Secretariat
Gloss- 2008
Express Tower, Adarsh Nagar
Vidhansabha Road
Phone:91-771-2284929,2284939,4020929, 4020939