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1. Primary key
The primary key of a relational table uniquely identifies each record in the table. It can either be
a normal attribute that is guaranteed to be unique (such as Social Security Number in a table
with no more than one record per person) or it can be generated by the DBMS. Primary keys may
consist of a single attribute or multiple attributes in combination.
2. Macro
When creating databases for end users, the goal is to make the database user-friendly and
intuitive. This can be done with the use of macros which are used to automate tasks within the
database. This is handy for both the administrator(s) and the end-user(s). It allows the
administrator the ability to "hand-off" the day-to-day operations of the database to others. The
end-users do not need to be programmatically familiar with the database in order to use it.
Macros and other features within Access allow this type of flexibility.
3. Query
As tables grow in size they can have hundreds of thousands of records, which makes it impossible
for the user to pick out specific records from that table. Queries were designed to combat this
problem. With a query you can apply a filter to the table's data, so that you only get the
information that you want.
4. Report
Having all your data stored in Access is great for maintaining a database, but it isn't the best
when you want to share the data or view it away from a computer. The solution to this problem
is to create an Access report that will let you design a ready-to-print document of your desired
database information.
5. Form
Access provides an easy way to enter data into your Access tables with forms. In Access you have
the ability to quickly make and customize these data entry forms to streamline the data input
6. Data Types
Use for text or combinations of text and numbers, such as addresses, or for numbers that
do not require calculations, such as phone numbers, part numbers, or postal codes.
Stores up to 255 characters. The FieldSize property controls the maximum number of
characters that can be entered.
Use for lengthy text and numbers, such as notes or descriptions.
Stores up to 65,536 characters.
Use for data to be included in mathematical calculations, except calculations involving
money (use Currency type).
Stores 1, 2, 4, or 8 bytes; stores 16 bytes for Replication ID (GUID). The FieldSize
property defines the specific Number type.
Use for dates and times.
Stores 8 bytes.
Use for currency values and to prevent rounding off during calculations.
Stores 8 bytes.
Use for unique sequential (incrementing by 1) or random numbers that are automatically
inserted when a record is added.
Stores 4 bytes; stores 16 bytes for Replication ID (GUID).
Use for data that can be only one of two possible values, such as Yes/No, True/False,
On/Off. Null values are not allowed.
Stores 1 bit.
OLE Object
Use for OLE objects (such as Microsoft Word documents, Microsoft Excel spreadsheets,
pictures, sounds, or other binary data) that were created in other programs using the OLE
Stores up to 1 gigabyte (limited by disk space).
Use for hyperlinks. A hyperlink can be a UNC path or a URL.
Stores up to 64,000 characters.
1. What are the ways to ways to run queries in Microsoft access database?
Ans: You can run a query in somany ways.Please find the below mentioned procedure to run a
query...Flow 1: Click on View tab--> select Database Objects-->select Queries option--> click...
2. What are the query types available in Microsoft access database?
ANS: Simple Query, Cross Tab Query, Find Duplicate Query and Find Unmatched Query
Select Query, Make Table Query, Append Query, UpdaetQuery, Crosstab Query & Delete Query
3.How to run a query using macro in Microsoft access database?
ANS: Go to the macro section of a database section. Choose OpenQuery from the drop down list.
Further choose the Query name from the list below (of already made queries in the database). The run
the macro....
4.Explain about Microsoft access?
Microsoft access name has been changed to Microsoft office access. This software
incorporates relational database management system which combines GUI (graphical user interface)
with Microsoft Jet database engine. It can import and use data from Access, SQL, oracle, etc. This
software is used to build application software.
5. how to insert and retrive images on MSACCESS using java …?
First thing we need to do is set the column type as OLE Object. While saving the
data into the column of type OLE Object, save the data as byte array, while retrieving the image from
the column read the value, put the value into byte array and then convert the byte array to image type
and display the same. This is very simple.
6. How does Microsoft Access database recover free space…?
From Database Manager run "Compact and Repair Database"
7. Explain about creating a report tool by using the report tool and report wizard…?
Report tool creates a report very fast because it will not ask you for much information
for creating your report. It displays the entire field but it may not be the polished data source
you are opting for.
Report wizard allows you to create a table by giving you options on what to appear and
what not to appear. You can specify the relations, grouping and sorting between the tables.
8. Explain about the various features present in MS Access?
Microsoft access has huge benefits for a programmer and end user. Some of the benefits
a) Relative compatibility with SQL and VBA.
b) Microsoft SQL server desktop engine is embedded into the Access suite along
with Jetdata
base engine which can further help you in programming.
c)MS Access allows forms to contain data which is altered as changes are made to the underlying
d)It has features which support the creation of all objects in the underlying server.
9. Explain about relationships and look up fields?
Relationships are imported from the source to destination without any hindrance but once
they land in the destination they can never be altered or changed and change of extensions cannot
be of much help.
Lookup fields: -Make sure that you link tables, links, etc if you want to display look up values and not
look up ids. Related table should be linked to the destination field for display of lookup values.
10. How do you import data from another access database?
The process of importing data from another Access database follows these general steps
they are.
i) Preparing the document for import operation and make sure that extensions are not in .mde
or .accde because in that extension you can import only tables.
ii) Source should be closed automatically when the process is completed
iii)Make sure that you have permission for read and write.
11. How do you create an append query?
Append query can be used if you would like to add new rows of data to an already
existing table. The process of creating an append query follows these steps they are.
i) Basic step should be to create a select query
ii) After selecting the query you need to append the query
iii)Destination fields should be selected for each column in the query
iv)Records can be appended by using the function to run.
12. Explain about the protection features present in MS Access?
If a programmer doesn?t wish to make changes to the document he can lock the
document data and its code from further changes by changing the extension of the file system
to .MDE. Changes can be made only to the file with an extension MDE. Tools are available in the
market which can unlock and decompile the code but some changes to VBA or VB scripts are
13. What are the steps to be taken for improving performance in Microsoft
access database?
Few of the steps that can be taken to improve the performance of
Microsoft Access Database are as follows: Plan and Design your tables
appropriately as required. Create Normalized Tables. Do not cr...
14. What is the size limitation of an Access database?
Size limitation does not pertain to number of records in a table within a database.
Forms, reports, macros, and modules also contribute to database size, but is rather minimal
compared to tables containing records. It is recommended that if large amounts of data will be
maintained or constantly deleted and new data imported, put your tables in another database
and link the tables back into the main database. The utilities for database compression and
repair will run much more quickly. In Access 2.0 databases the byte size limitation is 1 gigabyte.
In general, use the 1gb rule and suggestions here to maintain performance of the database. See
also "How Replication Increases Size of Database.".
How do you insert a graphic of your company’s logo on a report?
Click the image button on the toolbox and drag on the report to draw a place holder for the
The Fill/Back Color button on the formatting toolbar applies color to:
The background of the selected control
17. A Query extract the data and put them into separate table?
A make-table query
18. IIF [Age]>65, “Senior”,”Adult&rdquo
This expression is an example of:
A conditional expression
19) Explain how you can import data from other sources into Access database?
To import data into Access data-base
In the main menu, click on EXTERNAL DATA, in the Import and Link group
Choose the type of the file you want to import
To know which type of file can be import or link Access database, follow the instruction
in the Get External Data wizard
20) Explain what is the size limitation for an Access database?
The Access 2.0 database has the size limitation of 1 gigabyte.
21) Between different data’s what are the types of relationship can be formed?
The table contains your data can build three types of relationship
One-to-one relationships: A single data in one table is linked with a single data in
another table.
One-to-many relationship: A single data in a table is linked to several data’s in another
Many-to-many relationship: Where several data’s in one table is related to several other
data’s in another table
22) Explain how you can build a relationship between the different databases in Access?
When you establish a relationship between two data, the first table for your data is referred as the
primary key while the new field in another data is called a foreign key.
23) Name some of the file extension for MS Access?
Some of the file extension for MS Access are
Access database.accdb
Access project.adp
Access project.mdw
Access blank project template.adn
Access workgroup.mdw
Protected access database.accde
24) Explain what do you mean by queries?
Queries are the medium of manipulating the data to display in the form or report. Queries can
join tables, update data, delete data, sort, calculate, filter, etc.
25) Explain what joins are and how you can open the database in Access?
Joins determines the relationship between tables in Access by stating the details of the
relationship between two tables. You can create joins on the database tools tab or by opening a
query in design view.
26) Mention how you can create a simple query in Access 2013?
Open your database
Go to -> create tab
Click on the query wizard icon
Select a query type
From the pull-down menu choose the appropriate table
Select the field you want in the query results
To add information from additional tables, repeat steps 5 and 6
Click on next
Choose the type of results that you would like to produce
Give your query a title
Click on finish
27) Explain how you can export data in Excel format?
From the toolbar click on the External Data tab
Click Excel on the Export group
It will open the export excel spreadsheet dialog box
Specify the destination of the file name and format
When you click OK, it will export the data to Excel spreadsheet
28) Explain how you can create a form in Microsoft Access 2013?
Forms allow to insert data across multiple tables. There are different methods for creating forms
but with Form Wizard method, you can always modify the form later using Design View. To
create a form
From the main menu, click on CREATE and then choose the FORM option
It will create a new form in Layout view, based on the fields in the Customer table
Scroll the drop down arrow under the View icon and select Form View. This how the
user will see the form.
On the form, you will see fields like CustomerId, First Name, Last Name and Date
After filling of all details in the form, you can see the newly created record with data in
the table
Once you completed filling the field in the form, confirm that you click on the save
button on the top of the ribbon
29) In MS Access 2013 what are the different ways you can enter data?
Different methods you can enter data in MS Access are
Datasheet View
SQL View
Import from External Data (XML, Data Services, HTML etc.)
30) What things to be taken in consideration for lookup fields?
Look up fields: Ensure that you relate tables, links, etc. if you want to show look up
values and not look up ids. For the display of lookup values, related table should be
linked to the destination field.
32) Give six file extensions in MS Access?
• Access workgroup.mdw
• Access database.accdb
• Access Workgroup.mdw
• Access blank project template.adn
• Access project.adp
• Protected access database.accde
33) Give some MS Access uses?
MS Access offers wide range of functions and some of the functions are given below:
• It is used as frontend when the backend is product of ODBC compliant.
• It is widely used for small database applications that are based on web and hosted on IIS by
making use of ASP.NET pages.
• Mainly, it is used by small firms and businesses, specific departments in large organizations
and some people for developing applications on desktop for data applications.
• While developing stand alone applications and prototype, MS Access can be used as RAD.
34) Explain MS Access features?
MS Access has wide range of benefits for end users and programmers and some of the benefits
are given below:
• Qualified compatible with VBA and SQL
• It has got some features that support objects creation in the main server.
• It permits forms to include data that can be altered as modifications are made to main table.
• The engine of MS SQL server desktop is set into Access suite using Jetdata base engine that
helps in programming.
35) Give some uses append query?
The uses of append query are given below:
• One can save their time by adding data to the table that exists than manual table.
• It is possible to append files according to some criteria.
• Time and labor can be saved by appending while dealing with large updating in database.
36) How an append query is created?
Append query is used while adding new data rows to the table that already exists. The following
steps are used to create append query:
• Initial step is to create select query
• Next, append query after selection
• In query, you must select destination fields for every column
• Records are appended by making use of functions to run