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Yr12: Natural Hazards:
Flipped Learning - What Happens At Plate Boundaries?
Where are we up to?:
Wegener knew the continents had drifted but he couldn't explain how they drifted.
It wasn't until the 1960's that US geologists led by Professor Harold Hess of Princeton University
used ocean surveys to explain continental drift with the theory of Plate Tectonics.
What do you need to do?
Complete exercises 1-3 to help answer the following possible examination questions:
- How does the theory explain the processes active at plate margins and the landforms that
- What are the exceptions to the rule and theory of plate tectonics?
- How does the theory of plate tectonics explain volcanic and seismic activity?
Textbook: OCR Hodder PT chapter pp. 469-472; Additional notes – ‘What are the features of plate
On-line: (Navigate links on left)
Further animations (and why not take the test as well!):
Exercise 1: What are the physical processes that occur at plate boundaries?
a) Constructive plate boundaries (Oceanic & Continental (East African Rift Valley))
Define the movement of plates at this boundary
Import and annotate a diagram to explain what happens at this boundary at
a. On a landmass
b. In the ocean
Describe and explain the processes that occur at this boundary e.g. rifting
Name the landforms that are produced
Give a named example (Include the plate names)
b) Destructive plate boundaries (Continental-Oceanic & Oceanic-Oceanic)
a. Define the movement of plates at this boundary
b. Import and annotate a diagram to explain what happens at this boundary
c. Describe and explain the processes that occur at this boundary e.g.
d. Name the landforms that are produced
e. Give a named example (Include the plate names)
c) Conservative [transform] plate boundaries
a. Define the movement of plates at this boundary
b. Import and annotate a diagram to explain what happens at this boundary
c. Describe and explain the processes that occur at this boundary
d. Name the landforms that are produced
e. Give a named example (Include the plate names)
Yr12: Natural Hazards:
Flipped Learning - What Happens At Plate Boundaries?
d) Collision plate boundaries (Continental-Continental)
a. Define the movement of plates at this boundary
b. Import and annotate a diagram to explain what happens at this boundary
c. Describe and explain the processes that occur at this boundary e.g. rifting
d. Name the landforms that are produced
e. Give a named example (Include the plate names)
NB: Causes of plate movement at a divergent/constructive plate boundary
One possible cause of plate movement is convection in the mantle. We know that part of
the mantle is ductile so it can flow slowly. Convection currents may carry the rigid plates
along. There are other possible causes however. Ridge push is a mechanism in which the
weight of the oceanic crust at the ridge pushes it downwards so it moves sideways. The
other suggested mechanism is slab pull. The edge of the subducting plate is heavy and pulls
the rest of the plate along behind it.
Exercise 2: Explain the formation of the Hawaiian islands. Use a diagram to support your
Exercise 3: Without looking try and complete this table to summarise your understanding of
plate boundaries.
Plate margin
Hot spots
Movement of plates
Tectonic features