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Propaganda Project
Instructions: From the last few conversations we’ve had you have seen that propaganda
is used by governments and businesses to influence people’s opinions and persuade them
to complete a particular action.
In 1984 the Party and the Ministry of Truth is a great propagandist for Big Brother.
These groups mold public opinion through posters, slogans, songs, and other versions of
propaganda just as the North Korean government does to its people. Follow the steps
below to create an insightful propaganda poster which could be used by the Party.
First - take the following ideas and write quick slogans to promote them
1. Traitors are destroying the way of life for people in Oceania.
2. The war is being fought to keep Oceania safe from outside terrors and brutal enemies.
3. Big Brother cares about the troubles of the people.
4. Thoughtcrime is dangerous to the security of the nation and helps Goldstein.
5. The way of the past is completely decadent and worthless.
6. War is Peace. Ignorance is Strength. Freedom is Slavery.
7. Children should be mindful of their parents and keep them from disobeying the
Second - Take your slogan and develop it into a propaganda poster.
There are a few requirements to be aware of:
1. Your poster can not be on a piece of paper any bigger than legal sized paper (no
poster board).
2. Your poster should show a symbolic use of colors.
3. Your poster should include an image of some sort.
4. Your poster should have your slogan clearly written out. You may have to
shorten it or reword it.
5. Your poster should convince others of your point - you will want to use one of the
techniques of propaganda discussed earlier.
6. Your poster may be hand made or made on a computer. Or a combination of the
7. The poster will count as a one-hundred point major test grade.
8. Your poster will be accompanied by a one page explanation of the symbolism
used in the poster. How do the colors reinforce your message? How does the
image help to convince the animals of your ideas? This will add an additional ten
points to your grade. You will attach the explanation to the back of your poster.
9. You will want to plan before you begin creating.
10. Due dates:
A-day: ______________________________________________
B-day: ______________________________________________