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Negative numbers
Level A
Circle the right answer for each question.
1. What is the symbol for a negative number?
A) +
B) C) x
D) >
2. Which one of these is a negative number?
A) 8
B) 5
C) 12
D) -4
Entry 1 & 2 Quiz
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3. Which word goes with negative temperatures?
A) minus
B) plus
C) times
D) under
4. What word is the opposite of negative?
A) positive
B) equal
C) plus
D) added
5. What comes next in this sequence?
A) 4
B) 0
C) -4
D) -2
Entry 1 & 2 Quiz
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6. Which of these floors is probably below ground?
A) 2
B) 1
C) 0
D) -1
Entry 1 & 2 Quiz
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© BBC 2012
Negative numbers
Level B
Circle the right answer for each question.
1. Which one of these is a negative number?
A) 15
B) 10
C) -15
D) 5
2. Which one of these is not a negative number?
A) -23
B) 23
C) -32
D) -25
Entry 1 & 2 Quiz
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3. Put these numbers in order of size, start with the biggest.
7, -1, 0, 3
A) 7, 3, -1, 0
B) 7, 3, 0, -1
C) 0, -1, 3, 7
D) 3, -1, 0, 7
4. Which of these is most likely to be a fridge temperature?
A) 5°C
B) -15°C
C) 15°C
D) -5°C
Entry 1 & 2 Quiz
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5. Which of these is most likely to be the temperature inside a freezer?
A) 5°C
B) -15°C
C) 15°C
D) -5°C
6. What comes next in this sequence?
-8, -9, -10
A) 11
B) 8
C) -9
D) -11
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Negative numbers
Level C
Circle the right answer for each question.
1. Put these numbers in order of size, start with the biggest.
1, -5, 0, 4
A) -5, 4, 1, 0
B) 0, 1, 4, -5
C) 1, 4, 0, -5
D) 4, 1, 0, -5
Entry 1 & 2 Quiz
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2. Which of these is money that is owed?
A) £10
B) £5
C) -£10
D) £7
3. Which one of these is not a negative number?
A) £25
B) -25
C) -25°C
D) -£25
4. Where are you most likely to see negative numbers?
A) remote control
B) thermometer
C) clothes label
D) recipe
Entry 1 & 2 Quiz
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5. Which is the coldest temperature?
A) -15°C
B) -5°C
C) 5°C
D) 15°C
6. What is 1 degree below -1°C?
A) 0°C
B) 2°C
C) -11°C
D) -2°C
Entry 1 & 2 Quiz
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Quiz - answers
Negative numbers
Level A
1. What is the symbol for a negative number?
The correct answer is B. The symbol for a negative number is -
2. Which one of these is a negative number?
The correct answer is D. -4 is the only negative number in the list.
3. Which word goes with negative temperatures?
The correct answer is A. Negative temperatures are spoken as minus
4. What word is the opposite of negative?
The correct answer is A. Positive is the opposite of negative.
Entry 1 & 2 Quiz
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5. What comes next in this sequence?
The correct answer is C. -4 is the next number in the sequence.
6. Which of these floors is probably below ground?
The correct answer is D. -1 is probably below ground.
Entry 1 & 2 Quiz
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Quiz - answers
Negative numbers
Level B
1. Which one of these is a negative number?
The correct answer is C. -15 is the only negative number.
2. Which one of these is not a negative number?
The correct answer is B. 23 is the only number that is not negative.
3. Put these numbers in order of size, start with the biggest.
The correct answer is B. The correct order is 7, 3, 0, -1.
4. Which of these is most likely to be a fridge temperature?
The correct answer is A. 5°C is the most likely temperature for a
Entry 1 & 2 Quiz
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© BBC 2012
5. Which of these is most likely to be the temperature inside a freezer?
The correct answer is B. - 15°C is the most likely temperature for a
6. What comes next in this sequence?
The correct answer is D. -11 is the next number in the sequence.
Entry 1 & 2 Quiz
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Quiz - answers
Negative numbers
Level C
1. Put these numbers in order of size, start with the biggest.
The correct answer is D. 4, 1, 0, -5 is the correct order.
2. Which of these is money that is owed?
The correct answer is C. -£10 is money owed.
3. Which one of these is not a negative number?
The correct answer is A. £25 is the only number that is not negative.
4. Where are you most likely to see negative numbers?
The correct answer is B. You are most likely to see negative
numbers on a thermometer.
Entry 1 & 2 Quiz
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5. Which is the coldest temperature?
The correct answer is A. -15°C is the coldest temperature.
6. What is 1 degree below -1°C?
The correct answer is D. -2°C is one degree below -1°C.
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