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Chromosomes/Meiosis Worksheet
1. ___________ is the stage where a cell grows and copies DNA.
2. The ____________- is a network of protein fibers within the cell.
3. Simple cells without a membrane-bound nucleus are called ____________.
4. Human and plant cells are called ______________-.
5. The dark spot in the nucleus where organelles are formed is called the
6. A thin membrane surrounding a cell is called a ________________.
7. Small structures that complete cellular processes for the cell are called
8. The loose form of DNA is called _______________.
9. Each half of a chromosome is called a _______________-.
10. The gel-like material inside a cell is called ________________.
11. Distinguish between chromatids and centromeres.
12. Distinguish between sex chromosomes and autosomes.
13. Distinguish between diploid and haploid cells.
14. _______During cell division, the DNA in a eukaryotic cell is tightly packed and
coiled into structures called
a. centromeres
b. histones
c. haploids
d. chromosomes
15. ______Between cell divisions, the DNA in a eukaryotic cell is uncoiled and
spread out; in this form it is called
a. chromatid
b. chromatin
c. histone
d. nonhistone
16. ______ Humans have 46 chromosomes in all cells except sperm and egg cells.
How many of these chromosomes are autosomes?
a. 2
b. 23
c. 44
d. 46
17. _____ If an organism has a diploid, or 2n, number of 16, how many chromosomes
do its sperm cells or egg cells contain?
a. 8
b. 16
c. 32
d. 64
Short Answer
18. In what ways are homologous chromosomes similar?
19. What is the picture below called, and how is it used to determine the sex of a
20. Define a gamete.
21. Define independent assortment.
22. Define polar bodies
23. ______During corrsing-over, portions of chromatids
double the amount of DNA in each chromosome
move from autosomes to sex chromosomes
break off and attach to adjacent chromatids on the homologous chromosome.
Separate from each other and move to opposite poles of the cell