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Chapter 4 Study Buddy
1 List at least 5 attributes of CULTURE
traditions, worship, clothing, language, sports, art, food, music
2 What is the spread of culture traits from one region to another?
Cultural Diffusion
3 Give two examples of how ideas have spread in history. (The book has many. 84-85)
missionaries brought baseball to Korea, Spanish brought firearms and horses to Americas,
Europeans brought the languages of English, French, Spanish and Portuguese to the Americas.
4 What are push and pull factors? Give an example of each.
Push = push you away from your country (warfare, lack of jobs, lack of farmland) Irish Potato Famine
Pull=attract (chance for a better life) moving somewhere for cheap land or a new job
5 How do you find natural increase?
The birth rate minus the death rate
6 What is the process of moving from one place to live in another?
7 What is the total number of people in a given area?
8 What are some challenges that a country with a rapidly growing population might face?
Expensive land, crowded roads
9 How do you find population density of a country?
Total population divided by its area in square miles
10 What type of government is ruled by a king or queen?
11 How is democracy different from communism?
Democracy: people elect leaders and rule by majority
Communism: government owns all property, leaders are often chosen by communist party
12 Which of the governments is ruled by a single person with all the power?
13 What are the duties of government?
Make and enforce laws, regulate business and trade, provide aid to people
15 Which level of industry is concerned with research and distribution of information?
16 What is Gross Domestic Product?
The value of all goods and services produced within a country in a single year.
17 What economic indicators can be used to determine whether a country is developed or developing?
 GDP per capita
 Level of industrialization
 Quality of life: education, healthcare, access to technology
18 Which economic system is based on free trade and competition?
Market economy
19 What is the command economy?
The government decides what goods to produce, how much to produce, and what prices will be
20 Which is the economic activity that uses raw materials to produce or manufacture something new?
21 Which type of industry is farming?
22 How are prices determined in a market economy?
Supply and demand
23 At which level of industry are goods and services exchanged?
24 What type of economy does the United States have?
Market economy/capitalism
25 Where do most citizens work in a developing country?
26 What is one word that you would use to sum up economy.
27 What is interdependence?
Countries rely on one another for resources, goods, or services.
28 Define globalization
the process in which countries are linked to each other more and more through culture and trade
29 What changes brought about globalization?
Improved technology and transportation
30 Define popular culture and give two examples.
Culture traits that are well known and widely accepted. (McDonalds, Twilight, Jelly Bands.)