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A Study of Self Disclosure Levels among Men and Women
In Cyber and Face-to-Face Dating Context
Morgan St. George
John Heavey
Ashley Joers
Kylie Smithback
Kurt Roeder
Carroll University
Introduction and Literature Review
A cultural shift has taken place in the way people communicate, particularly the way
communicate occurs intimately. Online communication permeates the world today. This trend is
evolving to such an extent that 29 million Americans (two out of five singles) chose to
communicate via an online dating service (Ellison, Heino, & Gibbs, 2006). Looking at
Computer-mediated communication (CMC), it is defined by Hardaker (2010) as "the
communication that occurs between humans via some form of computer". CMC may be
appealing because “Online self-presentation is ‘more malleable, and subject to self –censorship
in CMC than it is in Face to Face interaction ( Ellison, Heino, & Gibbs, 2006).This study
explores if levels of self -disclosure in the cyber-dating world differ from levels of selfdisclosure found in face-to face communication in a dating context. Self disclosure is
“voluntarily communication of information about one's self to another ("Interpersonal
relationship communication theories,”) In order to gain further understanding, the study also
looks at biological sex as a variable. Research of such a topic is critical because growth in the
field of communication could not further develop without analyzing this rapidly expanding
aspect of communication in a dating context. In fact, Pauley and Emmers-Sommer (2007) state
that this rapidly expanding facet of communication is redefining how people engage in
relationships of all types. This study also offers a new scholarly insight on the topic because it
examines the gender aspect in these types of communication.
Analyzing how genders communicate in different contexts is important because this is a
technological age, and it is essential to analyze how identities we portray in cyberspace impact
face-to-face interaction. Research involving face-to-face interaction suggests that when
individuals expect to initially meet potential dating partners, they will alter self-presentational
behavior in accordance with the perceived values desired by the prospective date (Ellison, Heino,
& Gibbs, 2006).
CMC can include e-mail, Internet chat, and teleconferencing. Face-to-face
communication (FtF), on the other hand, is characterized by a sender and receiver of a message
both being present, where immediate feedback can be given. The differences between face-toface communication and computer-mediated communication hamper the efficiency and can lead
to a misunderstood message. In CMC, which is mainly textual communication, nonverbal
communication is not present to provide meaning (Bordia, 1997). Because the receiver cannot
hear the message in text, the tone and potential use of sarcasm can be misinterpreted (McQuillen,
2003).). One phenomenon that exists in this study is hyperpersonal communication, which
suggests that CMC is preferred to FtF because one can create an idealized self (McQuillen,
In online dating websites, self-presentation becomes an important theory to look to due to
the pressure participants feel to present an enhanced self (Ellison, Heino, & Gibbs, 2006). "Selfdisclosure in a relationship proceeds in an orderly and systematic fashion, increasing in breadth
and depth from non personal to more personal topics of intimacy"(Herold & Way, 1988).
Websites such as eHarmony ask participants to answer 436 questions that match them with a
"marriage minded" person using 29 aspects of compatibility (Foston, 2005). These sites interrupt
the social penetration theory, which makes predictions about relationship development based on
levels of self-disclosure, because people expose personal details immediately, making them
vulnerable to judgment (Ellison, Heino, & Gibbs, 2006). Because people are afraid of rejection,
they sometimes decide to self disclose information that contributes to the ideal self (Ellison,
Heino, & Gibbs, 2006.) "Individuals admitted to representing themselves as less heavy than they
actually were (Ellison, Heino, & Gibbs, 2006). Confidence in appearance transfers over to the
theory of self-presentation because of the lack of FtF users can be selective in describing their
identity. CMC is less candid because users have more time to construct their own personality
Looking at the concept of self-disclosure, honesty, level, intent, and valance act as
measurable gauges of self disclosure. To further understand how the facets of self disclosure
operate, a studied example found that, “most online daters do lie, but in moderation, wanting to
improve their images in terms of height or weight, but not so much that they would be caught if
they were to meet someone face-to-face”(Harrison, 2009). Most commonly, people see
exaggerations of participation in activities or hobbies that increase attractiveness to potential
mates. The participant’s intentions to engage in FtF communication also impacts honesty. Over a
quarter of online dating participants admitted to lying about some part of their identity (Ellison,
Heino, & Gibbs, 2006). However, 86 percent felt misrepresented by the questionnaires on the
online dating websites (Ellison et al., 2006). Lies and misrepresentation can lead to
disappointments in FtF communication between matched people (Ellison, Heino, & Gibbs,
Some limitations in past studies include not taking into consideration inactive users of
cyber dating services or people who found success and have not canceled their account. In this
study, it is planned to not put inactive users into the population and only consider users who have
logged in and look within the past two months part of the sample frame. Another limitation is
that few studies have obtained feedback from both successful and unsuccessful participants and
proposed how the experience could change to limit the amount of false information being
evaluated. By taking these two aspects into consideration, this study should obtain more accurate
results and be able to suggest change to increase accuracy in online dating profiles.
In order to collect data accurately and efficiently, the cross sectional survey method is an
appropriate methodology for this study because it is inexpensive, data can be analyzed easily,
and can be distributed via e-mail, which can reach a large number of participants in a short
period of time. The cross-sectional questionnaire is beneficial because it allows analysis of the
two research questions examined. In this survey, it is important to note that levels of selfdisclosure will act as the dependent variable. The biological sex and dating context are the
independent variables. In this case, the independent variable’s values are a face to face dating
context versus a cyber dating one. The survey’s questions, derived from the Revised Self
Disclosure Scale, (Rubin, Palmgreen, & Sypter, 1994) will effectively address the research
question because they reveal self disclosure levels among participants and the study seeks to
describe the nature of these communication methods.
This study examines a sample of 5,000 25 to 35-year-old active online dating members.
By contacting an online dating site such as, a sample frame of all members
currently on the site in the target age range could be represented. From that sample frame, a
simple random sample would be taken to produce a list of potential participants that would be
contacted via e-mail and given the opportunity to take the survey. This approach ensures the
diversity of the online dating community is represented, as well as a large sample.
The same survey would be distributed to 5,000 25 to 35-year-old males and females who
have never experienced online dating, but are currently participating in traditional face to face
dating. The most appropriate way to achieve a sample from this population would be to use the
cluster sampling technique. This would allow for a diverse range, giving a better representation
of the population. After the sample is found, they would also receive the survey through e-mail.
With these results, comparisons between self disclosure in online dating and face to face dating
could be made
The Revised Self-Disclosure Scale (Rubin, Palmgreen, & Sypter, 1994) is the most
appropriate measurement tool for this study. This measurement tool, developed by Wheeless and
Grotz, is useful because it offers a multidimensional measure of self-disclosure. The dimensions
include Intent to Disclose, Amount of Disclosure, Positive-Negative Nature of Self-Disclosure,
Honesty/Accuracy of Disclosure, and Depth of Disclosure. The scale offers validity to the study
because it possesses the ability to measure respondent’s levels of disclosure in general, which
reflects how they communicate with others. By comparing the self-disclosure of online
participants and face-to-face communicators, researchers can break down the five dimensions as
defined by Wheeless and Grotz to each individual and compare them. Surveying a diverse
sample in this study can compare the different levels of self-disclosure and how they how differ
between face to face and computer-mediated communications.
Data collection will be carried out via surveys sent to members of an Internet dating
website. Attached to the survey will be a cover letter (Appendix A) addressing the imperative
nature of the study. Upon opening the e-mail, participants in the study will be directed to a link
to complete the survey (Appendix B). Upon completion of the survey, a clearly distinguished
button will allow participants to submit the survey. To ensure participants understand they have
submitted it properly and their participation is deeply appreciated, clicking the submit button will
direct the survey participant to a thank you page. Administering the survey via e-mail to an
online dating website membership will be effective because the survey pertains to everyone who
receives the e-mail. It will also be effective because partnership with the website will allow for
specific selection of the age groups that are to receive the survey.
It is imperative to address the threats to validity inherent in the study. In analyzing
internal threats to validity, it is possible that the Hawthorne Effect may pose such a threat to the
study. Despite the anonymity of the study to minimize the Hawthorne Effect, it may still pertain
because the personal nature of this study may make subjects defensive.
It is also imperative to examine the threats to external validity associated with the study.
By constraining the study to analyzing one Internet dating website, the study is susceptible to an
unrepresentative sample. Another contributing factor to this threat is excluding certain ages that
might contribute valid findings to the study. When the results are found, it will be important to
inform readers that this was targeted and not able to be generalized to the entire online dating
While compiling the results of the Revised Self-Disclosure Scale, (Rubin, Palmgreen, &
Sypter, 1994) the mean will be calculated among the number range shown on the scale. In this
case, a score of one on the Likert Scale represents a strong disagreement, as a seven indicates a
strong agreement. Evidence of a four suggests neutrality, and all other scores follow the
spectrum. Conclusions will be drawn based on mean scores given by participants, thus the
research question will be answered. While compiling the results, the mean will be determined
among the scale’s number range. This mean will become evident through statistical analysis of
each statement retrieved by implementing the Revised Self Disclosure Scale, (Rubin, Palmgreen,
& Sypter, 1994). In doing so, it will be possible to conclude if levels of self-disclosure between
biological sex in the cyber-dating world significantly differ from the levels of self-disclosure
found in face-to-face communication.
Reflecting on the proposed research questions, it is possible that the degree of self-disclosure
is higher when in a cyber dating website context. The degree of self-disclosure is also higher in
females when in a cyber dating website context. The possibility also exists that the degree of
self-disclosure does not fluctuate in different contexts of communication. Similarly, the
difference between male and female self-disclosure may not differ in the cyber dating website
context and face-to-face communication dating context. By knowing these possible results
showing that the levels of self-disclosure differ in an online dating context as opposed to face to
face communication allows to evaluate which relationship seeking method is best suited for
developing intimate relationships.
The limitations of this study present avenues of further research. This study only gathered
information from one age range. A future study could use a different target age or compare two
age ranges to see how age affects levels of self disclosure in online dating. Along with age, use
of gender presents new research. Comparing self disclosure between men to women, women to
women, and men to men, may show interesting trends in the findings. Another limitation
discussed is the use of one dating site. It may be a useful for online dating sites to compare how
their active users compare to other sites when disclosing information. A company could then
reconstruct their questionnaires to ensure accurate information is put on user profiles.
Men and women between the ages of 25-35 were surveyed on the amount of selfdisclosure they share with others in a cyber website versus face to face communication. EHarmony was the dating website of choice because it has members take a 400-question survey
that reveals a significant amount of information. This also determines their match compatibility
with other users. It is likely that participants would share more and more of themselves as they
became more familiar with the site, so the more experience they have with the cyber dating
world the more likely they will share information on their profiles. The level of depth for the
survey was important because the more questions that were asked, the better results yielded
when it came to finding the right match. Using the self report method tests how people presented
themselves in face to face communication versus their selections when filling out an E-Harmony
Narrowing the study down to a certain age and one dating website was of significant
focus. It was important to find an age group that is informed on the latest technology and looking
for a serious relationship. Also picking only one dating site that has had a lot of success was
important. E-Harmony was a good choice with the project because it has an in-depth survey. The
survey includes a 400-question survey asking numerous questions. The methodology fragment \
includes the in-depth survey and the self-report method. Surveys were researched to determine
the survey for this study. Studying the self-report method allowed to see how much people
answered, or told about themselves through the online questionnaire and the face to face
Bordia, P. (1997). Face-to-Face Versus Computer-Mediated Communication: A Synthesis of
the Experimental Literature. Journal of Business Communication, 34(1), 99-120.
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Ellison, N., Heino, R., & Gibbs, J. (2006). Managing Impressions Online: SelfPresentation Processes in the Online Dating Environment.Journal of Computer-Mediated
Communication, 11(2), 415-441.doi:10.1111/j.1083-6101.2006.00020.x.
Foston, N. (2005). LOVE AT FIRST BYTE.Ebony, 60(12), 128. Retrieved from MasterFILE
Premier database.
Hardaker, C. (2010). Trolling in asynchronous computer-mediated communication: From user
discussions to academic definitions. Journal of Politeness Research: Language,
Behavior, Culture, 6(2), 215-242.doi:10.1515/JPLR.2010.011.
Harrison, J. (2009).A VIRTUAL SOCIETY.Rocky Mountain Communication Review, 6(1),
5- 7. Retrieved from Communication & Mass Media Complete database.
Herold, E., & Way, L. (1988).Sexual Self-Disclosure Among University Women. Journal of
Sex Research, 24(1-4), 1. Retrieved from MasterFILE Premier Database.
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Pauley, P., & Emmers-Sommer, T. (2007). The Impact of Internet Technologies onPrimary and
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Rubin, B., Palmgreen, ,& Sypter, E. (1994).Communication research measures, a sourcebook.
New York, New York: The Guilford Press.
Revised Self-Disclosure Scale
Instruction: Please mark the following statements to reflect how you communicate with a person
of romantic interest to you through face-to-face communication. Indicate the degree to which the
following statements reflect how you communicate with this person by marking whether you (7)
strongly agree, (6) agree, (5) moderately agree, (4) are undecided, (3) moderately disagree, (2)
disagree, or (1) strongly disagree. Record the number of your response in the space provided
right after the question on the right. Work quickly and just record your first impressions.
Click One:
Intended Disclosure
1. When I wish, my self-disclosures are always accurate reflections of who I really am.
2. When I express my personal feelings, I am always aware of what I am doing and saying.
3. When I reveal my feelings about myself, I consciously intend to do so.
4. When I am self-disclosing, I am consciously aware of what I am revealing.
5. I do not often talk about myself.
6. My statements of my feelings are usually brief.
7. I usually talk about myself for fairly long periods at a time.
8. My conversation lasts the least time when I am discussing myself.
9. I often talk about myself.
10. I often discuss my feelings about myself.
11. Only infrequently do I express my personal beliefs and opinions.
12. I usually disclose positive things about myself.
13. On the whole, my disclosures about myself are more negative than positive.
14. I normally reveal “bad” feelings I have about myself.
15. I normally “express” my good feelings about myself.
16. I often reveal more undesirable things about myself than desirable things.
17. I usually disclose negative things about myself.
18. On a whole, my disclosures about myself are more positive than negative.
Control of Depth
19. I intimately disclose who I really am, openly and fully in my conversation.
20. Once I get started, my self-disclosures last a long time.
21. I often disclose intimate, personal things about myself without hesitation.
22. I feel that I sometimes do not control my self-disclosure of personal or intimate things I
tell about myself.
23. Once I get started, I intimately and fully reveal myself in my self-disclosures.
Honesty – Accuracy
24. I cannot reveal myself when I want to because I do not know myself thoroughly enough.
25. I am often not confident that my expressions of my own feelings, emotions, and
experiences are true reflections of myself.
26. I always feel completely sincere when I reveal my own feelings and experiences.
27. My self-disclosures are completely accurate reflections of who I really am.
28. I am not always honest in my self-disclosures.
29. My statements about my feelings, emotions, and experiences are always accurate selfperceptions.
30. I am always honest in y self-disclosures.
31. I do not always feel completely sincere when I reveal my own feelings, emotions,
behaviors or experiences.
Revised Self-Disclosure Scale
Instruction: Please mark the following statements to reflect how you communicate with a person
of romantic interest to you through an online dating website. Indicate the degree to which the
following statements reflect how you communicate with this person by marking whether you (7)
strongly agree, (6) agree, (5) moderately agree, (4) are undecided, (3) moderately disagree, (2)
disagree, or (1) strongly disagree. Record the number of your response in the space provided
right after the question on the right. Work quickly and just record your first impressions.
Click One:
Intended Disclosure
1. When I wish, my self-disclosures are always accurate reflections of who I really am.
2. When I express my personal feelings, I am always aware of what I am doing and saying.
3. When I reveal my feelings about myself, I consciously intend to do so.
4. When I am self-disclosing, I am consciously aware of what I am revealing.
5. I do not often talk about myself.
6. My statements of my feelings are usually brief.
7. I usually talk about myself for fairly long periods at a time.
8. My conversation lasts the least time when I am discussing myself.
9. I often talk about myself.
10. I often discuss my feelings about myself.
11. Only infrequently do I express my personal beliefs and opinions.
12. I usually disclose positive things about myself.
13. On the whole, my disclosures about myself are more negative than positive.
14. I normally reveal “bad” feelings I have about myself.
15. I normally “express” my good feelings about myself.
16. I often reveal more undesirable things about myself than desirable things.
17. I usually disclose negative things about myself.
18. On a whole, my disclosures about myself are more positive than negative.
Control of Depth
19. I intimately disclose who I really am, openly and fully in my conversation.
20. Once I get started, my self-disclosures last a long time.
21. I often disclose intimate, personal things about myself without hesitation.
22. I feel that I sometimes do not control my self-disclosure of personal or intimate things I
tell about myself.
23. Once I get started, I intimately and fully reveal myself in my self-disclosures.
Honesty – Accuracy
24. I cannot reveal myself when I want to because I do not know myself thoroughly enough.
25. I am often not confident that my expressions of my own feelings, emotions, and
experiences are true reflections of myself.
26. I always feel completely sincere when I reveal my own feelings and experiences.
27. My self-disclosures are completely accurate reflections of who I really am.
28. I am not always honest in my self-disclosures.
29. My statements about my feelings, emotions, and experiences are always accurate selfperceptions.
30. I am always honest in y self-disclosures.
31. I do not always feel completely sincere when I reveal my own feelings, emotions,
behaviors or experiences.
Dear participant,
The purpose of this e-mail is to present a survey to 25-35 year olds actively participating
in online dating. We are studying how the self-disclosure of males and females differ in face-toface communication dating context compared to online dating websites. Self- disclosure is
voluntarily communication of information about one's self to another. Communication in our
society has undergone extensive changes with the prevalent use of the cyber world and it is
imperative that we invest further research into how our communication lives have been altered.
This is an anonymous survey and your identity will be protected. Names or locations of
participants will not be asked to ensure anonymity. This survey should take no more than 5 to 10
minutes of your time.
The link below will send you to the page to complete the brief survey. We are looking
forward to your response. Thank you for your time.
If any questions or comments arise, please contact John Heavey at [email protected].
John Heavey
Kurt Roeder
Ashley Joers
Kylie Smithback
Morgan St. George