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Spelling Homework Menu
You will have a list of spelling words weekly that have been introduced in class. Each night you do homework, you are expected to do a
different activity to make sure these words and the spelling patterns are mastered.
Monday: Do the activity pages assigned in your Words Their Way book. Write the spelling rule in your journal.
Tuesday: Choose any of the homework choices below. Show your work in the spelling spiral.
Wednesday: Choose any of the homework choices below. Show your work in the spelling spiral.
Thursday: Pretest & study! Have someone say each word as you write the word under the correct heading. Be sure that each word is in the
correct category and is spelled correctly.
Write your words, but divide
them into syllables or sounds.
Write this week’s spelling sort
in rainbow colors.
Use you spelling words in
sentences. Make sure both
spelling and grammar are
Walk backwards while spelling
your words out loud. Be
Write each spelling word three
Write your words one inch tall.
Trace them with your finger &
spell them out loud.
Write your words and find
additional words that could fit
into this week’s spelling
Under each sort heading, put
your spelling words in
alphabetical order.
Write your word and draw a
picture that helps you
remember the word.
Additional online spelling homework!
You can also use a website called Spelling City to help you with your spelling words. This is ONLY in addition to a menu item above for
extra practice not for homework. You can also find your words there if you forget your journal.
Here is how to find our spelling list each week.
1) Go to and hit “find a list”.
2) Type in Susan Mitchell for teacher name
3) Click on my name beside Greentree Elementary (there are other Susan Mitchells)
4) Scroll down until you see our spelling list.
5) Click the list and you can play games! WOW!!!