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Intermediate Algebra II Section 1-5(part 1) Notes Template
Objective: To solve inequalities and graph their solutions.
II. Teacher activities:
A) Hook: Solve the equation: 4x + 2 = -6
B) Solve inequalities the same way you solve equations.
 Get the variable to the left, then the shading will go in the same direction as
the sign of inequality
 < or >: open circle at boundary number
 or: closed circle at boundary number
 Whenever you multiply or divide both sides of an inequality by a negative
value, you must reverse the sign of inequality.
Directions: Solve each inequality & then graph the solutions on a number line.
The variable MUST be on the LEFT of the inequality symbol.
Ex1 y  7  4
Ex 2 2 x  3  5
Ex 3 3x  6
Ex 5 4 x  2  10
Ex 6 Write an Inequality: 5 less than a number is at least 12.
Go through Problem 3 on p35.
Ex 7 Answer in a sentence: A digital music service offers two subscription plans.
The first has a $9 membership fee and charges $1 per download. The second has a
$25 membership fee and charges $.50 per download. How many songs must you
download for the second plan to cost less than the first?
III. Assignment: p37: 7-16all, 17-19odd, 21-26all