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1. Which ancient Greek philosopher believed an ideal society’s government should be ruled
by a class of “philosopher kings”?
2. Aristotle stated in his work Politics “law is reason without desire….” This idea would
apply to modern Western democratic governments how?
3. Individual achievement, dignity and worth are of great importance to a societies well
being. This idea can be traced back to what society in ancient Greece?
4. What idea from Charles Louis Montesquieu is used in a government to create separate
5. John Locke’s argued life, liberty and property, are referred to as what?
6. What do U.S.A.’s Declaration of Independence and the French Declaration of Rights of
Man both emphasized a government must do what for its citizens?
7. During the 19th century, What South American revolutionary leader help liberate viceroys
from Spanish control?
8. The American Revolution and the French Revolution both altered there existing
governments but what document from the American Revolution still exist?
9. What was the purpose of the Third Estates meeting the Tennis Court Oath in 1789?
10. How did England’s agricultural revolution lead to their industrial revolution?
11. Why was Louis Pasteur work on germ theory in the 19th century important?
12. In the 19th century, why did labor unions start to become more abundant?
13. During the Industrial Revolution, businesses primarily invested in what resource?
14. Charles Dickens literature was a result from what movement in the 19th century?
15. What late 18th century European movement arose as a reaction against Classicism?
16. Economically, what allowed Japan to become a colonial power after 1894?
17. What was the Sepoy Rebellion in India?
18. Why did the Chinese Imperial government collapse in 1912?
19. Mohandas Gandhi used his philosophy of nonviolent noncooperation in an effort to do
20. In 1900, anti-foreign sentiment in China led to what uprising within China?