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Unit 6: The Cell Cycle, Mitosis and Meiosis
Checklist of Objectives
Practice Questions
 Describe the Cell Cycle and the process of
1. During which phase of the cell cycle would an error be
Mitosis. Explain the role of mitosis in the
most likely to occur? Explain your reasoning by
formation of new cells, and its importance in
describing what happens in each stage of the cell cycle.
maintaining chromosome number during asexual 2. If the cell ends up with damaged DNA from S phase,
what condition could likely occur if this cell continued to
3. What type of cell (skin or Neuron) would be most
likely to turn cancerous? Defend reasoning by referencing
what you know about S Phase.
4. Identify and describe the 4 reasons why cells divide.
 Explain the role of mitosis in the formation of
new cells, and its importance in maintaining
chromosome number during asexual reproduction
 Describe how the process of meiosis results in the
formation of haploid cells
1. If a cell continues to divide despite a malfunction in
the formation of spindle fibers, what would happen?
2. What should happen when a cell increases to the point
that it decreases the surface area to volume ratio of a
neighboring cell? What can happen if this cell continues
to increase?
3. What happens when a cell increases to the point that it
decreases the surface area to volume ratio of a
neighboring cell? What is the probable name of this
4. Draw and describe the stages of mitosis.
1. What is the difference between Haploid and Diploid?
2. Explain why gametes are one of a kind.
3. Draw and describe the stages of meiosis.
 Explain the importance of this process in sexual
1. What is the difference between the number of
reproduction and how gametes form diploid
chromosomes in a gamete and a somatic cell?
zygotes in the process of fertilization
2. Does more chromosomes mean more complex?
Explain why or why not.
Key Terms (for Making Flashcards)
Quiz 1: Centromere, Spindle, Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase, Cytokinesis, Interphase, G1 (describe what
happens), S (describe what happens), G2 (describe what happens)
Quiz 2: Haploid, Diploid, Gametes, Prophase (I and II), Metaphase (I and II), Anaphase (I and II), Telophase (I and
II), Independent Assortment, Crossing Over, Homologous Chromosomes
Test: Quiz 1, Quiz 2, contact inhibition, cyclins, internal vs. external regulation (example of each)
Sources of Information to Use in Studying
Homeworks: Textbook Notes
Labs: Mitosis lab, Meiosis lab
Flashcards: From key terms above
Class Notes: Power point handouts and your own written notes if any
Practice Questions: Posted in above section (also your do-nows)