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2005 Senior Floriculture CDE – Written Exam
For each of the following questions, please select the BEST answer. Use a #2 pencil to shade in
the number on your answer sheet.
1. The production of foliage or flowering ornamental plants in fields or green houses for
commercial sales is known as
a. Olericulture
b. Agronomy
c. Floriculture
d. Arboriculture
2. A chemical used to control weeds, insects or disease organisms.
a. insecticide
b. pesticide
c. herbicide
d. fungicide
3. A complete fertilizer will contain
a. nitrogen, sulfur, phosphorus
b. all major and minor nutrients
c. all major nutrients and minerals
d. nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium
4. Which technique is NOT used to dry flowers or foliage?
a. Pressing
b. waxing
c. air drying
d. hanging upside down
5. Two main functions of stems are
a. to store food and move water up to the flowering parts of the plant
b. movement of water and minerals and support plant parts
c. to manufacture food and store it for future use
d. to furnish food for human beings and other animals
6. Advantages of a good artificial media over native soil are
a. it is sterile and uniform in content
b. it is lighter in weight and therefore easier to handle and ship
c. it has good drainage and moisture-holding ability
d. all of the above
7. After removing bedding plants from the greenhouse they should be __________ before
planting outside.
a. pruned
b. fertilized
c. hardened off
d. pinched
8. A chemical most often used for rooting cuttings is
a. indoleacetic acid
b. indoebutyric acid
c. naphthaleneacetic acid
d. talc
A tuber is a swollen end of an underground side shoot or stem. One common tuber
a. Tulip
b. Daylily
c. Iris
d. Irish potato
10. An important plant for the landscape which requires a sunny site is
a. impatiens
b. coleus
c. begonias
d. marigolds
11. The standard temperature and time for sterilizing soil is…
a. 100 degrees F for 1 hour
b. 100 degrees F for 30 minutes
c. 180 degrees F for 1 hour
d. 180 degrees F for 30 minutes
12. Snails and slugs are not often seen eating plants because…
a. they only eat roots and underground stems
b. they feed at night
c. they hide quickly if someone approaches
d. their color blends in well with the plants
13. What is the difference between the two main classes of petunias?
a. milleflora have very small flowers and multiflora have big flowers
b. grandiflora have greater numbers of very large, showy blossoms
c. milleflora have millions of tiny flowers while grandifloras have thousands
of huge, showy flowers
d. multiflora have smaller flowers but more of them than grandiflora
14. Mrs. Waleiyinski likes growing iris but she doesn’t like to use pesticides. In recent years
she’s had trouble with iris borers. What should she do to reduce the population of
a. she should spray anyway because there is no other cure
b. she should forget growing iris and switch to something that takes less work
c. she needs to soak the rhizomes in chlorine bleach water and then replant
d. she should clean off the old dead leaves by April 1 and compost or burn them
If a pesticide comes in contact with your eyes, you should…
a. move from contaminated atmosphere and call a physician
b. drink 1 to 2 glasses or milk or water and induce vomiting
c. flush eyes with plenty of water
d. wash thoroughly with soap and water
16. A corm is made of what kind of tissue?
a. leaf
b. stem
c. tuberous root
d. root
17. _________ is used to raise the pH of a soil.
a. Copper
b. lime
c. sulfur
d. nitrogen
18. A monoecious plant is one with:
a. only male flowers
b. both male and female flowers
c. only female flowers
d. male and female flowers on separate plants
19. A soil test indicates you should apply 150 pounds of actual nitrogen per acre for your cut
flower crop. You want to use 20-20-20 fertilizer since the soil is also low in phosphorus
and potassium. How should you apply per acre?
a. 750 pounds
b. 75 pounds
c. 30 pounds
d. 300 pounds
20. A soil test indicates you should apply 150 pounds of actual nitrogen per acre for your cut
flower crop. You want to use 20-20-20 fertilizer since the soil is also low in phosphorus
and potassium. How should you apply per acre?
a. 750 pounds
b. 75 pounds
c. 30 pounds
d. 300 pounds
21. Which of the following is not a characteristic of an insect?
a. Phylum-Anthropoda
b. Three distinctive body parts
c. Two pair of legs
d. Antennae
22. Which of the following is not generally propagated by stem cuttings?
a. New Guinea impatiens
b. Hydrangea
c. Garden mums
d. Gloxinia
23. The soil borne fungi most often causing “damping-off” in seedlings is
a. rhizoctonia.
b. verticillium.
c. thelaviopsis.
d. none of the above
24. If you are told you need to add S.T.E.M. to your crop, what are you being told to add?
a. soluble trace element mix
b. something to enable maturation
c. sand that emits micronutrients
d. sodium triglyceride emulsification material
25. There are thousands of types of orchids that grow throughout the world, some grow only
in the tropics and some are native to Florida. Which of the following is not a type of
a. cattleya
b. cyclamen
c. cymbidium
d. cypripedium