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Functional Foods
Is all that is in food just vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, fats, & protein, or might there
be other chemicals important for our HEALTH???
Foods Acting as “Anti-oxidants”
Physically Active People Have  Need Due to Elevated Free Radical Production
Antioxidants neutralize free radicals before damage to cells and tissue occurs
Top Fruits and Vegetables for Antioxidant Value
Brussels sprouts
Alfalfa sprouts
Broccoli flowers
Red grapes
Adapted from: Heber D., Bowerman S. What Color is Your Diet? (2001)
Selected Compounds & Functional Foods
Carotenoids – red, yellow, & orange pigments Especially abundant in yellow-orange
fruits & vegetables and dark green, leafy vegetables
o 3 major carotenoids:
 B-carotene, Lutein, Lycopene
Beta-carotene intercepts free radicals makes it part of antioxidant defense system
o high pro-vitamin A activity
o  dietary levels correlate with low incidences of cancer of mouth, lung, breast,
cervix, skin, and stomach
o mango, cantaloupe, carrots, pumpkin, papaya, peaches, honeydew, oranges, sweet
potato, apricots, kiwi
Leutin - exists in retina of eye; protects photoreceptor cells from light-generated oxygen
radicals; prevents macular degeneration
o  dietary levels of lutein in diet are inversely correlated with lung cancer
o Green vegetables: broccoli, brussel sprouts, spinach, kale, romaine lettuce,
zucchini, peas, collard greens
Lycopene – pigment responsible for red color, anti-oxidant may reduce risk of eye
disease; reacts with oxygen
o inversely related to risk of cancer of pancreas and cervix
o red color of fruits and vegetables such as tomatoes, pink grapefruit, skin of red
grapes, watermelon and red guavas, papaya, and apricots
o especially tomatoes & tomato products
Class of phytochemicals found in all fruits, vegetables, beverages (such as tea, wine &
fruit drinks)
most potent plant antioxidants
anti-microbial/allergic, anti-platelet, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor effects, memory/mood
protect LDL cholesterol from oxidization (atherosclerosis),  blood pressure in
associated with  heart disease and cancer prevention
protect cell membranes and cellular DNA
“French Paradox" - moderate consumption of red wine is associated with low rates of
coronary artery disease
More deeply colored plant, more flavonoids present
Research on supplements is less strong
strawberries, blue/black berries, purple grapes/juice, black/green tea, citrus fruits, olives,
onions, oregano, ginger
Chelation – neutralizing metals which act as free radicals
Types of Flavonoids
Flavonols – onion, kale, apple tea, blueberries
Flavones – celery, pepper, parsley
Catechins – chocolate, grapes, tea, red wine
Anthocyanins – berries
Isoflavones – soy
Selected Compounds & Functional Foods
Phytosterols – phytochemicals similar to steroid hormones (estrogen), may ??  cancer
risk of breast, colon, ovaries, prostate
Genistein – phytosterol found in soybeans, mimics & blocks action of estrogen (weak
o soybean products (soy milk, tofu, other beans & peas)
o cancer controversy ??
Lignans – phytochemical converted into phytosterols in body may help reduce risk of
cancer (breast, colon, ovaries, prostate)
o flaxseed (not oil) & whole grains
Organosulfur compounds – may stimulate cancer defense
o onion, chive, garlic
Probiotics –contain microorganisms which alter bacteria in intestine; help digestion &
health concerns with digestive track
o yogurt, other dairy products
Indols- may help block DNA damage from carcinogens
o broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower
Phenolic acids – may decrease can cancer causing agents
o apples, blueberries, cherries, grapes, oranges, prunes, oats
Phytic acid – binds to substances in digestive track to reduce risk of colon cancer
o whole grain products (breads, cereals, rice, pasta)
Selected Popular Foods with Anti-oxidant Protection
Purple Grape Juice
o Polyphenolic compounds
o may inhibit blood clotting,  LDL oxidation (improve function of arteries)
o 8 to 16 fluid ounces/day may help support normal, healthy heart function
 sugar??
 dilute??
Choose berries instead
Broccoli, Kale, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Couliflower
Contains several phytochemicals including Indols
Eating 3-4 servings of broccoli or other crucifers per week may have a positive effect on
cancer risk reduction.
A serving equals approximately 1/2 cup of broccoli.
Seed of the flax plant
Source of essential fatty acids
linolenic acid (omega-3)
Flaxseed oil is about 57% omega-3 & about 17% omega-6
LN can be converted into (EPA) & (DHA) fatty acids which are precursors to
o anti-inflammatory
o anti-atherogenic prostaglandins
o EPA has been implicated in stimulating growth hormone secretion
40 g of flaxseed oil/day may  blood clotting by  platelet aggregation ( "stickiness”
may delay breast cancer progression & preventing against colon cancer - as much as a
50%  compared to control groups not fed flaxseed
Green Tea
Active constituents are polyphenols & flavonols
Antioxidant activity about 25-100x’s vitamins C and E
1 cup provides 10-40 mg of polyphenols & has antioxidant activity of serving of broccoli
Provides significant immuno-protective qualities
for cancer patients undergoing radiation or chemotherapy
white blood cell count maintained more effectively in cancer patients consuming green
tea compared to non-supplemented patients
Recent studies suggest a role in promoting weight loss
suppression of food intake, body weight gain & fat accumulation??
 cholesterol & triglycerides were lower (mice)
Mild increase in thermogenesis ( caloric expenditure)
Co-Enzyme Q10
Component of the electron transport chain and participates in aerobic cellular respiration
to produce ATP
Organs with highest energy requirements—such as the heart & liver—have the highest
CoQ10 concentrations
Body can produce it endogenously, but also found in…
Organ meats, Fish, Nuts
Is capable of transferring electrons, so acts as an anti-oxidant
research somewhat controversial
Trace mineral involved in many metabolic processes in body
Incorporated into proteins that act as an anti-oxidant
Strong evidence links with reduced cancer risk
o Nuts (Brazilian)
o Canned tuna & Cod
o Turkey
Recommended Resources
University of Illinois Functional Foods for Health Program:
International Food Information Council:
The American Dietetic Association:
Nutrition in Complementary Care