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Rise of Hitler
Questions/ Comments/
Chapter 13.4 Hitler’s Germany p.428-429
Hitler Quote
Hitler’s Early Career
- Served in German army in WWI
- Joined Nazi Party, postwar Germany
- Sent to prison in attempt to overthrow gov’t
- Wrote “Mein Kampf” – describing political ideas; nationalism and racial
All of them (Mussolini, Stalin, & Hitler) basically used
force and violence to further spread their belief, in
order to gain followers?
It’s aggravating because how can you follow some
man into hating a whole religious race not caring for
the kinds of people you know, they’re all so
disgusting. Hating, not caring how much blood was
spilled, and the slaughter of any person in relation to
Jewish belief. It’s not even
Hitler that should be to blame because these people
were foolish enough to follow some man into an
onslaught of innocent people.
Hitler Gains Power
- Used Great Depression to gain power
- Promised strong military and German being a more superior race;
popularized Nazi Party
- Appointed chancellor after Nazis continued to gain more popularity
Hitler Controls Germany
- Used punishment and intimidation through the practice of dictatorship
- Took upon totalitarian regime, propaganda popularized Hitler and youth
groups educated children in the worship of Hitler
- Controlled gov’t spending on public works, reducing unemployment, more
money used on military
Nazi Anti-Semitism
- Anti-Semitism – hostility/prejudice against Jewish people
- Combined hate of Nazi with Christian Europe past hate against Jews
- Jews prohibited to marry Germans
Nuremberg Laws 1935
- Set a legal status for German Jews, eliminated citizenship rights,work was
limited, defined by Jewish ancestry not religious beliefs
Kristallnacht Nov 9-10, 1938
- “Night of Broken Glass” riots where hundreds of Jewish were killed, many
Jewish workplaces and areas of worship were demolished
- More horrifying things ahead, Germany leading to the bloodiest war
Terms /Person
Your definition
(1883–1945) Italian Fascist leader; he
ruled as Italy’s dictator for more than 20
years beginning in 1922. His alliance
with Hitler brought Italy into World War
Picture/Symbol/ Map or Sentence
Hitler is always the number one
name heard, him having
accomplices is probably rarely
a totalitarian system of government that
focuses on the good of the state rather
than on the good of the individual
Comparable to communism.
form of government in which the person
or party in charge has absolute control
over all aspects of life
Practically dictatorship.
Joseph Stalin
Adolf Hitler
(1879–1953) Totalitarian dictator of the
Soviet Union; he led the Soviet Union
through World War II and created a
powerful Soviet sphere of influence in
Eastern Europe after the war.
The Germans practically had
three of the greatest dictators
leading them.
a Soviet forced labor camp or prison,
used especially for political dissidents
This was basically just a
gradual mass murder with the
addition of WWII it gradually
(1889–1945) Totalitarian dictator of
Germany; his invasion of European
countries led to World War II. He
espoused notions of racial superiority
and was responsible for the mass murder
of millions of Jews and others in the
Germans and Christians almost
viewed him like a savior
whereas in the real world just
one of the biggest monsters
ever born.
Nazi Party
National Socialist Party; fascist political
party of Adolf Hitler governed on
totalitarian lines and advocating German
racial superiority
A group of killers they actually
hostility or prejudice towards Jews
Why are there so many words
for people that hate one group
of people and kill them and
Nazi laws that eliminated citizenship and
many civil and property rights for Jews
Basically the opposite of basic
human rights.
(1938) “night of broken glass”; an event
that occurred on the nights of November
9 and 10 in which Hitler’s Nazis
encouraged Germans to riot against
Jews; nearly 100 Jews died
They didn’t even need him to
lead them they just continued to
do what they felt the need to in
order to eliminate a number of
Ch 13.4 European Dictators pp.425-429