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Review for Circulatory System
Name the major blood vessels in the order that they occur as they leave the heart:
_______________, _________________, _________________, ______________,
_____________________ function to collect fluid that leaks from the capillaries.
Name the 3 blood solids: _______________, _______________, _______________
With the ABO and Rh series, how many blood types can exist? __________
Name them: ________________________________________________________
An inherited condition in which abnormal hemoglobin is produced, causing the RBCs to
become deformed is known as _______________________________________
What shape are the RBCs with this condition - _____________________
Why is this condition dangerous? ________________________________________
What are the functions of the Circulatory System? ________________________________
How many liters of fluid leak from the capillaries each day? __________
How many liters of blood do adults have in their body? _______________
Blood is composed of _____% plasma and ______% blood solids
Which blood solid is responsible for transporting O2 - _________________
What is another name for these cells? ___________________________
Which blood solid is responsible for defending the body against disease? ______________
What is another name for these cells? ___________________________
Which blood solid is responsible for blood clotting? ________________________
Cancer of WBCs is known as _____________________________
Blood vessels that can reduce the blood flow in different areas of the body - ____________
Blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart - ____________________
Blood vessels that return blood to the heart - ________________
Smallest blood vessels in the body - __________________
Blood vessels that connect capillaries to veins - __________________
The place where the exchange of materials occur - __________________
Name the materials that are exchanged - __________________________________
Name the differences between arteries and veins: ________________________________
Which vessel has the lowest blood pressure? ________________________
Which vessel has the highest blood pressure? ___________________
What structures clean lymph as it make its way back to the heart? ____________________
Name the components of plasma: ______________, ______________, ______________,
________________, ____________, _____________, _______________
How long do RBCs live? _________ months or ___________ days
If more RBCs die than are produced would indicate what condition - __________________
How do people feel that have this condition? ____________________
What activates the platelets in the circulatory system? _____________________________
Where are blood cells produced? _______________________
Blood type
Can receive
Can donate
blood from:
blood to:
The universal donor - __________________
The universal receiver - _________________
What happens if you are given the wrong blood type?
What is another name for clumping of RBCs - _________________
A contagious disease caused by a virus that infects the WBCs - ____________________
Symptoms of this disease - _________________, ________________,
_________________, ______________________ and _________________
Cancer of WBCs - _______________________
Internal or external bleeding is called - __________________________
Veins usually carry _________________________ blood
Name the one exception to this - _______________________________
Arteries usually carry ________________________ blood
Name the one exception to this - _______________________________
Name the largest veins in the body - ______________________
Name the largest artery in the body - ______________________
Why are capillaries “leaky” - _______________________________________
What happens if you are missing just 1 of the 14 blood clotting factors?
What is the name of this disease? _____________________________