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Using Database Performance Warehouse to
Monitor Microsoft SQL Server– Report Content
Applies to:
 Enhancement Package 1 for SAP Solution Manager 7.0 (SP18) and
Microsoft SQL Server databases.
 SAP Solution Manager 7.1 and Microsoft SQL Server databases.
Using Database Performance Warehouse to Monitor Microsoft SQL Server– Report Content
DATABASE PERFORMANCE WAREHOUSE REPORT CONTENT .............................................................. 3
MSSQL .............................................................................................................................................................. 5
Chart and Detail: Navigation .......................................................................................................................... 6
Chart: <Report> ............................................................................................................................................... 6
Detail: <Report> ............................................................................................................................................... 7
Chart and Detail: Exceptions .......................................................................................................................... 7
Time Selection ................................................................................................................................................. 8
Collapsed Report Items................................................................................................................................... 8
Exporting to Excel ........................................................................................................................................... 8
Filtering the Data ............................................................................................................................................. 9
Adding Free Characteristics to the Output ................................................................................................. 10
Database Name versus MSSQL Database Name ....................................................................................... 11
REPORT GROUP: SQL SERVER INSTANCE............................................................................................... 12
Report: Memory Quality ................................................................................................................................ 12
Data Set: MSSQL Memory Quality .................................................................................................................. 13
Data Set: MSSQL Memory Counters .............................................................................................................. 15
Report: Workload ........................................................................................................................................... 16
Data Set: MSSQL Workload Read Counters per Second ............................................................................... 17
Data Set: MSSQL Workload Compilations Counters per Second ................................................................... 18
Report: Parameters ....................................................................................................................................... 19
Data Set: MSSQL Configuration Parameters .................................................................................................. 20
REPORT GROUP: DATABASES AND FILES ............................................................................................... 21
Report: File I/O Statistics .............................................................................................................................. 22
Data Set: MSSQL File IO Statistics ................................................................................................................. 22
Advanced: IO Numbers per Database File ...................................................................................................... 23
Report: Database Options ............................................................................................................................ 24
Report: Workload Characteristics ............................................................................................................... 25
Report: Database Size ................................................................................................................................... 26
Data Set: MSSQL Database Size and Log Consumption ............................................................................... 26
Data Set: MSSQL Database TempDB Size and Log ...................................................................................... 27
REPORT GROUP: SQL SERVER LOCKS AND WAITS ............................................................................... 28
Report: Locks ................................................................................................................................................. 28
Data Set: Lock Times ...................................................................................................................................... 28
Data Set: Locks per Second ............................................................................................................................ 29
Report: Wait Statistics .................................................................................................................................. 30
Report: Largest Tables.................................................................................................................................. 31
Report: Fastest Growing Tables .................................................................................................................. 31
Advanced: Additional Information Available in the Table Data ................................................................ 32
RELATED CONTENT ..................................................................................................................................... 35
SAP Database Performance Warehouse for Microsoft SQL Server: ........................................................ 35
SAP DBA Cockpit for Microsoft SQL Server............................................................................................... 35
Using Database Performance Warehouse to Monitor Microsoft SQL Server– Report Content
In the Database Performance Warehouse, all relevant performance indicators that are collected by
the DBA Cockpit are stored in an SAP Business Warehouse (BW) system. This SAP BW system is
used by the Solution Manager Diagnostics (SMD) back-end of an SAP Solution Manager system.
SAP provides content for the DBA Cockpit to analyse the different technical areas of Microsoft SQL
The Database Performance Warehouse uses the SAP BW content of the SAP Solution Manager to store
database specific performance metrics. The DBA Cockpit within Solution Manager provides flexible analysis
reports for these metrics based on BW technology. You can use the report content for capacity planning,
trending analysis, troubleshooting, etc.
Prior to the implementation of the Database Performance Warehouse, there was no monitoring of database
performance in Solution Manager E2EWorkload Analysis:
Using Database Performance Warehouse to Monitor Microsoft SQL Server– Report Content
After the implementation of the Database Performance Warehouse, the database performance can be
reviewed independently or as part of an E2E analysis:
The SQL Server specific reports delivered with the Database Performance Warehouse only display a small
amount of the performance characteristics actually stored in the Database Performance Warehouse. In
Solution Manager, use transaction SRA1 to browse the Characteristics and Key Figures stored in the
InfoCubes that begin with the naming convention 0MSS. If you find data that you would like to add to a
report, or would like to create a custom report, see the SCN presentation titled, “Using Database
Performance Warehouse to Monitor IBM DB2 for LUW - Part 3”. Although that presentation refers to IBM’s
DB2 database, the same principles of adding a custom report apply to SQL Server specific data in the
Database Performance Warehouse for SQL Server.
Using Database Performance Warehouse to Monitor Microsoft SQL Server– Report Content
You must have already configured the Database Performance Warehouse in order to see the reports
described in this paper. In order to understand the architecture and how to configure Solution Manager’s
Database Performance Warehouse for Microsoft SQL Server, see the following presentations previously
published in SCN:
SAP Database Performance Warehouse for SQL Server in Solution Manager 7.1
SAP Database Performance Warehouse for SQL Server 7.0 EHP1
This article focuses on the report content provided in DBA Cockpit after a successful configuration of the
Database Performance Warehouse for Microsoft SQL Server. All reports are introduced with a screenshot
and a short description.
Note: The screenshots were taken from a very small test system that was not configured optimally. This was done on
purpose to also show reports that have exceptions highlighted in the screens. The screenshots were not all taken
from the same system or at the same point in time.
Using Database Performance Warehouse to Monitor Microsoft SQL Server– Report Content
The Database Performance Warehouse reports have the same general layouts.
Chart and Detail: Navigation
Most of the reports have a Navigation section, which is collapsed by default. Here you can select to drill
down in either the columns or the rows. You can also filter the data.
Chart: <Report>
If the data makes sense to display in a graphic, we show a line chart here:
For example, the memory quality performance counters make a lot of sense to view in either chart or table
Using Database Performance Warehouse to Monitor Microsoft SQL Server– Report Content
Detail: <Report>
For all reports, we show a table output of the data. For some data sets, like the Database Configuration
Parameters, we only show the data in table form as a chart graphic is not really useful:
Chart and Detail: Exceptions
For some data sets we have recommended thresholds and we have configured values to flag the data with
either red boxes showing in the chart (as you see in the above chart graphic for the Procedure Cache Hit
ratio) or to highlight the rows with red or yellow color in the table output.
Below you can see the database on the left has values below the thresholds and the database on the right
clearly has measurements that are above the yellow threshold and some that are above the red threshold.
Using Database Performance Warehouse to Monitor Microsoft SQL Server– Report Content
The reports in the Solution Manager Database Performance Warehouse are based on the SAP BW Business
Explorer technology. This section gives some basic direction on how to navigate in the reports. If you need
more help with the terminology, work with an experienced SAP BW colleague or search the SAP BW
documentation at
Time Selection
When you open the Performance Warehouse reporting there is a header at the top of the screen which
allows you to customize which data set you would like to see. By default, the screen always opens with the
current day’s data selected:
The SAP SQL Server database monitoring infrastructure collects a performance snapshot every 20 minutes
(assuming the SQL Server Agent service is running). The data is stored locally in the SQL Server database
and is extracted to SAP Solution Manager every hour. Therefore, when Solution Manager refers to a
“minute” granularity, it is actually referring to the 20 minute snapshots. If you select the Day or Month view,
the data is aggregated.
Collapsed Report Items
Some report items are for advanced usage and are collapsed by default to provide a cleaner report interface.
You simply need to click the triangle icon next to the object title in order to expand it:
Exporting to Excel
Right-click on a characteristic column (for example, the Time column) and you get extra options for the data
set. The most popular option is to export the current data set to Excel:
Using Database Performance Warehouse to Monitor Microsoft SQL Server– Report Content
Filtering the Data
In many of the reports there is a section titled Navigation. When you expand that object, you can filter the
data based on preselected characteristics.
A case where filtering the data might make sense is when the database instance is configured for an HADR
scenario and may run on different physical hosts at different times. In the screenshot below, the SQL Server
instance ABAPDB1, highlighted in the upper left, is an application with virtual name *****CL1DB1\ABAPDB1.
When you click on the Real Host Name filter, you see the physical server node names (ending in 1005 and
1007) where the SQL Server instance has been running at some point when performance data was
If you feel that performance is different when the application runs on different nodes, you can filter the data
so that you review the performance numbers for one node at a time to see if there is a different performance
signature on the nodes.
Some things to remember about clustered applications and the data displayed:
There is actually a third node in this cluster, but the instance ABAPDB1 has not run on this node
since the Performance Data Warehouse was configured for this system. Since no data collection has
yet been performed on the third node, it does not appear here in the node list. Once a data collection
is executed while the database application instance is running on the third node, then that node is
reported to Solution Manager and appears in this list.
Filtering by node name is most likely only useful when viewing performance data over a long horizon
since the application should not be moving from node to node very frequently.
Rather than filtering by node name, you can also simply add the node names to the data output in
the tabular views. See the next section for details.
Using Database Performance Warehouse to Monitor Microsoft SQL Server– Report Content
Adding Free Characteristics to the Output
In many of the reports, the only characteristic displayed is the Time characteristic. This shows the time the
performance snapshot was taken by the SQL Server Agent job.
However there are additional drilldown characteristics that you can add via the right-click context menu:
After using the above menu to add the Real Host Name to the table, we can see that a failover happened
between 2020 and 2100 and we can see the resulting change in the performance counters:
Using Database Performance Warehouse to Monitor Microsoft SQL Server– Report Content
Database Name versus MSSQL Database Name
In other database platforms that SAP supports, a single database application can contain only one database.
Therefore, the original Database Performance Warehouse architecture contains a characteristic named
Database name. This characteristic always contains the database name you chose when you setup the
Database Performance Warehouse.
But one SQL Server instance contains, at a minimum, the four system databases master, model, msdb and
tempdb. It can also contain up to 32,767 user databases. In the traditional SAP NetWeaver ABAP based
systems, we require that only one user database be created in a SQL Server instance. Even with this one
user database, there is still a total of 5 databases when the system databases are included.
Since we had to provide information about the other SQL Server databases in the same instance where
Database Name is installed, we had to add an additional characteristic for the other database names. This is
why in the reports where the data is database specific you see two characteristics in the filter, Database
Name and MSSSQL Database Name:
So remember that Database Name is the name of the database that you chose to monitor in the Database
Performance Warehouse. That database and any other databases in that same SQL Server instance is in
the MSSQL Database Name characteristic. This is mostly only important if you are changing the filter like
Using Database Performance Warehouse to Monitor Microsoft SQL Server– Report Content
Reports that are displayed on the tab titled SQL Server Instance contain performance and configuration
information about the entire SQL Server instance.
For example, the memory counters displayed relate to the SQL Server buffers which are instance-specific
and not database-specific. If you have several databases in one SQL Server instance, they are all sharing
the data buffer and procedure cache buffer.
Report: Memory Quality
The Memory Quality report shows two data sets:
1. MSSQL Memory Quality – this data set includes:
a. MSSQL Buffer Cache Hit Ratio [%] – the percentage of pages found in the buffer cache
without having to read from disk.
b. MSSQL Procedure Cache Hit Ratio [%] – the percentage of compiled plans found in the
cache without having to be recompiled.
Page Life Expectancy (Seconds) - the number of seconds a page stays in the buffer pool
without references.
2. MSSQL Memory Counters – this data set includes:
a. Connection Memory (MB) - the total amount of dynamic memory the server is using for
maintaining connections.
b. Lock Memory (MB) - the total amount of dynamic memory the server is using for locks.
Maximum Workspace Memory (MB) - the maximum amount of memory available for
executing processes, such as hash, sort, bulk copy, and index creation operations.
d. Optimizer Memory (MB) - the total amount of dynamic memory the server is using for query
e. SQL Cache Memory (MB) - the total amount of dynamic memory the server is using for the
dynamic SQL cache.
Target Server Memory (MB) - the ideal amount of memory the server can consume.
g. Total Server Memory (MB) - the amount of memory the server has committed using the
memory manager.
All of these performance counters are read from SQL Server. If you want to research the meaning of these
counters further, see the Using SQL Server Objects documentation in MSDN.
Using Database Performance Warehouse to Monitor Microsoft SQL Server– Report Content
Data Set: MSSQL Memory Quality
There are three parts to this dataset: the graphic, the table and the exceptions.
This dataset has three exceptions defined. The value is highlighted in red in both the graphic and the chart if:
1. the Buffer Cache Hit Ratio is < 98%; or
2. the Procedure Cache Hit Ratio is < 94%; or
3. the Page Life Expectancy is < 300 seconds.
Using Database Performance Warehouse to Monitor Microsoft SQL Server– Report Content
You can toggle the exceptions highlighting on or off with the Exceptions report object:
Using Database Performance Warehouse to Monitor Microsoft SQL Server– Report Content
Data Set: MSSQL Memory Counters
There are two parts to this dataset: the graphic and the table.
There are no exceptions (highlighting) defined for any of these counters.
Using Database Performance Warehouse to Monitor Microsoft SQL Server– Report Content
Report: Workload
The Workload report shows two data sets:
1. MSSQL Workload Read Counters per Second – this data set includes:
a. Batch Requests Per Second – the number of Transact-SQL command batches received per
b. Page Reads Per Second – the number of physical database page reads that are issued per
Page Lookups Per Second – the number of requests per second to find a page in the buffer
d. Index Searches Per Second – the number of index searches per second.
e. Full Scans Per Second – the number of unrestricted full scans per second.
2. MSSQL Workload Compilations Counters per Second – this data set includes:
a. Batch Requests Per Second – the number of Transact-SQL command batches received per
b. SQL Compilations Per Second – the number of SQL compilations per second.
SQL Recompilations Per Second – the number of statement recompiles per second.
d. Table Lock Escalations Per Second – the number of times locks on a table were escalated
to the TABLE or HoBT granularity.
All of these performance counters are read from SQL Server. If you want to research the meaning of these
counters further, see the Using SQL Server Objects documentation in MSDN.
Using Database Performance Warehouse to Monitor Microsoft SQL Server– Report Content
Data Set: MSSQL Workload Read Counters per Second
There are two parts to this dataset: the graphic and the table.
There are no exceptions (highlighting) defined for any of these counters.
Using Database Performance Warehouse to Monitor Microsoft SQL Server– Report Content
Data Set: MSSQL Workload Compilations Counters per Second
There are two parts to this dataset: the graphic and the table.
There are no exceptions (highlighting) defined for any of these counters.
Using Database Performance Warehouse to Monitor Microsoft SQL Server– Report Content
Report: Parameters
The Parameters report shows one data set in two tables: a small table that displays a filtered list of a few
important parameters and an unfiltered list of all SQL Server parameters. All of these parameters are
configurable in SQL Server with the sp_configure stored procedure.
1. MSSQL Configuration Parameters [Filtered]
a. awe enabled – used in 32-bit SQL Server system to enable the Address Windowing
Extensions (AWE) API.
b. lightweight pooling - causes SQL Server to switch to fiber mode scheduling.
max degree of parallelism
d. max server memory
e. min server memory
network packet size
g. priority boost
h. set working set size
2. MSSQL Configuration Parameters [All]
a. The list above and all other parameters in sp_configure.
NOTE: inclusion of a parameter in the filtered list does not mean it should be enabled. Some of these
parameters are listed so we can ensure they are not active. Always check your configured value for these
parameters against the appropriate SAP Notes for the SQL Server version:
SAP Note 879941 - Configuration Parameters for SQL Server 2005
SAP Note 1237682 - Configuration Parameters for SQL Server 2008
SAP Note 1702408 - Configuration Parameters for SQL Server 2012
If you want to research these parameters further, see the Server Configuration Options (SQL Server)
documentation in MSDN. This link is for SQL Server 2012 documentation and a few of these parameters are
now obsolete in SQL Server 2012. You may need to research some parameters in SQL Server 2008 R2 or
earlier documentation.
Using Database Performance Warehouse to Monitor Microsoft SQL Server– Report Content
Data Set: MSSQL Configuration Parameters
There are two parts to this dataset: the filtered parameter list table and the full parameter list table. By
default, the full parameter list table is collapsed and you have to expand it.
Also by default we show the parameters as they are set at the time of each hourly collection. You can see
the parameter setting from every 20 minute snapshot by using the right-click enhanced context menu and
choosing to swap the characteristic Time (hh) with Time (yyyyMMddhhmm).
There are no exceptions (highlighting) defined for any of these parameters.
Using Database Performance Warehouse to Monitor Microsoft SQL Server– Report Content
Reports that are displayed on the tab titled Databases and Files contain performance and configuration
information as it relates to each database.
By default, each report filters out some system databases that are present in every SQL Server. They are:
master, model, msdb, mssqlsystemresource and pubs . The database pubs is a sample database which you
may not have installed. If you have not, then you see the warnings:
No SID found for value pubs of characteristic 0MSS_DBNA
Invalid filter on 0MSS_DBNA: Filter changed
This is simply a warning telling you that it has removed the invalid filter entry pubs from the filter list.
In most of the reports the SQL Server tempdb has also been filtered out by default. If you wish to see it, you
can simply change the filter by expanding the Navigation object for that data set, pressing the filter button,
deselecting tempdb from the filter and clicking Transfer. Here is a screenshot:
Using Database Performance Warehouse to Monitor Microsoft SQL Server– Report Content
Report: File I/O Statistics
The File I/O Statistics report shows one data set for all databases in this instance (which are not already
excluded in the filter).
1. MSSQL File IO Statistics – this data set includes:
a. Wait per Read – the total time that the users waited for reads issued on the file.
b. Reads per Second – the number of reads issued on the file.
MB Read per Second– the number of MBs read on the file.
All of these performance counters are read from SQL Server. If you want to research the meaning of these
counters further, see the sys.dm_io_virtual_file_stats documentation in MSDN.
Data Set: MSSQL File IO Statistics
The File I/O Statistics report shows one data set. By default, this report shows the IO statistics for each
database in total (except those databases which are already excluded in the filter). Here we see three
databases from one instance:
This dataset has two exceptions defined on the Wait per Read column for each database. The value is
highlighted if one of the following applies:
The counter is higher than 15
 The counter is higher than 30
We did not provide a report object to toggle these exceptions on or off. They are always enabled.
Using Database Performance Warehouse to Monitor Microsoft SQL Server– Report Content
Advanced: IO Numbers per Database File
You can easily add a drilldown to show the statistics by each file number in the database by click a database
name in the chart header and selecting Drilldown -> File Number:
The results show the SQL Server file number. Here we see data files 1, 2 and 3 from one database:
Remember that file number 2 is always the SQL Server log file for that database. If you have more than one
log file you have to check the actual file numbers in your SQL Server instance via the Catalog View
Using Database Performance Warehouse to Monitor Microsoft SQL Server– Report Content
Report: Database Options
The Database Options report shows the configurable database options for all databases in this instance
(which are not already excluded in the filter).
The example below shows five databases:
By default we show the value of the parameters per day. These options should rarely change so looking at
the daily settings should be valid for normal checking. If you wish to see the snapshots from every 20
minutes you can swap the drilldown for Calendar Day with the Time (yyyyMMddhhmm) characteristic.
If you want to research the meaning of these options further, see the Setting Database Options
documentation in MSDN.
There are no exceptions (highlighting) defined for any of these options.
Using Database Performance Warehouse to Monitor Microsoft SQL Server– Report Content
Report: Workload Characteristics
The Workload Characteristics report shows the transaction throughput for all databases in this instance
(which are not already excluded in the filter). The example below shows four databases:
There are no exceptions (highlighting) defined for any of these counters.
Using Database Performance Warehouse to Monitor Microsoft SQL Server– Report Content
Report: Database Size
Data Set: MSSQL Database Size and Log Consumption
This data set shows the allocated data file size and the percentage of transaction log used for all databases
in this instance (which are not already excluded in the filter). The example below shows multiple databases:
There are no exceptions (highlighting) defined for any of these counters.
Using Database Performance Warehouse to Monitor Microsoft SQL Server– Report Content
Data Set: MSSQL Database TempDB Size and Log
This data set shows the allocated data file size and the percentage of transaction log used for the SQL
Server tempdb in this instance:
There are no exceptions (highlighting) defined for any of these counters.
Using Database Performance Warehouse to Monitor Microsoft SQL Server– Report Content
Report: Locks
The Locks report provides information about the individual lock requests for this SQL Server instance. By
default we filter the data to only show information regarding Page, Object and Key locks. You can change
the filter in the report’s Navigation section to show other locks.
Data Set: Lock Times
There are no exceptions (highlighting) defined for any of these counters.
Using Database Performance Warehouse to Monitor Microsoft SQL Server– Report Content
Data Set: Locks per Second
There are no exceptions (highlighting) defined for any of these counters.
Using Database Performance Warehouse to Monitor Microsoft SQL Server– Report Content
Report: Wait Statistics
The Wait Statistics report provides information about information about waits encountered by threads that
executed in this SQL Server instance. By default we filter the data to only show the data for CXPACKET,
LCK_M_X, PAGEIOLATCH_EX, PAGEIOLATCH_SH and WRITELOG waits. You can change the filter in the
report’s Navigation section to show other wait types.
This dataset has two exceptions defined. The value is highlighted yellow, if one of the following applies:
The PAGEIOLATCH_SH counter is higher than 20
The WRITELOG counter is higher than 10
We did not provide a report object to toggle these exceptions on or off. They are always enabled.
Using Database Performance Warehouse to Monitor Microsoft SQL Server– Report Content
The Table Information reports shows table size information. The extractors for the table information were
delivered with Solution Manager 7.1 but the report visibility is only be delivered with Solution Manager 7.1
SP09 (or SAP_BASIS 702 SP13).
Querying and storing table information is expensive so this data is only read once per day, just before
midnight of the local SQL Server time. When choosing the time range to display this data, be sure to choose
a previous day’s date.
1. Size Used - total number of pages used for the table
2. Size Reserved – the total number of pages reserved for the table
3. Number of rows – the approximate number of rows in the table
All of these performance counters are read from SQL Server. If you want to research the meaning of these
counters further, see the sys.dm_db_partition_stats documentation in MSDN.
Report: Largest Tables
This report shows the top 20 tables in the database by size.
Report: Fastest Growing Tables
Using Database Performance Warehouse to Monitor Microsoft SQL Server– Report Content
Advanced: Additional Information Available in the Table Data
In addition to the table information, there are three other data objects that are hidden by default: Index
Name, Statistics Date and Statistics Time.
This means you can see the statistics update history for a specific table’s indexes. To limit the load on the
amount for data transferred when executing this query, it is best to always:
1. Filter by the table name first to reduce the amount of data displayed:
2. Add the Index Name drilldown.
Using Database Performance Warehouse to Monitor Microsoft SQL Server– Report Content
3. Add the Statistics Date and Statistics Time columns (Key Figures).
4. Enlarge the time period.
Using Database Performance Warehouse to Monitor Microsoft SQL Server– Report Content
5. Here you see that the statistics for BALHDR~1 were updated on 13 January.
Because the table information is only extracted once per day, we do not have information about
every single statistics update. We only have the data and time of the statistics as they are at the
time of extraction.
This means in the example above, the statistics could have been refreshed on 13.01.2013 at
11:30:00 and again at 12:00:42 and the extractor job only shows the later statistics refresh as it is
the one that exists at the time of the extraction.
Using Database Performance Warehouse to Monitor Microsoft SQL Server– Report Content
SAP Database Performance Warehouse for Microsoft SQL Server:
SAP Database Performance Warehouse for SQL Server in Solution Manager 7.1
SAP Database Performance Warehouse for SQL Server 7.0 EHP1
SAP DBA Cockpit for Microsoft SQL Server
SAP DBA Cockpit and Microsoft SQL Server
SAP DBA Cockpit and Microsoft SQL Server - Real Time Performance Analysis
System Administration for SAP and SQL Server with DBA Cockpit
SAP DBA Cockpit and Microsoft SQL Server - Historic Performance Analysis
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