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Goal 3
Compromise 1850
Goal 3
Fugitive Slave Law
Goal 3
John Brown’s Raid
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Sumner/Brooks Incident
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Dred Scott v. Sandford
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Uncle Toms Cabin
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Kansas-Nebraska Act
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Republican Party
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Election 1860
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Fort Sumter
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Battle of Bull Run
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Sherman’s March
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Plessy v. Ferguson
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Habeas Corpus
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Lincoln’s Ten Per Cent Plan
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Radical Republicans
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Black Codes
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Andrew Johnson’s
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Jim Crow Laws
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Compromise of 1877
Declares slaves to be property and have no rights in the Constitution;
Declares Missouri Compromise unconstitutional
If you found an escaped slave, you have to return
her to their rightful owner
him or
Created in North to combat Fugitive Slave Act
If you tried to return a runaway slave, you would
charged with kidnapping
Bleeding KS: Killed 5 pro slavery Border
after they burned down the town of
Harpers Ferry: attempted to seize a federal
CA will enter as a free state
2. popular sovereignty will decide if
slavery will exist in territories won from
3. North will enact strict Fugitive Slave Laws
 Charles Sumner makes a speech called “Crime
against Kansas” insulting the South
 Preston Brooks beats Sumner with cane
 Shows tension and short term solutions for
slavery are not working
 Written by Harriet Beecher Stowe
 Describes horrors of slavery through a novel
 Lincoln described her as the little woman who
the big war
1854 law that divided the Nebraska Territory
Each area used popular sovereignty to decide if it
be slave or free
1854 Political party formed around an anti-slavery
First president was Lincoln
Election where Democrats split their votes between
Breckenridge and Stephen Douglas
Lincoln was only Republican nominee
John Bell nominated by Know-Nothings
Lincoln wins without any support in South—40% popular
vote; 60% electoral vote
Located in South Carolina
Where first shots of the Civil War are fired
Battle located in Manassas, Virginia
Confederates led by General “Stonewall” Jackson
Early battle that showed what modern warfare can
far as damage and casualties
Confederate victory
do as
Marks single most bloody day of the Civil War
More than 23,000 dead or wounded
Union victory Lincoln waited for to move forward w
with the Emancipation Proclamation
Located above waters of Mississippi River
Intricate Union victory to maintain control of trade and
supply lines
Turning point of the Civil War
Three day battle leading to a Union victory
Declared national cemetery
Gettysberg Address delivered by Lincoln; declares the war a
fight to uphold the natural rights found in the Declaration of
With 60,000 troops; through 250 miles, used total war
strategy to cut through Georgia
Tore up RR tracks, buildings and vandalized private homes
Declares separate but equal constitutional
Site where General Lee officially surrenders to
 Military decree freeing slaves in rebelling territory
 Constitutional guarantee that no one can be held in prison
without charges being filed
 Negative term used to depict a northern Democrat during
the Civil War
 Union: Ulysses S. Grant
 Confederacy: Robert E. Lee
 Grandfather Clause: if grandfather could vote, so could you
 Poll tax: must pay before allowed to vote
 Literacy test: must prove you can read before you can vote
 Lincoln’s proposal to admitting states back into
 Once ten percent of a states voters took loyalty to
Union, the state can set up a new government
 They may have representation in Congress if the
o Abolished slavery
o Provided education for African Americans
 Those in Congress who wanted full citizenship rights to
African Americans
 Believed Confederates committed crimes and should be
 Organization to provide food, clothing, healthcare, and
education to both black and white refugees in the South
 Also reunited families
 State laws that limited the rights of African Americans and
keep them from owning land
 Limited their occupations as well
 Most common form of work for African Americans after the
Civil War
 Where landowner chose the crop and provided worker with a
place to live, seeds and tools
 In return the landowner received portion of crop
 Typically resulted in a continuous cycle of debt
 People from the north who moved south to help African
Americans after the Civil War
 Southerners who wanted to help African Americans gain
more opportunities in the South after the Civil War
 Occurred because Johnson violated the Tenure of Office Act
by not asking for permission to fire Secretary of War E.
 Stayed in office by one vote
 Segregation laws in the South after Reconstruction
 Officially ends Reconstruction
 Provisions:
o Rutherford B. Hayes becomes president
o Union military must leave South
o Southerner will receive a cabinet position
o South receives funding for railroad construction