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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project

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Thinking skills (Bloom’s taxonomy)
(20 marks)
(20 marks)
(30 marks)
(10 marks)
(10 marks)
I enjoy reading writing
and speaking
Mix and Match ten
words/definitions that
summarise the content
in the RESPECT unit of
Create an acrostic poem
using the following
statement; Power in
Write a report for the
school newsletter
explaining the qualities of
positive and negative
relationships and how this
can impact a Year 8
student’s school
Analyse newspaper article
(must be provided) about a
negative relationship. You
will need to offer
suggestions why the
relationship was negative
and then explain the rights
and responsibilities of each
person in the relationship.
Compile a comprehensive list of
support network facilities and
services available to teenagers
who are in abusive situations.
Evaluate the services they offer
in terms of their effectiveness in
supporting people and whether
teenagers would actively use
these services
I enjoy working with
numbers, problem
solving and science
Create a crossword
about the types of
abuse/nature it takes
What are the strengths
and weaknesses of nonverbal and verbal
Create a poster that
represents power in
Take 5 photos that
reflect a variety of
aspects of positive
Complete a 10 question
survey of 10 people on the
ways in which they
communicate with various
people. Cover why they
use those types of
communication. Graph and
interpret your results.
Find a relevant artwork
and analyse how it reflects
the abuse.
Evaluate the current Student
Management policy (Golden
Rule) in its effectiveness in
supporting the needs of the
Casimir student population.
I enjoy mazes,
painting, drawing and
I enjoy doing hands on
activities or sports
Research Child Abuse in
Australia and create a
graph of that represents
types of abuse. Comment
on which type of abuse is
most prevalent in Australia
and why you think this
might be.
Create a story board which
reflects family
Make a picture collage that
represents a wide variety of
positive and negative
Invent a cartoon character who
values positive communication.
Bring it to life in poster and
model form
Create a body map that
describes the use of
different parts of the
body in non verbal
Perform a mime that
depicts the story of
someone who is moving
from primary school to
high school
Create a puppet show that
depicts the qualities of positive
and negative relationships.
Find a song which
reflects positive nature
of relationships.
Evaluate the various genres of
music and their depiction of
Create a rap song that reflects
the destructive nature of abuse
I enjoy working with
List rights and
responsibilities of
parents and children in
family life
Develop a multiple
choice quiz on all
aspects of the
RESPECT unit of work
Evaluate the use of Restorative
Justice Principles in resolving
Create a role play that
demonstrates the verbal
communication skills that you
would adopt in a variety of
different types of relationships
I enjoy working by
Describe how you might
feel if you were
emotional/verbal abuse
Explain how personal
strengths and abilities
can contribute to an
individual’s ability to
deal with a relationship
Examine a variety of
communication strategies
that could be used to assist
a Year 7 student starting
high school forming new
relationships with a variety
of people
Reflect on what gives
people power and how
much power you perceive
yourself to currently hold.
Investigate the nature of a
variety of physical team
building activities.
Examine how they help to
foster communication
skills and positive
Develop background music
for a website that is
dedication to offering
support to adolescence
experiencing relationships
problems and explain your
Imagine that you are an
aggressive/violent person.
Analyse what others
perception of you is and
how they may react
towards you.
Assess the role that power plays
in a sporting organisation.
I enjoy making and
listening to music
Predict how being a part
of a representative
sports team can have a
positive affect on a
person’s ability to
communicate and form
positive relationships
Design a musical quiz
reflecting positive and
negative relationships
Analyse how your personal
strengths and abilities can
contribute to effective
communication within a
group situation
Assess the impact of physical
abuse on a person in a close
relationship. What advice you
give this person to help them
regain power in this relationship.
Create a short film that
highlights the destructive nature
of abuse on an individual
Inset lyrics on the benefits
of positive communication
to a known song.
(30 marks)
Write a story about a Day in the
Life of a Year 8 student. The
focus should be on relationships
and the various
relationships/interactions that
they would encounter during
their day. The story should
demonstrate your understanding
of the different nature of each of
these relationships.
Create a game related to the
topics covered in the RESPECT
unit of work.