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Cell Structure and Function
Studying Cells
Cell Theory: Four Basic Concepts
• Basic building blocks of all animals and plants
• Smallest functional units of life
• Products of cell division
• Basic homeostatic units
Studying Cells
The Diversity of Cells in the Human Body
Studying Cells
Study of structure and function of cells
Cytology depends on seeing cells
• Light microscopy (LM)
• Electron Microscopy (EM)
• Scanning EM (SEM)
• Transmission EM (TEM)
Studying Cells
Overview of Cell Anatomy
• Extracellular fluid
• Also called interstitial fluid
• Cell Membrane
• Lipid barrier between outside and inside
• Cytoplasm (intracellular fluid)
• Around nucleus
• Cytosol + organelles
Studying Cells
Anatomy of a Representative Cell
The Cell Membrane
Functions of the plasma membrane
• Physical isolation
• Regulation of exchange with the environment
• Sensitivity
• Structural support
The Cell Membrane
Membrane Structure
• Phospholipid bilayer
• Molecular components
• Lipids
• Proteins
• Carbohydrates
The Cell Membrane
The Cell Membrane
The Cell Membrane
Functions of Membrane Proteins
• Receptors
• Channels
• Carriers
• Enzymes
• Anchors
• Identifiers
The Cell Membrane
The Cell Membrane
Membrane Transport
• Selective permeability
• Permeability factors
• Molecular size
• Electrical charge
• Molecular shape
• Lipid solubility
The Cell Membrane
Membrane Transport Processes
• Passive transport
• Diffusion
• Filtration
• Carrier-Mediated transport
• Facilitated transport
• Active transport
The Cell Membrane
Membrane Transport Definitions
• Diffusion
Random movement down a concentration gradient (from
higher to lower concentration)
• Osmosis
Movement of water across a membrane down a gradient in
osmotic pressure (from lower to higher osmotic pressure)
The Cell Membrane
The Cell Membrane
Diffusion Across Cell Membranes
The Cell Membrane
The Cell Membrane
Key Note
Things tend to even out, unless something—like a cell membrane—
prevents this from happening. Across a freely permeable or water
permeable membrane, diffusion and osmosis will quickly eliminate
concentration gradients.
The Cell Membrane
Osmotic Effects of Solutions on Cells
• Isotonic—Cells maintain normal size and shape
• Hypertonic—Cells lose water osmotically and shrink and shrivel
• Hypotonic—Cells gain water osmotically and swell and may
The Cell Membrane
Osmotic Flow across a Cell Membrane
The Cell Membrane
Passive Membrane Transport
• Filtration
• Hydrostatic pressure pushes on water
• Water crosses membrane
• Solute follows water
• Filtration initiates urine formation
The Cell Membrane
Carrier-Mediated Transport
• Membrane proteins as carriers
• Facilitated diffusion (no ATP required)
• Co-transport
• Counter-transport
• Active transport (ATP consumed)
• Independent of concentration gradients
• Ion pumps (e.g., Na-K exchange)
The Cell Membrane
Facilitated Diffusion
The Cell Membrane
The Sodium-Potassium Exchange Pump
The Cell Membrane
Vesicular Transport
• Membranous vesicles
• Transport in both directions
• Endocytosis
• Movement into cell
• Receptor-mediated
• Pinocytosis
• Phagocytosis
• Exocytosis
• Movement out of cell
The Cytoplasm
All the “stuff” inside a cell, not including the cell membrane and
The “stuff”:
• The cytosol
• The organelles
The Cytoplasm
The Cytosol
• Intracellular fluid
• Dissolved nutrients and metabolites
• Ions
• Soluble proteins
• Structural proteins
• Inclusions
The Cytoplasm
Intracellular-Extracellular Differences
The Cytoplasm
• Membranous organelles
• Isolated compartments
• Nucleus
• Mitochondria
• Endoplasmic reticulum
• Golgi apparatus
• Lysosomes
• Peroxisomes
The Cytoplasm
• Nonmembranous organelles
• Cytoskeleton
• Microvilli
• Centrioles
• Cilia
• Flagella
• Ribosomes
• Proteasomes
The Cytoplasm
Organelles: The Cytoskeleton
• Cytoplasmic strength and form
• Main components
• Microfilaments (actin)
• Intermediate filaments (varies)
• Microtubules (tubulin)
The Cytoplasm
The Cytoskeleton
The Cytoplasm
Nonmembranous Organelles
• Centrioles—Direct chromosomes in mitosis
• Microvilli—Surface projections increase external area
• Cilia—Move fluids across cell surface
• Flagella—Moves cell through fluid
• Ribosome—Makes new proteins
• Proteasome—Digests damaged proteins
The Cytoplasm
Membranous Organelles
• Endoplasmic reticulum—Network of intracellular membranes for
molecular synthesis
• Rough ER (RER)
• Contains ribosomes
• Supports protein synthesis
• Smooth ER (SER)
• Lacks ribosomes
• Synthesizes proteins, carbohydrates
The Cytoplasm
The Endoplasmic Reticulum
The Cytoplasm
Membranous Organelles
• Golgi apparatus
• Receives new proteins from RER
• Adds carbohydrates and lipids
• Packages proteins in vesicles
• Secretory vesicles
• Membrane renewal vesicle
• Lysosomes
The Cytoplasm
Membranous Organelles
• Lysosomes
• Packets of digestive enzymes
• Defense against bacteria
• Cleaner of cell debris
• Hazard for autolysis
• “Suicide packets”
The Cytoplasm
Key Note
Cells respond directly to their environment and help maintain
homeostasis at the cellular level. They can also change their internal
structure and physiological functions over time.
The Cytoplasm
Membranous Organelles
• Mitochondria
• 95% of cellular ATP supply
• Double membrane structure
• Outer membrane very permeable
• Inner membrane very impermeable
Folded into cristae
Filled with matrix
Studded with ETS complexes
The Cytoplasm
The Cytoplasm
Key Note
Mitochondria provide most of the energy needed to keep your cells
(and you) alive. They consume oxygen and organic substrates, and
they generate carbon dioxide and ATP.
The Nucleus
Properties of the Nucleus
• Exceeds other organelles in size
• Controls cellular operations
• Determines cellular structure
• Directs cellular function
• Nuclear envelope separates cytoplasm
• Nuclear pores penetrate envelope
• Enables nucleus-cytoplasm exchange
The Nucleus
The Nucleus
The Nucleus
Chromosome Structure
• Location of nuclear DNA
• Protein synthesis instructions
• 23 pairs of human chromosomes
• Histones
• Principal chromosomal proteins
• DNA-Histone complexes
• Chromatin
The Nucleus
Chromosome Structure
The Nucleus
Key Note
The nucleus contains DNA, the genetic instructions within
chromosomes. The instructions tell how to synthesize the proteins
that determine cell structure and function. Chromosomes also contain
various proteins that control expression of the genetic information.
The Nucleus
The Genetic Code
• Triplet code
• Comprises three nitrogenous bases
• Specifies a particular amino acid
• A Gene
• Heredity carried by genes
• Sequence of triplets that codes for a specific protein
The Nucleus
Protein Synthesis
• Transcription—the production of RNA from a single strand of
• Occurs in nucleus
• Produces messenger RNA (mRNA)
• Triplets specify codons on mRNA
The Nucleus
Protein Synthesis
• Translation—the assembling of a protein by ribosomes, using
the information carried by the mRNA molecule
• tRNAs carry amino acids
• Anticodons bind to mRNA
• Occurs in cytoplasm
The Nucleus
Key Note
Genes are the functional units of DNA that contain the instructions for
making one or more proteins. The creation of specific proteins
involves multiple enzymes and three types of RNA.
The Cell Life Cycle
Cell division—The reproduction of cells
Apoptosis—Genetically programmed death of cells
Mitosis—The nuclear division of somatic cells
Meiosis—The nuclear division of sex cells
The Cell Life Cycle
The Cell Life Cycle
DNA Replication
The Cell Life Cycle
Mitosis—A process that separates and encloses the duplicated
chromosomes of the original cell into two identical nuclei
• Four phases in mitosis
• Prophase
• Metaphase
• Anaphase
• Telophase
The Cell Life Cycle
Division of the cytoplasm to form two identical daughter cells
The Cell Life Cycle
Mitotic Phases
• Prophase
• Chromosomes condense
• Chromatids connect at centromeres
• Metaphase
• Chromatid pairs align at metaphase plate
• Anaphase
• Daughter chromosomes separate
• Telophase
• Nuclear envelopes reform
The Cell Life Cycle
Key Note
Mitosis is the separation of duplicated chromosomes into two
identical sets and nuclei in the process of somatic cell division.
The Cell Life Cycle
Cell Division and Cancer
• Abnormal cell growth
• Tumors (also called, neoplasm)
• Benign
• Encapsulated
• Malignant
• Invasion
• Metastasis
• Cancer—Disease that results from a malignant tumor
The Cell Life Cycle
Key Note
Cancer results from mutations that disrupt the control mechanism that
regulates cell growth and division. Cancers most often begin where
cells are dividing rapidly, because the more chromosomes are
copied, the greater the chances of error.
Cell Diversity and Differentiation
Somatic Cells
• All have same genes
• Some genes inactivate during development
• Cells thus become functionally specialized
• Specialized cells form distinct tissues
• Tissue cells become differentiated