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Biology 204 - Study Questions (M. G. Simpson)
Lecture 7: "Protists"
1. Is the "Protista" a monophyletic or paraphyletic group?
2. What is an economically important member of the Diplomonads? What does it cause?
3. Describe Euglenoids with respect to: a) flagella location; b) nutritional ability; c) chlorophyll types; d) storage
product; e) layer inner to plasma membrane.
4. Define pseudopodia; phagocytosis. Name a basal eukaryote having these.
5. What organelle functions in expelling excess water?
6. What common structural feature unites the Alveolates?
7. Name three major groups of Alveolates.
8. Name a common genus of ciliates.
9. What group of planktonic primary producers has chlorophyll a & c, starch as a storage product, cell walls
absent of in plates (thecae), and has two flagella in grooves?
10. What is the "red tide," and to what group do organisms that cause it belong?
11. What is bioluminescence and what is its possible function?
12. The Ampicomplexans (Sporozoans) contain what genus that causes what important disease?
13. What morphological character (apomorphy) unites the Stramenopiles?
14. What group of Stramenopiles were formerly classified as fungi?
15. What is a coenocyte?
16. What disease (give common name and name of genus), caused by an Oomycota, was responsible for the mass
migration of 2 million Irish to the United States?
17. Name at least two photosynthetic groups within the Strameopiles.
18. How are the "Brown Plants" (Brown algae and close relatives) characterized with respect to: a) chlorophyll
type; b) photosynthetic accessory pigments; c) storage compound.
19. What does "alternation of generations" mean (found in some Brown algae)? [Note: we'll cover this with
Green Plants]
20. What compound found in the cell wall of brown algae is of economic importance and how is it used?
21. What are the two morphological forms of diatoms?
22. Of what is the cell wall of diatoms constructed?
23. What is diatomaceous earth and how is it used?
24. For the Red Algae, what is the: a) chlorophyll types; b) accessory pigments; c) storage compounds.
25. What is the economic importance of the red alga Nori?
26. What two compounds are found in the cell walls of red algae and what are their economic uses?
27. What are the feeding structures of amoebae called? What is the process of feeding called?
28. Name a serious human disease caused by amoebozoans.
29. What is the multinucleate, cytoplasmic mass of a slime mold termed?
30. What is the process of movement of the cytoplasm (as in slime molds) called?
31. What is the difference between a plasmodial slime mold and a cellular slime mold?