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'War led to revolution.' To what extent was it true in explaining the outbreak of the
February revolution in Russia in 1917?
This question requires student to answer clearly to what extent war was important in leading to
revolution. Therefore, you must always remind yourself to answer this issue clearly and use Russian
Revolution as an example only.
In other words, you should point out clearly whether war lead to revolution or not and use effects of
WWI as case study. Those students just focus on Russian revolution without examining the importance
of the statement would not get more than C grade, i.e. about 23 marks
Suggested approach
There were many revolutions in history and Russian revolution in Feb. 1917 was one of them.
Many people believed that Nicholas II should not join in the WWI which finally led to the
downfall of the Tsarist Russia. Did the WWI lead to the Feb. revolution in Russia? The answer is:
no. The WWI was only an immediate cause of the revolution only.
It is clear the WWI did lead to many problems to Tsarist Russia in 1917. Explain the political,
economic and military effects of the war. Then explain how it led to discontent of the Russian who
then started the revolution in Feb. 1917.
However, it is also clear that the WWI just exposed and magnified the internal problems of the
Tsarist Russia. At first, the Russians supported Nicholas II in fighting the war. It was only after
they learnt that the war intensified the problems that they decided to turn against the government.
Besides, the 1905 revolution also showed that the Russians already disliked the policy of Nicholas
II and the Russo-Japanese War was not their main concern. Hence, in this sense, the internal
problems were more important in bringing the downfall of the Tsarist Russia.
Explain the internal problems: Nicholas II's policies, his character, Tsardom,
reforms and Alexander III's policy.
All in all, it is no doubt that war was only catalyst in bringing the downfall of one regime. It is
because war usually intensifies internal problems especially in political and economic areas. If the
government is strong and the people support the government, it is quite difficult to replace that
government except by military defeat. Yet, the Russian revolution in Feb. 1917 was clearly due to
internal problems and the WWI just speeded it up.
Alexander II's