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Name:____________________________________________ Period: _________
The Universe – Alien Planets
1. If only 1% of stars have a planet like ours, how many other Earth’s are waiting to be discovered?
2. If other Earth’s are common, what else might be common?
3. What are the 3 types of planets that have been found so far?
a. _____________________to their star and _____________________
b. _____________________to their star and _____________________
c. Highly _______________________orbits, alternately __________________ and ___________________
4. So far, we haven’t found any planets in the habitable zone where there is what?
5. Why is it hard to find planets?
6. What telltale sign will a star with planets display?
7. What do the star and its planet orbit?
8. What is the name of the effect that permits us to detect the wobble of the star?
9. Light from an object moving towards you will look slightly (A)_______________________, while light from and
object moving away from you will look slightly (B)_____________________________.
10. How long does it take 51 Pegasi b to orbit its star?
Discussion question:
11. How are exoplanets named?
Video questions:
12. If 51 Pegasi b were in our solar system it would be closer to the Sun than what planet?
13. Planets like 51 Pegasi b are known as what type of planet?
14. Jupiter-like planets must form past the “snow line” where what can form?
The Solar System VID 6.2
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Name:____________________________________________ Period: _________
The Universe – Alien Planets
15. What type of planet was this giant discovered by Dr. Marcy?
16. Eccentric orbits are (A)____________________________ while the circular orbits of our solar system seem to be
17. What is the term for when a planet passes in front of its star?
Discussion question:
18. What happens to some planets during planet formation?
Video questions:
19. When a planet is shows the same face to its star at all times, it is said to be:
20. How fast are the winds on Hot Jupiters?
21. What are neutron stars the leftovers of?
22. When must the planets orbiting pulsars have formed?
23. What have the neutron star planets taught us about planet formation?
24. What is exciting about the composition of Gliese 436 b?
25. The typical idea for a habitable zone is for a planet to be far enough from the star to have what at its surface?
26. How many mirrors will make up the Giant Magellan Telescope?
Discussion question:
27. Why does the habitable zone vary with each star?
The Solar System VID 6.2
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