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Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority
Budget Committee Meeting
Friday, March 2, 2001
120 South Riverside Plaza
Chicago, Illinois
Call to Order and Roll Call
The Budget Committee of the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority met on March 2,
2001 in the conference room on the 21st floor at 120 South Riverside Plaza. Due to the absence
of both Budget Committee Chair Engel and Vice Chair Waller, Authority Chair Bensinger called
the meeting to order at 8:45 a.m. Other Committee and Authority members in attendance were
Authority Vice Chair Buckwalter, State’s Attorney Devine, Chief Millner, Director Nolen, Mr.
Apa, Sheriff Bukowski, Director Goetten, Ms. Josh, Director Jurkanin, Mr. Piland and Mr.
Spence. Also in attendance were Executive Director Candice Kane, Robert Taylor, Laura Egger,
Karen Richards and other members of Authority staff.
Approval of the Minutes of the September 8, 2000 Meeting
Authority Chair Bensinger directed the Committee members’ attention to Tab 1 of the meeting
packet and Mr. Piland made a motion to approve the minutes of the September 8, 2000 Budget
Committee meeting. The motion was seconded by Mr. Apa and passed by unanimous vote.
Approval of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act FFY93 & FFY94 Plan Reports & FFY96-FFY00
Plan Adjustments
Authority Chair Bensinger directed the Committee members’ attention to Tab 2 of the meeting
packet consisting of a memo from Mr. Taylor, dated February 14, 2001, regarding the plan
reports for FFY93 and FFY94 and the proposed adjustments to the FFY96-FFY00 ADAA plans.
He called on Ms. Egger to explain the memo.
Ms. Egger stated that final Attachment A’s for FFY93 and FFY94 are included for informational
purposes only and that Committee action is not required. She directed the Committee to the
tables on page four of the memo that summarized the designation reductions, which affect
FFY96-FFY99 funds as follows:
State Agency/Program
Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority:
Crime Prevention/Non-Violent Conflict Resolution *
Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority:
Community Training
Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts:
Statewide Domestic Violence and Sex Offender
Probation Training
Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts:
Probation Training
Office of the State Appellate Defender: Special
Appeals Unit
Illinois Department of Corrections: Day Reporting
Centers *
Illinois Department of Corrections: Juvenile Special
Supervision Units *
Local Agency/Program
Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office:
Violent Crime Appeals
Franklin County: Livescan
Lee County: Livescan
Fulton County: Livescan
Montgomery County: Livescan
Macon County Probation: Day Reporting Program *
Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office:
Gang Prosecution
Programs that have reached the 48-month funding limit are indicated by an asterisk (*).
Ms. Egger directed the Committee to page five of the memo and summarized the recommended
designations, which affect FFY96-FFY00 funds. She stated that DuPage and Will Counties need
additional funds to carry their Multi-Jurisdictional Drug Prosecution programs through June 30,
2001, at which time FFY01 funds will be available. She reported that staff recommends a
designation of $8,000 to DuPage County to increase their funds to $197,824 and extend their
program for one-half month, and also recommends a designation of $19,000 to Will County to
increase their funds to $179,835 and extend their program for one and one-half months.
Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority
Budget Committee
March 2, 2001
Page 2
Ms. Egger reminded the Committee that a rewrite of the criminal code was initiated last year. She
said staff recommends a designation of $58,776 in FFY98 funds to the Illinois Department of
Corrections (IDOC) to support work related to drug and money laundering laws.
Ms. Egger reported that the Office of the State Appellate Defender has a training program in need
of additional funds to extend the life of the program to 48 months. She said staff recommends a
designation of $24,164 in FFY00 funds. She reported that IDOC is requesting that lapsing funds
from two of its programs be used to supplement funds for its Comprehensive Mental Health
Assessment program and staff recommends a designation of $48,119 to increase their funds to
Ms. Egger stated that McLean County is in need of additional funding to develop an Automated
Disposition Reporting program and that staff recommends a designation of $104,712 in FFY96
funds. She explained that these funds were declined by the two sheriff’s offices for livescan
Ms. Egger reminded the Committee that the Authority received a supplemental award of $505 in
FFY98 undesignated state level CHRI remains and that staff recommends a designation of $505
to the Audit Plan to increase their funds to $150,505. She also stated that at a previous meeting,
the Budget Committee set aside $790,000 for Law Enforcement Information Systems in FFY98FFY00 funds and that staff recommends a designation of $20,811 in lapsing FFY98 funds to
increase this amount to $810,811. She explained that with match, funds available for these
projects total $1,081,081.
Ms. Egger said that staff recommends the funding of equipment upgrades for the DuPage and
Northern Illinois Crime Labs out of FFY98 funds. She said staff is working with these two
agencies to determine their needs and anticipates them using about $400,000 of the federal funds
set-aside. She explained that the exact amounts for these projects have not been determined but
staff requests approval to proceed with these projects and will report exact designation amounts
at the next Budget Committee meeting.
Ms. Egger reported that the remainder of the FFY98 funds will not be used for the base station
upgrades indicated in the memo. She announced that a discussion on the use of these funds will
take place at the following Authority meeting. She also announced that since there are no current
recommendations for the FFY99 and FFY00 funds for Law Enforcement Information Systems,
recommendations will be made after discussion of the State Criminal Justice Plan.
Ms. Egger reported that the Budget Committee set aside $520,000 in FFY99 and FFY00 funds to
fund juvenile probation programs supporting Balanced and Restorative Justice initiatives. She
explained that in order to ensure the projects initiated with these funds meet the current needs of
juvenile probationers, the following recommendations were based on findings from the State
Criminal Justice Plan. She said that three projects will implement satellite and after school
reporting centers with the intent of diverting at-risk youth from delinquent behavior through early
identification, and the provision of supervision, instruction and services.
Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority
Budget Committee
March 2, 2001
Page 3
Ms. Egger said staff recommends a designation of $90,000 to the First Judicial Circuit Probation
Department, $60,000 to the Second Judicial Circuit - Fourth District Probation Department and
$45,000 to the Rock Island County Probation Department. She said staff also recommends a
designation of $300,000 to Cook County Juvenile Probation Department for a program that will
provide clinical wraparound services in selected districts of the county. She explained that this
will leave $25,000 of the $520,000 for juvenile probation programs undesignated.
Ms. Egger stated that a summary of the proposed action for state level programs is on page eight
of the memo and a summary of the proposed action for local level programs is on page nine of
the memo.
Chief Millner made a motion to approve Draft Resolution A. The motion was seconded by Mr.
Apa, and passed by unanimous vote.
Approval of the Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grants Program FFY98 & FFY99
Plan Adjustments
Authority Chair Bensinger directed the Committee members’ attention to Tab 3 of the meeting
packet consisting of a memo from Mr. Taylor, dated February 14, 2001, regarding the proposed
adjustments to the FFY98 & FFY99 JAIBG plans. He called on Ms. Egger to explain the memo.
Ms. Egger reminded the Committee that JAIBG funds must be placed in an interest bearing
account. She reported that through December 31, 2000, FFY98 JAIBG funds earned $816,448 in
interest and that FFY98 funds expire on March 31, 2001. She stated that at the December 2000
meeting, Authority members gave approval for staff to proceed with contacting formula
allocation grantees regarding their need for additional funds for their programs. She explained
that staff received a total of 20 requests of which seven were approved. She directed the
Committee to a chart on page two of the memo, which summarized the designations.
Ms. Egger explained that FFY99 funds have a short life. She stated that the Office of Juvenile
Justice and Delinquency Prevention has informed the Authority that the life of JAIBG funds
starts on the award date not the draw down date as they did for the FFY98 funds. She said staff
remains hopeful that this information will be reinterpreted.
Ms. Egger said staff recommends six-month designations from FFY99 funds for the probation
and blueprint programs initiated with FFY98 funds except for Fulton County. She reported that
in February, staff received word from Fulton County that they were declining their FFY98 award
of $13,500 for their Big Brothers/Big Sisters blueprint program. Therefore, staff will not be
recommending Fulton County for FFY99 funding as indicated in the memo. She told the
Committee that the recommended designations for each of the other probation and blueprint
programs are shown on pages two and three of the memo and that a blue revised Attachment A
reflecting the change is at their places.
Ms. Egger reported that Kankakee County did not respond to the FFY99 JAIBG Notice of Intent.
She said their FFY98 program was not operational. The County hired a juvenile prosecutor and
staff recommends a designation of $25,041 in FFY99 funds be allotted to them based on the
Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority
Budget Committee
March 2, 2001
Page 4
formula. Additionally, Bloom Township received FFY98 funds to expand a Neighborhood
Restorative Justice Mediation program outside the Sixth Municipal Court District in Cook
County. She said staff recommends a designation of $67,500 to continue this effort and that a
balance of $73,717 remains in undesignated state level FFY99 funds.
Director Goetten asked if it was possible to receive an extension on the FFY98 funds. Authority
Chair Bensinger further inquired about the possibility of considering the 13 originally denied
requests for funding. Ms. Egger explained that FFY98 funds could not be extended at this time.
She reiterated that according to the legislation, the 2-year life of FFY98 funds began at the draw
down date. She said staff is however trying to receive an extension for the FFY99 funds. She
explained that the 13 requests were denied because they did not correspond to the program that
was being funded.
Mr. Taylor added that in the interests of designating all the available JAIBG funds, all the
requests were reviewed very carefully and that the 13 were denied because of not adhering to the
JAIBG guidelines. He also said that due to the upcoming expiration date of the funds, the
programs would not have enough time to spend the funds.
Authority Chair Bensinger asked if a political effort could be made to expedite the
reinterpretation of the JAIBG legislation. Mr. Taylor explained that unlike other program funds,
JAIBG funds were appropriated by Congress and did not follow the normal authorization
process. Dr. Kane explained that the Authority has used a different interpretation of the rule in
order to have the maximum amount of time to expend the funds. She said the Authority is doing
everything possible to spend the funds responsibly and suggested they continue to fight for a
reinterpretation of the rule.
Ms. Josh inquired about current Authority actions being taken to extend the deadline. Dr. Kane
said that the National Criminal Justice Association has been the Authority’s voice in
Washington. She said although the Authority may not be able to receive an extension on FFY98
funds, there may be more success with FFY99 funds.
State’s Attorney Devine stated that he encourages organized lobbying. He also said that since
there are many different interpretations regarding the life of programs, efforts should be made to
insure that they are reasonable and to keep the implementation process short.
Ms. Josh made a motion to approve Draft Resolution B. The motion was seconded by Chief
Millner, and passed by unanimous vote.
Designation of the FFY00 Local Law Enforcement Block Grants Program Funds
Authority Chair Bensinger directed the Committee members’ attention to Tab 4 of the meeting
packet consisting of a memo from Mr. Taylor, dated February 14, 2001, regarding the proposed
designation of FFY00 LLEBG funds. He called on Ms. Egger to explain the memo.
Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority
Budget Committee
March 2, 2001
Page 5
Ms. Egger stated that the Authority received an FFY00 LLEBG award of $1,105,534. She
explained that three percent has been set aside for administration leaving $1,072,368 for
distribution through the request for proposals (RFP) process. She said that approximately 900
RFPs were sent out in the beginning of December 2000 with proposals due back by January 12,
2001. She reported that the Authority received 348 proposals requesting a total of $5,340,816.
She said a total of 35 proposals were rejected, as they did not adhere to minimum requirements
set forth in the RFP. She stated that the proposals were reviewed by three-person panels. She
explained that one panel reviewed the 23 proposals submitted from jurisdictions with populations
over 25,000 and that the remaining 290 proposals were grouped according to region, divided into
groups of approximately 20 proposals each, and each group was reviewed by one of 14 panels.
Ms. Egger stated that priority was given to agencies which had not received LLEBG funding in
the past by adding 5 points to their proposal’s panel average scores. She said that of the 313
proposals reviewed, 206 had not received funding in prior years. She explained that if a technical
requirement of the RFP was not followed, seven points were deducted from the panel average
score for that proposal. She said the four highest-ranking proposals from each of the 15 panels
are recommended for funding and that the fifth highest ranked proposal from six of the 15 panels
is also recommended for funding.
Ms. Egger explained that in some cases, budget items were eliminated from some proposals in
order to fund the maximum number of proposals. She said a total of 66 proposals are
recommended for funding and that of those, 59 have not received prior year LLEBG funding.
Authority Chair Bensinger stated that there is a map behind the Attachment A, which shows
funding by county. He requested that a map outlining the LLEBG funding history be presented at
the next meeting.
Mr. Apa made a motion to approve Draft Resolution C. The motion was seconded by Ms. Josh,
and passed by unanimous vote.
Approval of the Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Program FFY96 Plan Adjustment
Authority Chair Bensinger directed the Committee members’ attention to Tab 5 of the meeting
packet consisting of a memo from Mr. Taylor, dated February 14, 2001, regarding the proposed
adjustments to the FFY96 RSAT plan. He called on Ms. Egger to explain the memo.
Ms. Egger stated that per a request from the Cook County Department of Corrections (CCDOC),
the FFY96 RSAT award to them was reduced at the June 2000 meeting because they felt they
could not expend the full award by its expiration date. She said CCDOC is requesting that their
remaining FFY96 RSAT award of $90,945 be rescinded at this time and they will initiate an
RSAT fundable program with their FFY97 designation of $178,463.
Ms. Egger reported that since the preparation of the memo from Mr. Taylor, staff had received a
three-month extension for the use of FFY96 funds, which will now expire on December 31,
2001. She reported that IDOC will accept the $90,945 in FFY96 funds that CCDOC is unable to
Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority
Budget Committee
March 2, 2001
Page 6
spend and will use the additional funds to purchase equipment and supplies necessary for their
various RSAT programs. She said the additional $90,945 will increase IDOC’s FFY96
designation to $825,455.
Director Goetten made a motion to approve Draft Resolution D. The motion was seconded by
Ms. Josh, and passed by unanimous vote.
Approval of the Victims of Crime Act FFY98 Plan Adjustment
Authority Chair Bensinger directed the Committee members’ attention to Tab 6 of the meeting
packet consisting of a memo from Mr. Taylor, dated February 14, 2001, regarding the proposed
adjustments to the FFY98 VOCA plan. He called on Ms. Richards to explain the memo.
Ms. Richards stated that staff is recommending reductions in funding to a number of VOCA
FFY98 programs which are summarized in the table on page one. She said the table includes
funds lapsing from programs at the end of their periods of performance and funds that will not be
expended prior to the end of the fund life. She said the table also shows three projects lapsing a
total of $63,000. She reported that the DuPage County State’s Attorney’s Office is lapsing funds
due to difficulties in implementing its homicide support program; that the Assault and Abuse
Services of Stephenson County consolidated a part-time position with another VOCA grant that
reduced the amount of funding needed for the program; and that Freedom House had a position
removed from its grant, as program activity could not substantiate the need for two positions.
Ms. Richards said staff is recommending that the designations to these programs be reduced by
the amounts shown in the table and further recommending that a portion of the available FFY98
funds be reallocated at this time to implement two new initiatives.
Ms. Richards reminded the Committee that VOCA FFY98 funds are near the end of their fund life,
which expires September 30, 2001. She said staff is recommending that the Coalition Against
Domestic Violence in Charleston receive $24,000 in FFY98 funds for the purchase of a vehicle for
its transitional housing program. She explained that the Coalition receives VAWA Rural Domestic
Violence funds for its Transitional Housing program. She said public transportation is almost nonexistent in this area and, as was identified in the State Criminal Justice Plan, a lack of transportation
and geographic isolation in rural areas are major barriers to domestic violence victims being able to
access services. She stated that this vehicle would enable transitional housing clients to access
counseling services, seek employment, attend job training, and avail themselves of other needed
Ms. Richards said staff is also recommending that funds be allocated to the Authority for forensic
interview training for multi-disciplinary team members associated with Children’s Advocacy
Centers. She explained that two 4½-day trainings would be offered and would provide the teams
with an opportunity to develop or fine-tune their interview skills. She said the trainings would be
conducted by staff from the National Children’s Advocacy Center Training Department, the leading
source for advocacy center training, and that training was identified as a need by the advocacy
centers in a survey recently conducted by the Authority. She added that this initiative would help to
address the critical need of additional training for criminal justice professionals as identified in the
Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority
Budget Committee
March 2, 2001
Page 7
State Plan. She stated that staff is recommending that $45,000 in FFY98 funds be allocated for this
program, which would cover the costs of the trainer, materials, and travel costs for participants. Ms.
Richards called on Dr. Kane to discuss the Attorney General’s Victim Notification or VINE
Dr. Kane reported that the Authority made available approximately $1.2 million to support the
implementation of the VINE Program in Illinois at the request of the Attorney General. She said the
Authority originally thought this amount would be more than enough to cover the cost of the system.
She said that after a proposal was submitted, it became known that the estimated cost was short
about $500,000. She reported that staff anticipates lapsing VOCA funds and is seeking the
Committee’s approval to use up to $160,000 of those funds before the next meeting to offset the
extra funds needed for the VINE system. She explained that these funds would otherwise die in
September of 2001. She concluded that federal funds will be used to launch the program, which will
be later funded by general revenue dollars.
Chief Millner made a motion to approve Draft Resolution E. The motion was seconded by Mr.
Spence, and passed by unanimous vote.
Approval of the Violence Against Women Act FFY96 & FFY97 Plan Adjustments
Authority Chair Bensinger directed the Committee members’ attention to Tab 7 of the meeting
packet consisting of a memo from Mr. Taylor, dated February 14, 2001, regarding the proposed
adjustments to the FFY96 and FFY97 VAWA plans. He called on Ms. Richards to explain the
Ms. Richards said staff is recommending that funding for two programs be reduced. She reported
that the Champaign Police Department was previously designated $51,000 to train officers and
other non-sworn employees from the surrounding communities and university on the Sexual
Assault Guidelines and to purchase an alternate light source. She explained that since that time,
the department has found other funding to cover some of the costs of the program and has sent
correspondence requesting that its FFY97 designation be reduced by $41,400 to $9,600. She said
the Chicago Police Department (CPD) is requesting that all FFY97 funds for its Sexual Assault
Law Enforcement Program be rescinded. She explained that they have had difficulty
implementing the program and are lapsing $46,000 in FFY96 funds for this program. She
reported that CPD would still like to continue the program with FFY98 funds previously
designated for the program, which would enable them to work on the implementation issues and
would allow the funds to be reallocated to other programs before the end of the fund life.
Ms. Richards said staff is also recommending that lapsing funds from five other programs be
rescinded and further recommends that funds be designated to the Illinois State Police (ISP) for a
program designed to reduce the backlog of 1,270 sexual assault cases awaiting DNA analysis.
She explained that this program would enable ISP to outsource DNA evidence for analysis and
would greatly reduce the amount of time before such evidence is available to law enforcement to
assist in the investigation and subsequent prosecution of sexual assault cases.
Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority
Budget Committee
March 2, 2001
Page 8
Ms. Richards stated that this program fits well into the State Criminal Justice Plan as the
expanded use of forensic science technology was identified as a critical need. She stated that on
the day Mr. Taylor’s memo was written, Sal Perri, an Authority researcher, sent out a law
enforcement summary about a 20 year old kidnapping, rape, murder case that had finally been
solved. She reported that a man had been convicted of a sex crime 14 years ago, his DNA
information had been stored, and when a new DNA database of convicted offenders was
implemented, his DNA tied him to the 20-year-old murder.
Ms. Richards said staff is recommending that $110, 000 in VAWA FFY96 law enforcement
funds be designated to this program. She reminded the Committee that VAWA FFY96 funds
expired on December 31, 2000. She explained that due to the large amount of lapsing law
enforcement funds by CPD and the Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board,
staff requested and was granted a special extension to December 31, 2001 by the Violence
Against Women Office for this specific program. She reported that staff is also recommending
that an additional $160,000 in FFY97 funds be designated to continue the program and further
reduce the backlog. She said the breakout would be $146,000 in FFY97 undesignated law
enforcement funds and $14,000 in sexual assault guideline law enforcement funds.
Ms. Josh made a motion to approve Draft Resolution F. The motion was seconded by Chief
Millner, and passed by unanimous vote.
Old Business
New Business
A motion to adjourn was made by Ms. Josh, seconded by Mr. Piland, and passed by unanimous
voice vote. The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 a.m.
Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority
Budget Committee
March 2, 2001
Page 9