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Retrovirus – a virus with RNA and an enzyme reverse
transcriptase that copies the virus’s RNA into the host cell’s
DNA. (The cell can then enter a lysogenic cycle.)
Wendell Stanley –
 1st to isolate a virus (1935)
 isolated the tobacco virus
1) temperate – virus that does NOT cause disease
2) virulent – virus that causes disease
Vaccination –
a) infected with a weakened, but similar, harmless virus
b) causes your body to build up immunity
Kingdom: Monera (called monerans or bacteria)
a. simplest living things
b. prokaryotic – unicellular – autotrophic or heterotrophic
c. with fungi, bacteria are the main decomposers on earth
Bacterial Groups:
A. Archaebacteria (Oldest type)
Lives in extreme conditions
1. Oxygen-free environments
a. produce methane
b. found in cow’s stomach, deep sea, swamp, sewage
treatment plants.
2. concentrate salt water
a. produce purple pigment for photosynthesis
b. found in Great Salt Lake, Dead Sea, and evaporating
salt pond
3. Hot, acidic, sulfur springs
B. Eubacteria
1. Heterotrophs (found everywhere)
a. decomposers (Saprobe) – recycle dead organic
b. parasites – feed off of living organisms
2. Photosynthetic autotrophs (Cyanobacteria or Blue-green
a. common in ponds, streams, moist areas of land
b. contains the pigment chlorophyll a.
c. exists as chains of cells.
3. Chemosynthetic autotrophs
a. get energy from breaking down chemicals (sulfur &
b. important part of the nitrogen cycle. Fix nitrogen from
the atmosphere
Retrovirus – a virus with ______and an ___________reverse
transcriptase that copies the virus’s RNA into the host cell’s
DNA. (The cell can then __________ a _________________
_____________ _________________ –
 1st to isolate a ___________ (1935)
 isolated the ______________ virus
1) _________________– virus that does NOT
______________ ______________
2) _______________– virus that causes disease
Vaccination –
a) infected with a ____________________, but
________________, ________________ _______________
b) causes your body to build up ____________________
Kingdom: Monera (called monerans or bacteria)
a. _______________ living things
b. prokaryotic –_________________ – autotrophic or
c. with fungi, bacteria are the ____________
______________________ on earth
Bacterial Groups:
A. Archaebacteria (Oldest type)
Lives in _________________ conditions
1. ______________-______________ environments
a. produce _______________
b. found in cow’s _______________, deep sea,
_____________, sewage treatment plants.
2. ______________________ salt water
a. produce purple _______________for
b. found in Great _________ ________, Dead Sea, and
evaporating salt pond
3. Hot, ____________, ____________ springs
B. Eubacteria
1. ______________________ (found everywhere)
a. ________________________ (Saprobe) – recycle
____________ organic material
b. _________________ – feed off of
_________________ organisms
2. ___________________________ autotrophs (Cyanobacteria
or Blue-green algae)
a. common in ponds, streams, ___________ areas of
b. contains the ______________ _______________ __
c. exists as _______________ of cells.
3. ___________________________ autotrophs
a. get energy from ___________________
_______________ _______________(sulfur & nitrogen)
b. important part of the __________________
______________. Fix nitrogen from the atmosphere