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The Eight Parts of Speech
Noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb, conjunction, interjection, and
NOUN: A noun is a word that names a
person, place, thing, idea, or quality.
 Person: boy, teacher, doctor,
 Place: Miami, city, supermarket,
campsite, kitchen…
 Thing: house, bicycle, truck, ice
 Idea: democracy, truth, fantasy,
 Quality: beauty, honesty, boredom,
caring, love…
PRONOUN: A pronoun is a word that
replaces a noun (the antecedent). For
example: I, you, he, she, it, we, they,
them, their, us, his, her, me, our,
himself, myself, mine, who, yours …
A demonstrative pronoun points at
something: These, that, this, those
Here are some examples of how
pronouns are used:
 Tucker gave his sister Molly her
 The kitten played with its plastic
 This is an awful sandwich!
VERB: A verb is a word that shows
action or just a state of being.
 Action: run, swim, jump, taste, fall,
throw, shoot
 State of being: be, appear, seem,
ADJECTIVE: An adjective is a word
that describes a noun or pronoun and
answers to the following questions:
 Which one? This, that…
**Example: That little girl threw a
temper tantrum in the middle of the
toy store.
 What kind? Red, large, cloudy,
sneaky… **Example: The UPS
worker left the large box at my
 How many? Six, many, several,
few… **Example: I have three
brothers and several pets.
ADVERB: An adverb is a word that
describes a verb, an adjective, or another
adverb. It answers the following
 Where? There, outside, inside,
away, here…
 When? Yesterday, immediately,
now, later…
 How? Slowly, quickly,
 How often or how long?
Frequently, twice, sometimes,
 How much? Hardly, extremely,
too, more, greatly…
Here are some examples of how adverbs
are used:
 I am really sure that this is a real
 Austin won the match easily.
 My purse has to be somewhere
 He pounded the drums hard.
The Eight Parts of Speech
Noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb, conjunction, interjection, and
CONJUNCTION: A conjunction is a
word that joins words or groups of
words. There are two types of
conjunctions: coordinates and
** Here is a list of coordinate
conjunctions: and, but, yet, for, so, or,
because… Here is a way you can
remember them: F A N B O Y S: For,
And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So
** Here is a list of some subordinate
conjunctions: after, although, if, where,
unless, whenever, unless, as, though,
until, since…
** Correlative conjunctions are paired
conjunctions that balance words:
either…or, neither…nor, not only… but
Here are some examples:
o Dinner will not be served until all
the guests are here.
o Because the field was muddy, the
baseball game was canceled.
o Either Martha or Louise will do the
shopping for the dinner party.
o Louie’s family had been going to
Don’s Burgers since he was five
years old.
o I wanted to help, but she refused
any kind of assistance.
INTERJECTION: An interjection is a
word thrown into a sentence to show
surprise or a strong feeling. Here are
some common interjections: Oh! Ah!
Ouch! Wow!
 No! He did not reveal your secret.
 Well, look who’s here.
 Good! I like that.
 She shouted, “Fire!”
 Oh! We have a flat tire.
PREPOSITION: A preposition is a
word that shows the relationship
between a noun and some other word in
the sentence.
 Sandy went to school. * to school =
prepositional phrase
 The teacher called upon the student
to read. * Upon the student to read
= prepositional phrase
 The baby crawled under the dinner
table. * Under the dinner table =
prepositional phrase
 At the next corner, you will need to
make a right turn. * At the next
corner = prepositional phrase
Here are some frequently used
prepositions: aboard, about, above,
across, after, against, along, among,
around, as, at, before, behind, below,
beneath, beside, between, beyond, by,
down, during, except, for, from, in,
inside, into, of, off, on, out, outside, over,
pending, since, through, throughout, to,
toward, under, underneath, until, unto,
up, upon, with, within, without…