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2 nd April
Just water campaign
Access to water, sanitation and hygiene is a human right, yet billions are still faced with daily
challenges accessing even the most basic of services. Water scarcity affects more than 40
per cent of the global population and is projected to rise. More than 80 per cent of
wastewater resulting from human activities is discharged into rivers or sea without any
treatment, leading to pollution.
May God, who caused rain to water the face of the earth,
May Jesus Christ, who gives us the water of eternal life,
May the Holy Spirit, who quenches thirst with gifts from the spring of life
inspire and challenge us to become advocates for water justice
and bless us all to flow as ‘justice rolls down as waters’
both now and forever more.
Amen. WCC
April 9
Easter chocolates- buy Fairtrade
FIND ETHICAL CHOCOLATE this is an excellent site!
April 16 Easter
On this Easter Day, with all the realm of nature- the growing and creeping things; the
running and leaping things; the flying and the swimming things, we proclaim your glory
which reaches to the heavens, holding all in sovereign love and care.
Send us out, nourished and refreshed, to work in partnership with you, bringing your
resurrection message to all the inhabitants of this world, in earth and sea and sky. Give us
vision and new commitment to take the challenges to which you call us; that in company
with all created things we may sing the joy, the beauty and the glory
that is Creation’s song. Amen
April 23
By purchasing products made by exploited labour, often unknowingly, we are perpetuating the
crime. However, as informed churches acting on the principles of Biblical stewardship and justice, we
can make a difference. Just as the early abolitionists successfully boycotted sugar to protest against
the British slave trade, we have the power to refuse to buy products that are made with exploited
labour; instead, choosing available alternatives that are produced with minimal harm to people or
the environment. The more we buy ethically, and encourage companies to produce ethically, the
more those who produce products will be valued and recognised as people rather than
commodities. World Vision
Father, help us to tread lightly and use wisely, valuing the needs of others above our own desires.
Challenge us where we need to change our lifestyles, convict us when we need to speak out on
behalf of a voiceless people. Amen
April 30
When we purchase products, we often have a “mental checklist” we work through before deciding
to make the purchase. This checklist might include questions like, “Is it a good price?” “Does it serve
my purpose?” “Is it conveniently located?” “Is it the right colour?” To become more ethical
consumers, individuals must add some additional questions to this checklist, such as: • “Have the
people who made this product been valued and paid fairly for their work?” • “Was this product
made sustainably to ensure the families and communities making it can ensure a good income and
future for their children?” • “Does this company value people and respect human rights in its supply
chain?” World Vision
Father, help us to tread lightly and use wisely, valuing the needs of others above our own desires.
Challenge us where we need to change our lifestyles, convict us when we need to speak out on
behalf of a voiceless people. Amen
May 7
While ethical certifications schemes are important ways to implement ethical standards, we hope
and pray that principles of justice and mercy will become standard practice in businesses around the
globe. Ideally, ethical certifications would not be necessary. Always check the product packaging for
certification scheme labelling. Three commonly available certifications are Fairtrade, Rainforest
Alliance and UTZ Certified. World Vision
Father, help us to tread lightly and use wisely, valuing the needs of others above our own desires.
Challenge us where we need to change our lifestyles, convict us when we need to speak out on
behalf of a voiceless people. Amen